"What in the world did you fight for it to end up like this?", Vivi adjusted her glasses as she moved closer to get a better look.
"The Undead King.", Tilia answered simply.
"The Fourth Stage?!", Rodrick refused to believe it, "Be serious now."
"He wielded the Truth of Rot. That Truth is what caused my armor to be in such a situation."
"You seriously fought the Undead King?!"
"I wasn't alone."
"I wouldn't believe you if you said you were. Considering you're alive and not Undead, can I assume you won?"
Vivi interrupted, "Can Semi-Immortals even turn into Undead? Since they technically don't die."
"Fair point!", Rodrick nodded along.
Tilia was unsure how to answer this. It took her several seconds before finally speaking, "The Undead King was defeated."
Vivi shook her head, "There's going to be a power imbalance now."
"Our Seniors will be able to help if it gets out of hand.", Rodrick wasn't concerned.
Rodrick and Vivi pulled out various measurement tools and began to examine the ruined set of armor. As they worked Tilia asked, "What do you mean by your Seniors?"
Vivi was the one to answer this, "It's the Fourth Stage fighters. Fourth Stages are granted access to. . . well they described it as a 'separate realm'. Since Fourth Stage holds significant power their fights usually deal serious damage to the World. Thus a majority of them head to this 'separate realm' to really unleash their power. I don't actually know what it consists of, but every time they come back they bring a flood of Third Stage and above materials."
"Is this the reason there isn't too many Fourth Stages to be found?", Tilia wondered aloud.
"Yep! A few are tied to the Mortal's Domain either by contract, duty, or some other reason. Else if they wish to improve or grow stronger they head to the other realm."
Tilia fell into thought at this topic. Certain things she questioned started to make sense. During their expedition to the Eastern Continent Akiol had to convince some of the continent leaders to lend Fourth Stage combatants against the Origin Hydra. It was likely these combatants were tied to the Mortal's Domain via 'contract' like Vivi had mentioned. It would also explain why there was a lack of response when the Origin Hydra awoke initially.
If a player were to become Fourth Stage would they too spend most of their time in this 'separate realm'? There was no way to tell anytime soon. Their ascensions into Third Stage were still somewhat recent, it would take time before any Fourth Stage ascensions were to take place.
It was likely these Seniors would return before she could reach Fourth Stage. Perhaps she could question some of them? Assuming they were willing to entertain such questions.
Her train of thought was interrupted by Rodrick, "Did you have a part in the creation of this armor set?"
Tilia nodded and explained, "Partially. They called me to 'synchronize' with a mysterious object. I would use my War Sight on it. I'm unsure what this object was, or what it did specifically. When I asked they often changed the subject or outright ignored the question."
"These dwarves, did you commission a piece from them?"
"It was a gift from them. I had helped them with a situation previously and they insisted."
Both Vivi and Rodrick stopped their examination and looked towards each other. A frown formed on both of their faces and Vivi asked, "Your armor was a gift, and they didn't explain part of the process?"
"That would be correct. Is there a problem?", Tilia noticed the shift in the two's mood.
Rodrick attempted to dust off his hands but failed miserably due to the stain of soot. Standing up he explained, "Dwarves are kind of fickle regarding situations like this. Commissioning something from them is a straightforward process. They collect the information they need and immediately shut you off until they're finished. Learning from one would require a more personal connection with the dwarf. Yet you said this was a gift because you helped them? Was there more than one dwarf involved?"
"It was a village of them. They all were pretty insistent."
Vivi inhaled sharply, "You earned the respect of an entire colony of dwarves enough to where they gifted you this entire set of armor. . ."
"They also gifted equipment to a few members of my usual party."
Rodrick held up a hand, "All of this, yet they didn't explain what the mysterious object was?"
"They did not. They only stated that it would give my armor 'something additional'. When I collected the armor I found it was able to draw out my War Sight."
Vivi also stood back up, "It's very likely they used an heirloom. If what you say is true then the dwarves felt indebted to you, but still refused to give a hint of information regarding one of the processes."
Rodrick added, "Although these dwarves are foreign if their mannerisms are the same then only an heirloom passed down generation to generation would garner such secrecy. If they were willing to use such an item for a gift you must've seriously helped them."
