trying to get Skadi in my next 20 free pulls

"Why the hell is my first servent/summon is Gilles of all the persons!?" was the biggest question in my mind. of all the servants there is the first one to summon is a creepy Jenny stalker. Though I am glad that I managed to summon saber alter or SAlter in short. At least I have summoned a decent servant in my first roll.

=> Congrats on your first summon user. Now let us proceed to the main problem at hand. Your main mission is to ensure the death of Darnic Prestone Yggdmillennia. Other things you do will add extra rewards in your future endeavors. You will be participating in this Great holy grail war as a separate fraction - the White fraction. As the only master of this war, you can summon up to 7 main class servents which you get in the Gacha. But there is a constrain where you can not use summon the servents that are already participating in this war.<=

=> Once summoned servant cannot be called back into your Chaldea until they die or you complete your main mission. you can Equip or bring out a CE whenever you want and can also send it back to Chaldea whenever you want. But once destroyed when brought out, that copy is lost forever.<=

=> This system has been asked by its creator to let you do 2 10-pull in the {FGO 2020 3rd Anniversary} Banner which has Skadi rate up as you missed ( to feel despair and broken from ) it.<=

After reading this I am happy that I can roll for Skadi. I was saving for this banner for the last 2 months and with the extra free Saint Quartz, I get during the 3ed anniversary I had a huge hope to get her. Damn Zelretch, he had made a waste of all my effort to get her. If I had been reincarnated after 15 minutes, I can get her. Atleast I got a chance now with this 2 10- pulls. lets see who i get.

First 10 pull

=> Motored Cuirassier - 3*CE

=> Potion of Youth - 3*CE

=> Innocent Maiden - 4*CE

=> Story of Love and Hope - 5*CE

=> Alexander - 3* Rider

=> Fragarach - 3*CE

=> Euryale - 3*Archer

=> Cu Chulainn - 3* Lancer

=> TEAM Phoenix - 3*CE

=> Medusa - 3*Rider

"Damn that hurts like hell. Still, I have hope. I can summon her in this roll. After summoning her I will get rid of Gilles for good. Here goes nothing."

Second 10 pull

=> Seeker of Miracles - 3*CE

=> Motored Cuirassier - 3*CE

=> Story of Love and Hope - 5*CE

=> Seeker of Miracles - 3*CE

=> Greatest Journey - 4*CE

=> Charles Babbage - 3*Caster

=> Verdant Sound of Destruction - 4*CE

=> Greatest Journey - 4*CE

=> Valkyrie - 4*Lancer

=> Greatest Journey - 4*CE

"Noooo. My eyes! I.. I can't withstand this damage. At least on the bright side, I have summoned Valkyrie, a good lancer." I was trying to recover from the mental damage that I received from summoning gatcha.

"Now let's see other things I can do in this app" I started to explore my FGO system. For curiosity's sake, I visited my profile screen and I thank god for checking it. I found that I can change back into being male with it. I did not waste my time and choose to change into a male and I change back being male.

Then I found a notification indicating a new task.

=> Go and introduce yourself and your fraction to your enemies at their base of operation.

Reward: Summon ticket x 1 (For each fraction) <=

"Should I risk myself to just get 1 summon ticket? As an intelligent and rational person, the answer is obvious" I was coming to a conclusion.

"HELL YA! For Skadi!!"