"Who turned on the light at this time of night. Turn that off. I wanna sleep some more." moaned our MC as he rolled in the grass as he hits a tree. Feeling something is not right he wakes up and immediately searches for his phone.

"Wait a minute, This feels like a Deja vu. Yes, I remember it now clearly. This is how I woke up in Apocrypha as a female. yep, I have a good memory alright... WAIT! I NEED TO CHECK I AM A MALE" I started to check myself and make sure all are in the right places and the right length.

"OK, it's good. Thank god that Zelrech did not make me female. Not that I underestimate or something like that, But I like to be a male. OK now, where am I?" I proceeded to check my surroundings and found that I am surrounded by trees.

"I am in the middle of the forest I think. Now I want to know what happened after the wish I made. First, let me get my phone. If I recall correctly, I can summon my phone from where ever I want. Let's try it. COME TO ME MY PHONE!" I said forcefully as I raised my right hand like the caster Gil summoning his tablet. My phone appeared in my hand.

"OK now, what happened?" I asked to the dammed app created by Zelretch.

=>You have completed your main Quest and ensured your survival. Congratulations. Zelretch has Immediately transferred you, soul, into this new body which you occupy now. You need not worry as the original owner of the body died. But you have been marked into the Bingo Book of Gaia and Alaya of that world. You should not enter that world without the permission of both Gaia and Alaya or preparing for an all-out war against them. Both were angry with you for causing the mess and escaped without any punishment. The world you live in is a place that has not appeared in any Anime/manga/light novel. This is a totally new world that is filled with magic and many fantasies. Zelretch has not explored this world yet, So I don't have any data about this world and you have to explore on your own. <=


Befriend/defeat the servants of other fraction: 15 servants.

16 X 30 = 480 SQ

Note. The ruler servant - Jeanne d'Arc servant survived. But The Lancer of Black - Vlad III has been both Befriended and defeated. So you get 60 SQ for him alone!

A copy of the Servant without their memory of what happened in the war. Though the befriended servant will be more loyal to you.

Defeat all the Black faction servants: Completed.

100 SQ

Defeat all the White faction servants: Completed.

100 SQ

Defeat all the servants: Incomplete.

300 SQ ( not rewarded as ruler survived )

Get laid with a master or a servant: Incomplete.

500 SQ ( not rewarded because you missed the chance to lose your V-card )

Win the great holy grail war and make a wish: completed.

Gives a wish ( you made a stupid wish even though you know rate up is a lie! )


Make an enemy of the world and humanity: be become the enemy of Gaia and Alaya.

1 summon tickets. <=

"F***! did I actually become an enemy of the world and humans just for 1 summon tickets which cause around 3SQ?! And what in the hell is that mission! to have sex with a servant or a master!? and why is that having 500SQ as reward and why did I miss 300 SQ for not defeating ruler!? why!? whyyyyy!?" I cried out loud after which I calmed down and studying the other things.


Victor of grail war:

You won the great holy grail war!

EFFECT: Can make 2 wishes when you win the next holy grail war. the number of wishes you make increases by one for every grail war you win.

Rate up is a lie!

you made a stupid wish by asking the system to roll banner rolls even though the function will be implemented in the near future.

EFFECT: A small decrease in the rate up of the banner servant of the banner.

The one haunted by kirei kotomine!

You have been haunted by the legendary Kirei kotomine's soul after his dead! YOROKOBE SHOUNEN!

Effect: slight increase rate up in black keys, tofo and other kirei related items.

Banned by a planet:

you have been banned from entering the Apocrypha world.

Effect: increase chance in developing reality marble.


You are still virgin

Effect: decreases chances of losing virginity.<=