Tilia decided not to share what she had done specifically. Rather she now pondered on the dwarves comment regarding Third Stage. They had told her to return when she eventually ascended and they could create a new set. Which meant that the option of revisiting the Eastern Continent just gained a serious bonus option. Those dwarves had something unique that provided substantial buffs to the equipment.
How was she supposed to go back though?!
"It's such a shame it has to do with such a rare item. If it was using a method instead I could've been able to replicate it.", Vivi sighed disappointedly.
Rodrick shook his head, "No perhaps it can be replicated. What if it wasn't some artifact but rather a material they passed down? Maybe there exists a rare mineral on the Easter Continent capable of channeling War Sights."
"That might be worth looking into. . .", Vivi fell into thought.
"Alright enough theories, let's help out with the quote."
Vivi nodded and pulled out her own notepad. Flipping through the pages she asked, "Your original armor clearly didn't have much in terms of elemental resistances. Was that intentional?"
"I would prefer and overall defensive set than one tailored towards a specific element.", Tilia answered.
"So something providing substantial defense, perhaps overall damage reduction, and isn't too heavy."
"Sounds good to me.", Tilia didn't have any other specific requirements.
Vivi and Rodrick began to converse amongst themselves regarding various materials. Vivi flipped to a page and mentioned, "We could do an under layer of Harmthe skin. The processing for it takes a while, but it's really good at absorbing impacts to reduce any knockback."
"The Harmthe is hard to come across, but it's not a bad suggestion. How is its tensile strength?", Rodrick began to map out possible combinations on his own notepad.
"Average for Third Stage. It's more resistant towards piercing but can cut easily. I figured we could balance it out with Porron scales."
"Porron scales are notoriously difficult to work with. Also they have a tendency to make sharp blades bounce uncontrollably. That's a recipe for disaster."
"That's because you guys try to layer the scales. They work better if you sew them into the lining."
"This doesn't remove the bouncing issue! Also we're doing heavy armor, that kind of combination is more meant for Warriors. Sewing a heavy set of armor is not realistic."
Tilia added, "I don't need knockback resistance."
The two stopped and looked towards her. Vivi asked, "You sure? It's very common for Defenders to wear armor that can absorb impacts."
"My War Sight makes me immune to that."
"Immune to knockback?! That explains the dwarves' choice on the equipment. . ."
Rodrick gained a sense of clarity, "Which is why it's mostly focused on reducing damage taken? What a powerful War Sight!"
Vivi looked about and called out, "Ully! Get over here I need your opinion on something!"
A shorter individual jogged over. Ruffling his curly hair he asked, "What is it?"
"We're designing a heavy set of armor for a Defender. No focus on elemental resistances, mostly just defensive properties."
"Harmthe skin should work fine, I dunno what you would use for the main armor."
Rodrick shook his head, "Vivi said the same, except we don't need knockback resistance."
"No knockback resistance? For a Defender?"
Rodrick tossed up his hands, "Okay at this rate we're going to have this conversation for every person we get involved. Just take a look at this."
Pointing a thumb at Tilia's old armor set Rodrick let Ully examine the armor. Meanwhile he flipped through his notepad reviewing his notes on various materials. Scratching the stubble on his chin he said, "Actually let me go grab somebody, they might have a good idea for this."
Without waiting for anyone to respond Rodrick jogged off back to the blacksmith's section. So Vivi moved to Ully's side, "You see what we're trying to replicate?"
"It's mostly reducing damage taken? I mean that's okay for a normal aspect, but for it to be the focus of the whole armor. . . Who made this?"
"It was a gift from some foreign dwarves apparently."
Ully made a surprised face, "Really? A gift? Then there had to be a reason. . ."
Vivi waved a hand to change the subject, "Focus Ully! We need good materials to mimic something close to this."
"If you're looking for mostly just damage reduction we could work with Emin feathers."
"Definitely not, that's not realistic. Those feathers have to be in good condition to weave them together.", Vivi shot down the suggestion.
Ully pulled out his own notepad and began to flip through his notes, "What about Trynon hide?"
"That's mostly used for heat resistance. While it holds some damage reduction I feel there might be a better choice."
It was at this point Rodrick returned, a dwarf tailing behind.
