The Deal is made 2

In Zeng Yimo's heart, it was not just a position beside the big boss. Instead it was his life and his ultimate life goals that he had made a bet with.

If he wouldn't be able to stay beside his boss, he would be better off sacrificing his life. What use is living if he couldn't stand beside her and protect her?

Ren Weimin was startled and was also touched by Zeng Yimo's words. He understood now that this meeting today was not at all under Shao Rong's orders but instead it was Zeng Yimo who took an initiative behind her back after hearing his words.

He was thankful for his actions and nodded his head. He would not say a word of Thanks because that word would reduce the amount of sacrifice that Zeng Yimo did for him. He doesn't want to insult him with mere words.

He calmly nodded his head again after taking a deep breath, "I understand. I will take this chance that you are giving me. Let us finalize this deal and go to the next step."