Just a list of all the servants he has at the current part of the story. I also use this as a quick reference so that it will be easier to see who I have at the hand now. This list will be updated each time after a few hours after the release of a chapter.
Altria Pendragon (Alter) - 4*
Gaius Julius Caesar -3* X 2
Chevalier d'Eon - 4*
Siegfried - 4* X 2
Bedivere - 3*
Mordred - 5*
Fergus mac Roich - 3*
Gilles de Rais - 3*
Houzouin Inshun - 3*
Cu Chulainn - 3* X 3
Valkyrie - 4*
Hektor - 3* X 2
Cu Chulainn (Prototype) - 3*
Romulus - 3* X 3
Karna - 5*
Diarmuid Ua Duibhne - 3* X 2
Euryale - 3* X 3
Ishtar - 5*
David - 3*
Billy the Kid - 3* X 2
Chiron - 4*
Atalanta - 4*
Tawara Touta - 3* X 2
Robin Hood - 3* X 3
Jeanne d'Arc (Archer) - 5*
Alexander - 3* X 2
Medusa - 3* X 3
Boudica - 3*
Astolfo - 4*
Achilles - 5*
Ushiwakamaru - 3*
Gilles De Rais - 3* X 2
Charles Babbage - 3*
Medea -3* X 3
Mephistopheles - 3*
Avicebron -3* X 4
Cu Chulainn (Caster) - 3*
William Shakespeare - 2*
Paracelsus von Hohenheim - 3*
The Old Man of the Mountain - 5*
Hassan of the Hundred Personas -3* X 2
Jack the Ripper - 5*
Semiramis -5*
Stheno - 4*
Hassan of the Serenity - 3*
Darius III - 3*
Kiyohime - 3* X 2
Lu Bu Fengxian - 3* X 2
Frankenstein's monster - 4*
Spartacus - 1*
Jeanne d'Arc (Berserker Alter) - 4* X 5
Extra Classes:
Amakusa Shirou Tokisada - 5*
Antonio Salieri - 3*
Avenger of Shinjuku - 4*