
Akiol stared at the plate in front of Rue. Currently she was grinning with satisfaction, "This buffet thing gains my utmost respect."

"I think you made this place lose money.", he shook his head.

"The deal was all I can eat. I fulfilled my end."

There wasn't any arguing with this point. She did hold up her end of the agreement! Akiol paid for the meal and the two left the building. Walking to help with digestion Akiol pulled out his phone and continued to search across various websites.

Rue moved her face to enter his field of vision, "What is this item that you constantly use?"

"A phone. A multipurpose artifact this world developed using their science. Capable of worldwide communication in real time, sending information more efficiently than paper mail, and has access to a stockpile of information known as the internet."

"Such a mystical thing exists? It must cost quite the price.", Rue returned to her normal stance and thought aloud.

"That would depend on the features you wish. Certain devices simply used only for communication are relatively cheap.", Akiol continued to explain without looking up.

"This Internet you speak of, is it sort of a library or a communal of brightest minds?"

"Both. It's a grand library that stores information easily access, and there are certain features that allow you to speak with others. However due to its easy access it's just as easy to come across misinformation or speak with someone claiming to be an expert."

"Mmm knowledge at a cost. Very intriguing. Then what have you been doing on it all this time?"

"I used it to find about the buffet you just ate at."

"It can also act as a map?", Rue rose her eyebrows, "Is there anything it can't do?"

Akiol realized he missed a feature. Opening a map application he showed it to Rue, "Currently we're here."

Pinching the screen he constantly zoomed out until the very continents showed, "This is the world."

Rue watched this with fascination and pointed to a distant place, "Can you see what the area looks like over there?"

Roughly assuming where Rue pointed at Akiol zoomed in to a different continent. When it eventually reached a street view Rue's eyes sparkled, "If I had such information in my hands your cities wouldn't have survived my raids."

"If we had such information our final battle might have been much sooner."

Rue nodded to herself, "I had the original castle demolished for that very reason."

"You were the reason!", Akiol came to a realization, "I had originally feared something of higher strength wiped it off the face of the earth. It was nowhere to be found even after consulting various history books and experts."

"Why else would I have it destroyed? It would only be a matter of time before you infiltrated my land and confronted me directly. That or have me assassinated."

"I doubt you would've been easily assassinated."

"I can't help but notice you didn't refute using assassination."

Pushing aside the conversation Akiol returned to his previous scrolling. Rue scrunched her nose and spoke, "Nor did you answer my previous question."

"I'm finding a proper place to live for now. Staying in those hotel rooms is going to get very expensive very quickly."

"Are your funds short?"

"More like I don't want to spend money unnecessarily."

"Did you not have a home previously?"

"I do. That requires some traveling however."

"With the help of that 'car' I doubt there's any distance too great for you. Is there another reason?"

Akiol rose an eyebrow at the prying questions of Rue. Looking up from his phone he examined her expression to try and discern the reasons for such questions. Yet she gave no hints if there was a deeper meaning other than pure curiosity. So he instead answered simply, "It'd still be a while if we took a car. I'm currently focused on healing."

This was more of a half truth. His true reason was that he was unsure how to explain the circumstances around not only his current problems, but also Rue's existence. Although he had faith in his party to not act rashly when faced with the Demon Lord once again, he did not have a solution on explaining why they were currently teamed up.

There was simply too much he still didn't understand. It would be very irresponsible to have his party put a target onto Horizon's Origin's back without fully understanding the purpose of A World's Legacy, and without proper information regarding Horizon's Origin. He didn't wish to needlessly risk his party member's lives on this goose chase he was on currently. Especially not in this world without mana. The risks far outweighed everything else.

There was of course the chance that Rue's presence inside A World's Legacy would eventually cross paths with his party members. Although the chance was slim it was still very probable. That would indeed be a headache to handle, but currently he and Rue had the same target and goal. Akiol was aware of Rue's several abilities and he hoped her using them inside A World's Legacy could gain the missing information he lacked. 

Meaning that this was a risk he was willing to take. Once he figured out what the proper target was, along with their intentions, then he'd properly inform his party members so they can keep an eye out.

