Buzz Of Trouble

Tilia placed her armor onto her bed. Currently within their home Tilia was inspecting just how badly it was damaged from the Rot, and if was even salvageable.

When not equipped with armor players were usually given basic tunic clothes. Due to the nature of players often robbing other players it wasn't an uncommon sight to see them without armor. It was, however, incredibly rare to see a player with heavily damaged armor due to the lack of a proper durability system.

When Tilia walked through the streets her armor garnered quite a few glances. The way it was basically falling apart made many wonder just what she fought. Tilia naturally ignored such glances.

Lifting a gauntlet she was almost able to peel one of the scales off with how loose and worn it became. The rest of the armor was essentially of the same condition. Shaking her head she came to a conclusion, it was beyond repair.

It saddened her a bit, considering this was a gift from the dwarves. Although they mentioned they'd make a new set for her Tilia was unsure how she'd return to that place. She even was curious on how Nimin and Dusted Bright were doing.

Putting the armor into her storage bag she sat on the bed and began to make a list of the equipment she'd need now. Excluding just the armor set, there also should be accessories. She then pulled open the group chat and asked for a list of equipment the rest needed.

She could make some pretty good guesses. For instance Yielya definitely needed an entire set of Priest equipment. Although Tilia was stumped if she should obtain Third Stage Priest equipment for Yielya's eventual ascension, or if it was crucial to replace the Second Stage equipment as fast as possible.

Kan'na had some pretty stringent requirements usually when it came to her equipment. With her severe lack of talent regarding magic Tilia usually never had a hand with the equipment of their party's resident mage. Since Wrock hadn't partook in the battle he didn't need anything. Additionally Jarvis was mostly untouched by the Rot somehow.

This made Tilia frown. How exactly had Jarvis remained so untouched by everything? Not bothering to think of the answer Tilia swiped a hand and sent a direct message to Jarvis asking him directly.

It took only a few moments before Jarvis responded.

Jarvis: Kiro was more affected by the Rot than I was because I wasn't within the Territory's range, it wasn't until I touched the sand that my armor got hit with Rot.

Jarvis: I kept my distance while keeping an eye with Bo and To and when I did get inflicted with Rot the Undead King died shortly after.

Crossing her arms Tilia reread these messages and felt something wasn't right. Kan'na teleported everyone inside, did Jarvis leave during the battle?

'Ah well he did make it clear he was only going to provide some support.', Tilia decided it wasn't an issue worth pondering any further.

All that left was Akiol. The thought of Akiol's need for equipment made her snort. That guy hadn't worn any sort of armor since he started playing. Minus his occasional accessory of course. There was no need to concern herself about Akiol.

"So it's just us ladies who suffered huh? We should've waited for Wrock to return."

Perhaps it was in bad taste to make that joke. Although Wrock's presence would've been a huge help, there's no point in debating what ifs.

Sliding off her bed and returning to her feet Tilia immediately got to work. First she needed resources of Third Stage quality to create the equipment from. This would require quite a bit of research considering the average player had yet to reach the level requirement to become Third Stage. Only those who found their Paths would be Third Stage right now. This meant any public information regarding Third Stage equipment was not known by the general player base.

Which meant she needed recommendations from various Blacksmiths! The first to enter her mind was the Royal blacksmith, so she immediately set off. Making her way to the front door of their home she passed through and accidentally bumped shoulders with Jarvis.

He was currently reading the Book of Life and thus was startled. Tilia apologized, "Sorry. You distracted?"

"Figuring out what the thing I found in the undead vault was. Wasn't watching where I was going, not your fault."

Tilia nodded and then thought to ask, "I'm going to find some information regarding potential Third Stage equipment. Did you want to upgrade?"

"Huh? Third Stage. . . oh yeah sure."

Tilting her head at Jarvis' obviously distracted self she felt it was best to not disturb him further, "Then add your requirements to the group chat. I'm heading out."

Nodding absent mindedly Jarvis walked past and returned to studying his book. Tilia watched his figure disappear around the corner as he went towards his room. A frown flashed across her face for just a moment.

It was like he was possessed! 

Just what was in the book that made him so distracted? Even when he found some mystical creature he wasn't this inattentive. Usually when something gathered his interest he was energetic, this was entirely the opposite.

Hesitating for a moment Tilia decided to continue her original goal. If Jarvis needed assistance he'd ask, but just in case she planned to keep tabs on his condition. Gently shutting the door she started her trip towards the main castle. Considering that she was on friendly terms with the King after their efforts in the Eastern Continent, visiting the Royal Blacksmith shouldn't be difficult at all.

As she moved her ears twitched, as an Elf she naturally had higher sensitivity to her surroundings. Something she used to the fullest to ensure her allies were safe. Yet what she sensed wasn't danger, but a buzz of activity.

She took a moment to observe the goings around her. First thing she noticed was the larger amount of players roaming the streets. Their murmurs were impossible to discern even with her heightened senses. So she instead took to the rooftops.

Looking at the players moving about she noticed they all seemed to head in the same direction. Crowding around the Adventurers' Guild major branch. Utilizing her War Sight she formed a kite shield to descend gently and joined the crowd.

Now apart of the commotion she could pick up snippets of what people were talking about.


"I know the list was getting longer, but it was always no-named people wasn't it?"

"To think they really went that far!"

"Who exactly is responsible for this?"

Tilia frowned and shuffled through, gently pushing past the thickening crowd. Eventually she reached the Adventurers' Guild, and a spokesperson was calling out while holding up a paper. Immediately Tilia recognized what was behind them.

A large board covered with missing posters. The list of missing persons! She'd had seen it several times before, and it was always growing with time. However this was the first time such a fuss was made about it.

Her gaze turned towards the paper the spokesperson waved about. Their voice steadily being singled out from the crowd. 

"Emergency quest! A sizeable reward given to those who find the culprit behind the disappearances!!"

On the paper was none other than the face on the newest missing persons poster was none other than Kayne, the King of the Horos Kingdom!

~ ~ ~

Jarvis scratched his head. At the end of the Book of Life was something he could only describe as a record. A description of the process used to create the undead. It was clear that the magic didn't originate as magic, but rather a potion. The witches created a potion to revive a corpse, allowing it to retain its memories without a soul.

That was interesting sure, but what Jarvis found to be very intriguing was what took place after the potion. A sort of journal page from an unnamed Witch. It was mostly insane scribbles, a large majority of the journal was something he couldn't understand and he spent a large portion of his time trying to piece together what the note was supposed to mean.

It read as such:

"What we did was nothing short of Heresy, this in undeniable. Although those of the Church can revive those who recently passed away due to unnatural means, there's a limit. We've entirely surpassed this and revived someone who's been dead for decades with no hinderance on their memories. Despite their mind being rotted, despite their body being naught but bone.

"The World hates it, I can tell. The downfall of the Witches is nigh, the way the World shifted when we succeeded is a very poor omen. Yet despite the World hating it, the revived dead are not considered Heresy. Their existence is allowed yet hated upon. They can exist under the Sun.

"We've touched upon something far beyond our own understanding. Something we will never understand."


The Undead are considered Heresy? It was widely considered that they weren't due to their lack of a soul. After all they were immune to the sun, and the feeling of Heresy never even appeared. So clearly the World didn't reject it and deem it Heresy. . .

Unless it couldn't?

Jarvis reached into his bag and pulled out a pulsing item. A gem that looked like it was made of flesh.

The source of the Forged Existence!