The Meeting 1

Lan Meifeng softly ruffled Xiao Cheng's head and said, "Of course baby. I will get you the best teacher. Just wait for a couple of days."

Xiao Cheng nodded his head and continued eating his own food.

He looked just like his dad when he did so.

She was surprised and turned her head to look between the father and son and for a second she thought that the both were the same except for their sizes.

Until now, everyone had said that Xiao Cheng was always just like his mom and he is like her junior version with his seriousness and his maturity.

But this is the moment she realized that it was not the case at all.

Her son was actually very similar to her dad more than herself.

It is just that the father was always cheeky and 'dumb-lloking' in front of them that they had forgotten how he would look when he got serious.