chapter 18

vanessa's pov

The sun warm shine was the reason I woke up early than anyone, ahh then this was the first time I woke up peacefully, without any haunted nightmare that takes my breath away, today I woke up with a little smile on my face. It's going to be a great day.

"NESSSSSSSA" I heard a scream behind me and soon after that two pairs of hands were around my neck. Of course, it's Victoria.

"good morning Nessa," Vic said.

"good morning Vic" I replied with a little smile on my face, after that Vic's eyes were wide and warm with a happy smile.

"I guess no nightmare," Vic ASKED and I shook my head in no, after that she didn't say anything except hugging me.

" Let's go, it's time for CHRISTMAS HOLidAYS". Vic yelled while breaking the hug and started to jump on the bed.

"ahhh CAN YOU SHUT UP, PLEASE" one of our roommates Saniya yelled.

"ah sorry San, just it's Christmas holiday" Bic was now dancing around the room, happy to meet her family. Wish I was this happy, happy to meet my family after months, happy to tell them what I learned in Hogwarts, happy just to be with them.

"Vic" I called her out, she walked and sat on the bed in front of me. I took her hands in mine. "Thank you, Vic" That all I could say, I can't express how much I'm grateful to her that she's taking me with her.

"for what?" she asked.

"For letting me spend Christmas with your family, I'm really grateful" I replied with a smile. This was the first time I would spend Christmas with happiness, with my friends.


After getting fresh I and Vic were ready to join the boys for the breakfast. while walking in the hall our eyes were in awe seeing the decoration made in the hall for Christmas. The light was warm and beautiful, It was snowing in the hall, with slow music. There was a Christmas tree with beautiful and colorful lighting. Hogwarts is indeed beautiful.

"it's beautiful" I heard Vic saying.

"It is" I said.

"Heyyy we are waiting for you" little far away our thought was broken by Brian who was yelling and waving his hands for calling us. I and Vic walked towards the boys.

"Good morning my ladies," Brian said happily.

" good morning" I replied happily.

"good morning idiot," Vic said that made me chuckle.

"Ah you Vic won't ruin my mood Today,-" Brian removed his wand and used a spell that made spark come out of it on us, " as it's Christmas holiday," Brian said.

"That was a good one Brian" Will said while having his chocolate cookies.

"It was ridiculous" Oliver who was reading something said.

"oh come on Oliver Brian worked hard for that spell remember last night-" teddy who was now laughing was cut off by Brian.

"SHUT UPPP teddy and let's ignore Oliver, so we have hours to go, so what are you guys doing for Christmas? you go first VIC" Brian asked, I somehow feel this question was to change the topic.

"Ah, well we usually have a big family dinner and my grandmother molly passes us the gift that's her hand-made jumpers with our name letter on it" Vic explained.

"wow, that sounds like fun, what About you teddy?" Brian now asked teddy.

"Same as Vic tho but me and Albus planning to visit Muggle's library, their music festival' Teddy replied.

"Ohh that's cool you go will?" Brian.

"well, I usually learn cooking from grandma and go the exchange gifts that's all" will reply.

"Damn we want to eat your handmade soon will, what about you OLIVER-WHO- BELONGS- IN - RAVENCLAW ?" Brian said that made Oliver glare at him.

"Well I do nothing except staying in and reading with chocolate cookies and hot cocoa" olive said with Duh's face.

"ah expected boring as always Oliver" Brian Said.

"oh really so tell us what are you doing Mr. NO BRAIN, Brian?" Oliver asked.

" HEHE, I'm going OUT WITH my brother who is going to teach me quidditch," Brian said happily.

"That's great brian, write us how was your quidditch Time with your brother" will said to which brain nodded.

" You too will write me what you learn from your grandma, and you all too write and share," Brian said.

"yep," We all said together.


We were sitting in the compartment of the Hogwarts train, chatting, laughing, the day was going well and Happy. we 6 were laughing so hard about the one time Brian blasted the position in the class.

"oh my god that was really funny" Vic was laughing so hard that her face was red.

"Oh shut up Vic, remember how you almost broke the glass in DADA" Brian teased.

" Well to be honest will miss you guys" It was Oliver who said that made us a little taken back. Oliver is not an emotional type of person he rarely shows emotions and all.

"OH OLIVER WE KNOW YOU WILL MISS US" Brian said while jumping on him and hugging Oliver to tease him.

"Get off me right now" Oliver yelled pushing him away.


The train stopped at 9/3 4quarter. all the family was waiting for their kids to come out.

"We'll meet you after Christmas y'all, merry Christmas to my awesome friends, and yeah don't forget to write," Brian said, walking out of the compartment waving.

"Merry Christmas teddy, Nessa, Vic and will see ya" and next was Oliver.

"bye-bye merry Christmas" and now will.

"bye-bye," I waved to them.

"now let's go" Vic yelled. we three walked out of the train to Meet Victoria's and teddy's family.

"Mom, dad" Vic ran to her parents and embraced them in a group hug, "I missed you guys".

"We missed you too love" Vic's father blend and kissed her forehead.

"is that your friend Nessa?" Vic's mom asked and Vic nodded in yes.

"yes that's my best friend" Vic motion me to come to her, I started to walk. damn, I don't know why I'm feeling nervous.

"Mom, Dad, this my friend Vanessa Valencia".Vic introduces me.

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, a pleasure to meet you, and thank you for letting me spend Christmas with you all," I said while smiling.

"Oh Vanessa, please call us Bill and fleur, and yeah we are happy to have you" Fleur who's Vic looks like is really beautiful with a warm aura, and bill who have signature Weasley red hair, scare on his face, and love in his eyes that Victoire has had a warm smile on his face.

"Welcome Vanessa," Bill said and I nodded.


"Yah I'm excited to spend Christmas with you Nessa" Vic was really excited and happy.

"clam down Vic, Nessa is not running away," Teddy said and smiled at me.

At the moment we're sitting in Vic's room, which was comfortable and nerdy, actually, it was a little big with the bed placed in corner of the room that had windows with beautiful views, the color of the bed was pink and white, the bed was soft with 4-6 pillow on it and if you enter in the bedroom you'll see a table with organized books and all the stuff, yet fresh and cool.

"well we should plan a movie night, you, me, and Nessa, let's watch a movie that ness like," Vic said while looking at me.

"Yeah, so Nessa, which movies you like?" Teddy asked.

"umm, I haven't watched any movie yet," I said.

"what?" Vic asked.

"um yeh," I replied.

"Well that's okay" It was teddy who said that with a smile "let's watch movies"

" Hell yeah..m let's watch," Vic said and jump off the bed.

"okay," I said happily.

Damn today was a good day, I hope it remains like that only.


Hey I know after ages I posted but I just want to ask you....if y'all are Liking my story do review it for me cause that will definitely motivat me to write...I hope you really like what I'm writing..

have a good day