Finally, with the raid he participated in with Hank there was a chance he was being followed. He didn't wish to lead anymore trouble to that home. 

During Akiol's reply Rue also studied his expression. Yet his stoic self didn't flinch upon responding to her question. It was a reasonable answer as well. She was already aware of just how bad Akiol's current condition is. 

Putting her hands behind her back she appeared disinterested about the topic. So Akiol returned to his phone. A temporary yet decently long term place. . . finding something like this would prove to be difficult. Especially of decent quality and pricing. He might have to sign a longer term contract and stay for a period of time more than he was willing to. 

Then there was the issue with Rue. Getting her own apartment was even more troublesome. Excluding the fact that Akiol would prefer a space nearby. . .

So Akiol asked, "Are you against the idea of living in the same space?"

"Hmmm?", Rue's eyes started to shine with interest.

She didn't care about the question really. Rather it was Akiol's hint of hesitance when he asked the question that caught her interest. Why would he hesitate? Was it because he disliked the idea of living with his once worst enemy? Or perhaps some other matter?

Smiling brilliantly Rue asked, "Is there a reason you ask?"

Akiol spoke truthfully, "You lack proof of identity and any sort of income. It'd be really hard to find a place that's clean and properly maintained for just yourself."

'How boring!', Rue complained inwardly at Akiol's stoic reply. 

It was entirely frustrating. This guy was as still as a wall! She merely wish to unnerve him a little, perhaps get under his skin. Yet her attempts vary! What would it take?!

Turning up her nose she no longer wished to entertain this conversation, "It matters not. Even if we have to share the same bed."

"What does this mean for the Demonfolk? I have no such intention.", Akiol felt his eyebrow twitch.

"It is common for some of the species to rest together for safety.", Rue answered plainly as she sped up to walk ahead.

It was a shame she hadn't been looking at Akiol else her heart would've soared upon seeing how disoriented he was at the comment. Instead she remained quiet while walking ahead. Akiol scratched his head upon seeing her shift in mood.

The whims of this Demon Lord was not worth pondering! Akiol returned to his search for a semi-permanent residence with the new conditions. They walked for a handful of hours, letting plenty of time pass. Eventually he contacted a few options and turned off his phone. Looking for Rue he was slightly stunned by the sight.

Rue stood silently in front of a display window. Her eyes glued to the contents within. Akiol felt. . . unsure how to take the sight. At this moment he couldn't sense the terrifying might of the Demon Lord, or the utter threat she posed back then. Right now she seemed so ordinary, and the difference was something he felt he could never get used to.

The contents was that of a three piece suit. The mannequin posing with it wore one in a gray color matching the looks of Demonic Energy. She was so entranced by this suit that Akiol was able to startle her by simply touching her shoulder.

Rue went through a series of expressions before rubbing her wrists, "My apologies, I was distracted."

"Want one? We could get one tailored to you and pick it up later."

"There's no need."

"Consider it a gift-your introductory gift to this world. Besides you need other clothing, we can shop for those later."

"I. . .", Rue fell silent upon being gifted such generosity. 

She was unfamiliar with such gestures. Her time as the Demon Lord consisted of ordering around the Demonfolk and constantly preparing for the inevitable war. She never experienced giving or receiving gifts. Everything she did had a purpose. 

The clothes she were granted was something she thought was necessary. The food was also a necessity. The rooms and sharing of knowledge was required. Yet this gift of something purely for vanity. . . 

She didn't know how to accept it.

Just as she was at a loss for words Akiol ushered her into the store, "Come on, we should head back before it gets too late. We have places to go tomorrow morning."

Somewhat subdued she walked into the store with a humbled nod. As Akiol watched this timid Demon Lord he felt a pang in his chest. One of serious doubt.

His fight, his purpose as a Hero. As time passed he continued to question it. Now with the Demon Lord and just how. . . human she seemed, what was the true point? Had he at any point attempted to make peace with the Demon Lord? Had he tried to solve such disagreements? Could that have been possible back then?

He could not find an answer, so he grit his teeth instead.