chapter 8

"Warriors are not the one who always win, but the ones who always fight"


The boys were in there dorms, getting ready for the first ever mission, to know who  professor Lennox and Mr veg was about to meet?, they got everything they decided to have, brian got the Chocolates, Which were the key for sneaking out from Hogwarts.

"You got your wands?" teddy asked, to which the boys nodded, the boys were nervous and scared, will was more scared then anyone, it was written on his face.

"will you okay, you can stay if you want ?" Teddy said, to which will  shake his head in no, "I'm good, i wanna help" will said and Teddy nodded and smiled.

"Brian you got the Chocolates?" Oliver asked brian, who nodded while showing them the chocolate.

"Okay let's go then, the girls will be waiting" teddy said and they started to leave the dorm, one by one.


They came downstairs to meet Vanessa and Victorie sitting on the chairs, both the girl stood up after seeing the boys, they walked slowly to  where the girls were standing, they all looked at eachother and the tense silence spread between the six Gryffindor's, they were nervous, it's not everyday they sneak in Dark forest to follow there professor.

"You got your wands?" Teddy asked the girls, to which they nodded, "Okay, let's go then"

They were about to leave, but Vanessa stopped them, "wait" they turn around and looked at her, "I have a plan-" Vanessa said, that made other look at her with question face, "i was thinking about what oliver said in afternoon, about we ain't a professional hider, so I have this plan, that if anyone of us Got caught, two of us will came out so we can fool them that they're only three people were follow them and other 3 can have that chocolate and ran out of the forest to ask for help, what's say?"

They look at eachother, after Vanessa said her plan oliver were thinking about what she said, "brian how many minutes will that chocolate last and how many you have?"

"6 minutes max and I have four of it" brian replied,

"I think this plan might work, Like don't have idea that we are following them and how many we are, so yeah " oliver explained,

"Then Which 2 will be that person?" Victorie asked.

"Me I don't know about 2 second person, but I'm first" Vanessa said, she looked at everyone who was deciding who can be the second person.

"Me" teddy call up, "me and Vanessa will the two, okay with everyone?"  And other nodded.


The six Gryffindor's who ate the invisible chocolate were walking in Hogwarts corridor in silence, they were aiming to go on the edge of Hogwarts's ground as it was the only path that can lead them to the dark forest, taking slow steps they hide behind a wall in hallways, the silence was screaming in hallways, soon the silence was broken by the sound of footsteps in the hallway, Vanessa took a little peek from the edge of wall to see professor Lennox in a black full cloak and beside her was Mr veg, professor Lennox first looked around to confirmed if anyone was there, this made Vanessa hide back behind the wall.

Professor Lennox and Mr veg  started to walk towards dark forests, Vanessa looked as they were going in, and then she nodded to her friends giving them a sign that they can follow them now, the six Gryffindor's slowly took a step looking around as if anyone was watching them, they quickly made a little run to entrance of the dark forest, as they walk a little, they saw dark forest was full with the massive and thick trees which was staring at them like a silentl sentries, the dark forest was filled with stuffy air, indeed the dark forest was scary as hell.

As the six young Gryffindor's were walking slowly with wands in there hands, trying to follow professor Lennox who walked far away, making them lost in the forest.

"Can you see her?" The silence were broken by brian, who was looking here and there to see any clue of Lennox.

"No,-" teddy replied, "i think we lost her" teddy sigh,

"What should we do now?" Oliver asked.

"Maybe we should walk a little further, maybe we can find anything" Vanessa replied to which everyone nodded and started to walk further, as they were walking and walking further, they Heard some whisper as the dark forest were screaming in silence the whispere were easy ti hear, they Heard gravelly hoarse full of confidence voice that sound angry, which alert them, they look at eachother and started to take slow steps toward the voice, to see what's happening there?

As they were walking, they got a little peak of Professor Lennox who was standing facing her back to them, which made them alert again and they quickly sneak behind trees.

Teddy and Vanessa were hiding together behind a tree, sneaking to see who was professor Lennox was talking, when they took a look, they couldn't see the man clearly, but they can tell the  man was not so young, yet not so old but hunky and the evil and strong auro was dancing around him, he was dorminating professor Lennox who look little scared, who was this man?, They thought.

"You disappointed me Sweet Lilith" the man said to Lennox, roaming  around her like a lion ready to attack  her prey, "and you know i Don't like disappointments, Lilith"

"M-master, Give me another chance I'll do anything to get it " Lilith said while her head was down in fear.

"Lilith, I'll give you a another chance for sure-" then the man turn around where the six Gryffindor's were hiding and said, "let me first welcome our guests"



To be honest im REALLY not good with this type of scene and don't know how good  this is it?, but damn i really tried my best to write this scene, and i really hope you like it.

Do tell me how this chapter is?

Thank you

Have a nice day