Reaching the armor he pointed at it, "Here it is."
The dwarf grumbled, "This better be as good as you say."
Rodrick quickly introduced the dwarf, "Willowstone, he's one of the few Seniors that stayed back."
Willowstone harrumphed, "Somebody has to give pointers to the new generation. It's better than being on repair duty at least."
Tenderly grabbing various parts of the armor Willowstone marveled, "You said this was a gift from foreign dwarves yes?"
Rodrick nodded enthusiastically before realizing Willowstone's attention was on the armor. With a faint cough he instead answered, "Apparently so."
"It's certainly made with care. The subtle details still remain despite the poor condition. I must say, who owns this?"
Tilia raised a hand, "It's mine."
Willowstone glanced towards her direction and grumbled, "You did good. Used the gift until its final breath. I am sure they'd be honored unless their traditions differ. How does this link with your War Sight?"
"The helmet, once I put on the full set it activates automatically.", Tilia explained.
"Very intriguing, may I see it in action?"
"I can try. . ."
Tilia was unsure if the armor's condition would allow [Ignition] to still work. Retrieving the armor set she rapidly equipped it. She felt four pairs of eyes look towards her expectantly. Raising the helmet she looked towards it for a moment before slipping it on.
A faint click sounded and her War Sight was brought out. Highlighting various parts of the armor set. Everyone's eyes shone upon seeing it in action. Willowstone was especially in awe, "It complements your War Sight completely, does it affect your usage at all?"
"Not particularly.", Tilia extended a hand and manifested the tower shield.
"What about side effects?"
"It's very draining on my stamina."
"That's to be expected I suppose. How incredible!"
Rodrick rubbed his hands together, "So we're currently deciding on Third Stage materials that can mimic the defensive properties of this set. Tilia here mentioned that her War Sight makes her immune to knockback."
Willowstone nodded and gestured towards the empty armor stand, "You can put it back now Miss."
Ully piped up, "We could use Sand Wallow exoskeleton."
Vivi thought about it for a moment, "That could work, it's a bit rough to get in shape but it does hold quite the damage negation due to its toughness."
Willowstone shook his head, "If you were to use just the exoskeleton it would be fine. However it doesn't work well with other materials. Its far too tough."
"What if we didn't focus on damage reduction for the under layers.", Rodrick suggested while flipping to a page on his notepad, "We could do the outer skin of the Terry Top mushroom. They're large enough, and malleable."
"Terry Tops are usually used for lighter armor aren't they? Since their healing properties on impact keeps the. . .", Vivi lost track of her argument as she began to think.
Ully's expression shifted to that of enlightenment, "Since we don't need knockback resistance we could focus on survivability! You intend to have the impact heal slightly!"
Rodrick snapped his fingers with a smile, "You get me!"
Scratching his beard Willowstone thought about the idea, "If we do damage reduction there's a chance that the healing outpaces the damage taken. This does have the downside of making the armor more susceptible to fire however. The Terry Tops are incredibly flammable."
Vivi finished her train of thought and added, "It's not that flammable when properly harvested. It's the spores inside the Terry Tops that ignite so viciously. If you can clean the outer skin free of any spores then it's not nearly as susceptible."
Willowstone nodded along and added, "In that case that just leaves as much damage reduction as possible. Rodrick said there was no need for elemental resistance, so that leaves as much raw defense as we can muster."
Ully shook his head, "None of the monster materials I know of fill such conditions. But it has to be compatible enough with the Terry Tops so no aspects are removed."
"Hmmm, Miss Tilia. Is it due to your War Sight that you do not wield a shield?"
Tilia had fully intended to let the four discuss this properly. She couldn't recognize the names of any of these materials to provide any insight. The idea of gaining a bit of HP back upon getting hit was a pleasant idea, it would reduce the necessity of Yielya having to heal her. Yet Willowstone's question made her think.
Her War Sight's tower shield proved to be the most defensive shield she owned, it was easily accessible at any time and was quick to form. However it did limit her from using other forms of her War Sight.
So after pondering she answered simply, "It is, but I'm not against the idea of wielding a proper shield."
Willowstone clasped his hands together, "In that case I may have an idea for the main material!"