chapter 21

Third POV

It was Christmas night, cold, cozy, and fun. The Weasley's house was bustling with joyful voices, sweet aroma of Christmas food made by molly and fleur, that charlie and bill were carefully taking to the tent that was in their yard juts like fleur and bill's wedding.

"CAREFULLY TAKE THE FOOD TO TENT RON," Molly said who was placing the turkey in Ron's hand.

"Of course I'm not a kid Mom," Ron said while walking towards the tent.

"SAY the one who spilled juice last Christmas," Charlie said while laughing and placing the juice on the table.

"SHUT UP CHARLIE," Ron said with narrow eyes.

"Oh shoot it, boys, now the chairs please," Molly said.

"Btw, where the kids?" Hermione asked.

"I know, don't worry I'll bring them," Ron said while walking towards the house.


"What are you both doing?" Vanessa asked victoria who was sneaking dessert from the kitchen.

" of course grandma molly's Christmas cookies, Hugo someone coming?" Victoria asked the second child of Ron and Hermione, who look just like Ron.

"No, look fast," Hugo said. victoria opens every cabinet to see any sign of cookies

"You shouldn't do that Vic" the elder child of Ron Weasley, Rose said who was standing with folded arms near the dining table.

"she's right Vic, don't we will get caught," Teddy said while looking in the jars.

"well if you stop been a good child Rose and help us find it we will get it," Victoria said while opening another cabinet, " and come like you are not here for cook-"

"What are you guys doing here?" The kids heard a familiar voice from behind that made them shook on the spot.

"Told you not to, now we are caught," Rose said, they turn around to see Ron, which made them sighed in relief.

"Ah, uncle Ron it's you," Victoria said while placing a hand on her beating heart.

"Well be glad it's just me," Ron said, his eyes landed on Vanessa who was looking happy. Ron was happy that Vanessa got the chance to enjoy Christmas. " I hope you are enjoying here Vanessa?"

"Yes Mr. Weasley, I am," Vanessa said with a smile.

"so who wants cookies?" Ron said which made the kid's eyes widen and a merry smile on their face.

"WE" the kids screamed.

"shh, voice down children," Ron said while walking towards the cabinet on the top where kids didn't look, he found a yellow color jar, "here is our treasure". The kids surrounded Ron who placed the jar on the dining table.

"Open that and you won't get anything to eat" They heard Hermione's voice who was standing near the door.

"Mione," Ron spoke looking a little scared.

"Ronald Weasley serious, and you kids also?" Hermione said while giving them serious look.

"RUN" Victoria yelled, all kids started to run from the other door, living Ron alone in the kitchen with a pissed Hermione.

"sorry, mione" Ron said.


It was midnight, the day ended in a joyful way, everyone had their dinner, exchanging of Christmas present and everyone went to bed already in their room. victoria, Vanessa, and teddy were wide awake, the three of them were walking slowly towards the attic that was on the top floor of the house, they made sure no one followed them, they entered the dark attic and silently closed the door.

"Why you brought us here at midnight?" A sleepy victoria asked.

"I have something to share," Teddy said, they sat on the floor, "Lumos" Teddy light up the room with his wand.

"What you want to share that you brought us in this dark attic?," Vic asked again.

"I got a way to go to luna's," Teddy said which made both of the girls' eyes widened.

"WHAT?" victoria scaremed.

"shhh idiot," Teddy said while Vanessa was holding victoria's mouth. "do you want everyone to wake up?"

"clam down Vic," Vanessa said while removing her hands from victoria's mouth

" sorry, but, how, l-like how?" Victoria asked teddy.

"well, luna is organizing a Christmas party which is also her success party for finding a new creature that her father Xenophilius wrote about in the Quibbler magazine that was a huge success" Teddy explained in a low voice.

"wow, I read about it, dad was telling about it, but how can we go to her house tho?" A confused victoria asked, which made teddy sighed.

"God, Vic" teddy sighed.

"I think luna invited harry, right?" Vanessa said to which teddy nodded.

"Yep she invited the whole potter family and I think uncle Ron and Hermione also' Teddy said.

" Wow, so you gonna ask harry to take us with him?" Vanessa asked.

" I was thinking that only, it's the day after tomorrow," teddy said, teddy was uneasy about this all.

"you are afraid to ask harry about it?" Victoria asked to which teddy nodded.

"what if he knows the real reason we went there? what if know that I was lying to him and that we are finding thing about Professor Lenox and about her master, we all be in trouble, Vanessa will be in trouble" Teddy explained his worried looking at Vanessa, "I just don't want-" teddy sighed again, teddy was really worried about Harry founding what they were doing.

"Nothing will happen, we will be careful," victoria said, "and why don't we call Oliver, will, and brian, we can say we are a fan of xenophilius, and his book and all like it's common to his fan cause he wrote about 'THE BOY WHO LIVED'" victoria said.

"I think Vic is right, we should call them, and together we can try to find something," Vanessa said.

"Yeah, I'll request harry about it," teddy said.

"We will request harry about it," Victoria said to which the teddy and Vanessa nodded.

"Okay now let's go to bed before someone found us, Nox" Teddy said while shutting off the light of his wand, then the three started to walk back to their room silently.


another story of Harry Potter and the six gryffindor.

I hope you are liking the story till now, if yes do tell me. I'm really trying to make it more interesting for thar potterhead out there reading it.

have a good day.