Rue happily enjoyed just about everything she placed upon her plate. As she gulped down a slice of fish she spoke, "I like this idea of seasoning. Very flavorful indeed. Asides from the salt what did Humanity use for seasoning?"
Akiol shook his head, "Aside from a few fragrant herbs there wasn't anything as popular as salt. Anything highly coveted was stockpiled by nobles and wasn't easily accessed. Only during the various parties hosted by the royals did I ever get to try a broader selection of seasonings."
"Even with your status as a Hero?"
"I don't think my titles as Hero held nearly as much weight as your title as Demon Lord.", Akiol shook his head.
"Did it not? You commanded quite the army during our deciding fight."
"That required a lot of effort. A lot of favors I had to fulfill, and feats to gain their trust."
Rue frowned and stared at her empty plate. Yet instead of getting another she leaned forward and focused on Akiol, "You mean to tell me the Hero is not highly praised among Humanity?"
"Only the churches hold the title of Hero in high regard. The title of Hero has brought me more trouble than praise. I was almost killed because of it."
Rue was taken aback, "From the Demonfolk no doubt?"
"No, humanity itself."
"I have trouble believing you."
Akiol rose an eyebrow, "Did the Demonfolk immediately bend a knee to you?"
"Only the commanders of the previous Demon Lord held some doubt. Upon my finding I was immediately raised to be a fitting Lord. My command was heeded and my demands met exactly."
A whistle escaped Akiol's lips, "The title of Demon Lord holds some serious power!"
"I did not appreciate it at the time until I unlocked my emotions. What occurred with you?"
"I was hunted as a child. They believed upon my death the prophecy would find an early conclusion and they wouldn't have to worry about being attacked."
"Idiots, so that means you weren't mentored at a young age? The Hero wasn't raised to be a weapon?"
"No such luck. I learned how to fight through surviving. Although throughout my journey I'd stumble upon a mentor who I had to convince to teach me their techniques. Others I sought out to cover certain weaknesses."
"Did this scorn of your existence continue?"
"For a while yes, certain places shunned the Hero. They believed with my existence it would inevitably bring danger to their homes. A few times I was turned away at villages I sought out for shelter and supplies."
Rue leaned back in her chair to absorb this information. She drummed her fingers on the table before finally sharing her thoughts, "I was under the belief that Hero held the same meaning for humanity as Demon Lord did for the Demonfolk."
"What exactly does such a title hold?", Akiol asked.
"It's explanatory in the name. Their Lord. Ruler and general to lead them in taking over the world to make it home for the Demonfolk at last. Something they entrusted to me. What does Hero mean?"
"A savior. One to free them from their plight."
Rue returned to a normal seating position and looked deep into Akiol's eyes. To think her greatest enemy didn't even have the unanimous support of humanity behind him. A savior to an ungrateful people. Yet one thing she couldn't understand was why, despite being treated as such, did Akiol go through such lengths to fulfill his end of the prophecy. Why did he fight so hard during their final battle?
Folding her fingers together Rue laughed, "It seems we seriously lack information regarding not only each other, but our individual kinds."
"Agreed.", Akiol nodded with a wry smile.
"We'll have plenty of time to learn. I have other foods to sample however.", Rue grabbed her plate and moved back towards the buffet line.
Akiol watched her happily grab a series of different foods and eyed his own meal. Suddenly he no longer felt hungry. His face twisted with a series of emotions. He suppressed these emotions by squeezing his eyes shut. When his eyes opened again his calm and collected face returned. Picking up a fork he ate the food he selected. Even if he wasn't hungry he needed the energy.
Indeed. There was quite a lot to learn.
~ ~ ~
Travis tossed a die into the air. It rolled about and he caught it easily. Averoth crossed his arms and made a face, "Seriously stop playing with my pieces."
Flourishing the piece Travis stared at it, "First the half of a coin, now a six-sided die. What's next? A playing card?"
"Don't be ridiculous.", Averoth rolled his eyes, yet with the movement of his eyes his body rotated as well.
Storing the second piece Travis asked, "So where's the next piece?"
"There isn't. You already hold the keys, well most of it at least. My ring, my coin, and my die."
"Then I'm just missing the other half of your coin?"
Averoth rotated and allowed his feet to touch the floor, "You're significantly more efficient than I anticipated. Originally I thought the undead would take far longer. So we're far ahead of schedule."
"Great, what does this mean for me?"
"It means you have to hold onto those keys. Once my rival awakens again he'll come for them. There's no doubt in my mind that he knows you have the rest of them."
"So. . . you sent me on a journey to obtain these keys or pieces which has put a huge mark on my back? Moreover someone you consider a rival knows that I have the pieces and will come for me?"
Averoth nodded, "That sounds about right."
