The first battle

"My name is Ritsuka Fujimaru." I once again introduced. Not like the previous time, both sides made a note of my name this time.

"Servants ok Black Fraction. Today will be the first day that we clash our sword with the enemies. Though they are only a few in numbers now, we will not turn to underestimate them. We, The servants of Yggdmillennia are not foolish enough to not miss this chance to decrease the number of our enemies.

We, the black fraction Might face the battle against 2 enemy fractions - the red and the White. But will we be so cowardly to lay down our weapon and surrender our lives to them? ... Good. Let's show them what we got." Vlad finished casting his charisma skill.

At the same time, Both Rider - Achilles and Archer - Atalanta got their order from their 'master' to assist me at the same time keep an eye for any signs of betrayal. For this battle, I decided to show my three knight classes. I intend to keep my assassin hidden. King Hassan is the ultimate trump card against all servants as he can instakill any enemy servant. Besides me, both Saber and Lancers appeared as Archer become half nude ... *cough* I mean changed to her servant's clothes.

Both sides did not expect me to have 5 servants with me. They are beyond shocked for me, a magus with very little to no mana to supply mana to 5 servants.

"Oh, kid! Who would have thought that you had 5 servants with you?" Achilles asked me.

"It is actually 3 servants Rider. My lancer is/are these 3 servants" I pointed out to my lancers.

"Interesting. A servant made up of multiple servants. An interesting concept indeed." Their caster pointed out as he made many golems.

"Rider could you handle both their saber and their Berserker? You could kill theirs for compensating your berserker." I didn't mention Atalanta as the enemies still don't know that She is here. I want their side to lose 2 command seals like original one. Why should I miss a chance to weaken them?

"Lancer 1" I pointed the black hair lancer " Keep their caster busy. And remember don't be near the Golam for long or don't touch the mud from them. Try to fly as much as you can. cause the ground can also be a trap. That caster relays on traping enemies to fight." I instructed my Black Lancer.

"Yes, master as you command." She replied.

"And make sure that not to get hurt. I can bear you getting hurt." I said making her blush a little. 'YES A GOAL' i thought as my other lancers thought 'SHE IS STARTING TO GET THE SAME DISEASE AS ELDER SISTER WE NEED THIS TO STOP'.

"Lancer 3" I pointed out to my yellow-haired lancer. "That rider. Take care of him." I told as she asked me "Him? is she not a girl?"

"Nope. It's an ultimate trap to make sure to see the despair look on the male's face when showing her last card in her deck. So don't be fooled Lancer and return safely". And this time she blushed and the other though of same disease.

"Lancer 3 stay here," I told her as she pouted cutely." why only I stay here?"

"Because I trust you if some accidents happen" as she also got the disease.

"Archer also stay here." as I commanded in menta link { Shot down the arrows from their archer and protect our servants and the rider.}

"Ok, Ritsuka. leave it to me" she told cheerfully.

"Saber. A King must fight a king. and in this territory, He is a very strong servant. So shall I leave this challenge to you?" I asked SAlter.

"Leave it to me master. It is just one more enemy whom I am going to kill." She said readying her sword. By that time they also completed discussing among themselves.

"Go my servants. Remember that surviving is more important than killing in this battle today!" As both side servants going against their opponents.

{Gramps could you please watch mine the servants back if something goes wrong. I don't want to lose any of our servants.} I gave a mental message to our Assassin. He might be the trump card but exposing him once or twice to save me or my waifu... *cough* servants is ok cause they can't guess what is coming even after they see them. { OK contractor} I got my confirmation.

Their Rider and Caster are struggling against our lancers. As much as expected.

Achilles is taking it easy on both enemy saber and berserker.

SAlter is on the defensive against Vlad. Not good. With those 20K stakes against her, she is finding it very hard to go offensive. even defensive is very hard. She can only hold long for another 5-6 minutes. we need to retreat within that.

Then I found that enemy Saber was shot by Atalanta as he was ordered to used his np with of the command seals. Too idiotic. and too wasteful. His np was canceled with Atalanta's arrows as The saber disappears. then an arrow was heading towards as it was shot down by archer. But It was followed by another one and this arrow hit Achilles.

Damn his prediction. He predicted that Archer will block archer's arrow. I also got my call from jack. good its time to leave SAlter will die if continued. I immediately asked all my servants to retreat as ordered Ishtar to cover them. Ishtar immediately shoots the stakes form Vlad as SAlter retreated.

"Sorry Lancer we need to retreat. I got a call form a cute girl you see. And If we continue both sides loses servants and your side suffers the most. Why don't we end this battle as a draw?" I said as Vlad accepted it and retreated.

"Kid, I really like your guts. You are not like my coward of a master. Let's meet next time. see ya." as a chariot appears as he rode in skies.

Atalanta waved me with a smile as she disappears. If I were older she might not even see me. But since I look like a kid, she thinks I am a kid and acted kind.

Today I can only succeed in 4 of 5 missions. I failed 1. But it does not matter cause on the bright side i can complete 4. If i am worrying about 1 failer then I can't proceed further.