While I meet and discuss with the Caster of Black, There had been 3 main events that occurred in the battle.
First is that Jack successfully completed her mission. Immediately after My two lancers took the parcel in the roof and left Jack activated The Spirit eater CE. All the homunculus, golem, and the humans in the castle started to get affected by it. The golems has mana in them which could also be absorbed by the CE. But the masters was the one least affected by it, but still, it affected them. All the masters of Red except Darnic and Master of saber - Gordes, used their command seal to teleport the servants next to them. The servants took them away. Gordes was lucky that his servant came with his full speed to save his master, when Siegfried retreated from battle as he got a glimpse of the situation. Darnic had already escaped himself to the place near the Great Holy Grail as it is not in the area of effect because it is deep underground.
The masters of Saber, Archer, Berserker had joined together outside of the castle as the servants entered the castle to kill the person/servant who is using the magecraft to turn the spirit into energy. If they manage to do it quickly they can save as many lives as possible. If they failed then the Yggdmillennia Clan will lose all of its power. So they must stop it. But when they entered the castle there was only smoke, nothing else.
This is the next instruction I gave to Jack. Don't show yourself and just stay hidden and always be on the move so they cant locate Jack within time. The servants of Black got so annoyed that they could not even find the servant responsible for the disaster.
After five minutes, all the homunculus, golems, and the few remaining humans in the castle reduced to mana and was fully absorbed by Jack.
Then she followed the last step after which she is out of the war. She will call her mommy, who would use a command seal to teleport Jack to her and so they are out of the war for good. Jack can exist for another 20-30 years with all the mana she absorbed, is she did bot spend on the battle, and uses conservatively.
The second event of the battle,
tentacle of octopus Vs Mountain of muscle!
Something I, fortunately, avoided to see. like the original battle, Atlanta leads Spartacus to the ruler and left the battlefield. The ruler was struggling against the mountain of muscle. this mad warrior's unique noble phantasm is that he can convert all the damage into mana and with all the mana he collected that way, he will explode causing a mass distraction. This mad rebellion is very hard to deal with. but that is the reason I summoned Gilles.
When the situation was going out of hand, There was a familiar voice that Jeanne heard. " oh, holy virgin, fear not for I Gilles de Rais will not let you fall here. Go continue your duty as I will defeat this abnormality for you" he said to the ruler. "wait! is it you Gilles, why are you here and why are you in that form? what happened to you?" she asked Gilles.
"I have been summoned as the caster of the white fraction. Cheak the great for the information. but now go! I will come to you when the time is right" Gilles said to ruler.
"Gilles, now you are in that form... The past cannot be reversed, but I can still pray for the salvation of your soul." she prayed for him and left to chase the flying castle.
" Now you oppressor! the one who is billing the innocent maiden, I will punish you, oppressor! Bwahahaha!" Caster declared as he used his noble phantasm.
"when did I become the oppressor!?" the mad warrior was confused but fought against the caster as he was slowly devoured by the filthy creators. Caster easily won the battle as he absorbed the mana that berserker generated when he got damaged. so this mana can be used to both heal and maintain the creature of caster.
After completing this battle, caster started the 3ed problem. he met Mordred on this way to the black factor castle as he said "Hmmm, something feels wrong.Just being a blond swordswoman won't work. Your cleanliness, cuteness, modesty, and purity aren't enough...if fact I would say you don't have any of these things" comparing her to Jeanne as they look very similar (saber face).