Travis reached back into his bag and pulled out the die. Winding it back he was about to throw it when Averoth extended a hand out, "Do not! I'm serious!"
"I feel you've been very dishonest with me. Now you tell me I've gained the attention of a powerhouse. This journey has been nothing but trouble!"
Wringing his hands Averoth seemed to be very serious about this matter, "Look, I get it. But you must not let my rival get his hands on these pieces."
"Oh really? Why is that?"
"He plans to use them in my vault. When that vault opens it'll be a war for what's inside no doubt, but it's what he plans on doing with my pieces that's really going to cause chaos."
"Again you're still not being entirely honest."
"You're really wringing that promise out aren't you?! Alright! Okay! Fine I'll admit it!", Averoth turned desperate as Travis threatened to throw the piece again.
Sighing heavily Averoth fell so far backwards that he hovered upside down, "He's trying to revive me. Since my Path and part of my soul resides in these pieces he technically has everything needed to bring me back to life."
Travis rose an eyebrow but this was hidden by his mask, "Wouldn't that become Heresy?"
"No, that guy specializes in such matters. He only counted as my rival because he wouldn't die no matter how many times I killed him."
"He's immortal?"
"Technically no. Rather he just has several copies of himself. So he keeps coming back. I have no doubt that this ability will make him create a copy of me to put my soul and Path into. A sort of clone of myself, essentially bringing me back."
"Hold on, you stated that if he gathered all the pieces it would bring about a war. Why does your return cause war?"
Spinning around like a top Averoth remained quiet. While still upside down he continued to spin around slowly until he faced Travis. With a smile he lightheartedly said, "I lied about that."
Travis wound back the piece to throw it. Averoth flipped back upright and extended a hand, "Come on! Look I needed you to act with haste! It's still technically true! The opening of my vault is gonna cause a war! When he collects my pieces the first thing he's going to do is open the vault!"
This much was true. Travis never got to see the end of the battle regarding Averoth's Vault. That event was brutal enough for his fellow guildmates to backstab him for the loot. This experience was enough to provide the tiniest bit of validation to Averoth's claims.
There was a chance that before his regression Flinnder never gave away Averoth's ring. Thus when Averoth's rival was freed the rival hunted down the pieces and opened the vault. Thus bringing forth the event. This made Travis pinch his lips together, to think his initial gamble on picking Averoth's ring had thrown a wrench this far into such a life changing event.
"So, asides from waiting to get utterly beaten within an inch of my life by your rival, what do you suggest I do?", Travis decided to not press Averoth further regarding this matter.
A sigh of relief escaped Averoth as he returned to his normal posture, "There's no chance of you becoming Fourth Stage by the time he comes for you. Considering you're absolutely and utterly alone we can't really ask for assistance from capable Fourth Stages. . ."
Travis barely managed to suppress himself from throwing the die.
Walking in the air Averoth paced about, "The death of the Undead is going to bring a balance change to the various forces. Unless someone picks up the Undead's legacy. . . The people we've come across all seem to not be very fond of you. Why do you only have to make enemies?"
Averoth put a fist in his palm, "Okay! Here's what we're gonna do. When my Rival frees himself he's going to come for you. When you meet him immediately hand over my pieces, but insist you can't shed the ring. He's far too cautious to kill you for it, so he'll try to make a deal. You must, and I mean 'must' accept this deal. You're going to assist him with my revival, and the opening of my vault."
This guy's an idiot. Has to be. Didn't he just say to not hand over the pieces at any cost? Travis shook his head.
"I'm not an idiot! Look, the opening of my vault is inevitable. Even if you were capable of killing my rival he'd come back. That's his whole gimmick. We're going to accelerate this process, but at the right moment you're going to stop my revival. If you can interrupt the process it'll be ruined and my revival will no longer be possible."
"Mhm, why don't you want to be revived?"
Averoth looked at Travis as if Travis was the idiot this whole time. Entirely ignoring the question Averoth raised a finger, "So during this bit of downtime we're going to get you equipped enough to survive the war that'll commence when my vault opens. The answer to that is none other than the 'Key of Origin's Stash' you've had in your back pocket this whole time."
Now this peaked Travis' interest. After being inflicted with Rot he was sorely lacking in the equipment category. If there was high quality gear, and that key he obtained would lead him to it, then he would naturally go to obtain it!
It was about time this long winded journey had some rewards!
Eager to learn about Origin's Stash Travis asked, "You know where it's located?"
"No, but I do believe I know how you're going to find it. You open that little box you got after the your skirmish with the Undead King?"
Travis reached into his bag and pulled out the random reward loot box he gained after the quest. Shouldn't the reward be random? Why was Averoth so confident on what it held?
Averoth urged him forward however, "Well what are you waiting for? Open it!"