Now the battle had started. Daisy chooses Croconaw: A big jaw water pokemon evolved form of totodile.
Yes, I have seen this type of pokemon, but I don't know how did I now such detail about it, probably Ash knew about it. AHH!! That's why I know about it in the first place. Oh, thank god for letting me keep Ash knowledge this will come in handy.
She is totally stupid why should she choose water type pokemon if I have electric pokemon with me, wait! Didn't she saw me training with Pikachu?. Still, she chooses water pokemon against me, are you fucking kidding me, she is totally underestimating me. Surely she will regret this.
After thinking for while I threw Pokeball on the ground, immediately after hitting the ground, Pikachu pops out of the ball.
Daisy laughs for a while like a lunatic. Why the hell is she laughing about? Is she mad? why?
While I was confused at that time, looking me confuse misty said"Don't overthink dude. She is making you think, just focus on your attack."
If it was not misty suggestions then I clearly would have thought about why the hell she was laughing during the battle.
Now I started to think that I am underestimating Daisy taking her lightly, but now I won't do so.
"Hey!! Daisy lets begin the battle."I shouted.
She was first to respond "Croconaw use water gun"
Croconaw starts to shoot water from his mouth, the water was travelling toward Pikachu at great speed.
Pikachu! Quickly dodge the water.
Upon hearing that Pikachu quickly moves out of the way and start to rush toward Croconaw dodging its water gun.
Now Pikachu use quick attack.
Pikachu was quick to respond, he hits Croconaw several time in its body causing him to back up.
It seems like Daisy didn't want Croconaw to defend from the attack it was like she wanted Pikachu to attack Croconaw.
Ahh!! Now I get it she is testing Pikachu strength. At first, I wasn't clear whether she was testing Pikachu strength or she is lame at defence. It made me thinking, what is her strategy? what is she doing?
After hitting Croconaw several times finally Daisy said "Use scary face"
Croconaw made such a scary face that Pikachu was so scared that he freezes in the middle of the attack near Croconaw. It was as if Pikachu saw a ghost.
"Croconaw use dynamic punch"
"Pikachu dodges the attack"
But it was no use, after seeing such scary face Pikachu speed had reduced incredibly, he was not able to dodge Croconaw attack.
After getting hit in his face, Pikachu was sent flying in the air finally crashing in the ground.
At that moment I got an edge on her strategy. She actually was testing Pikachu strength meanwhile luring Pikachu into her trap.
Croconaw was stronger than I thought, after getting so much hit Croconaw is still able to gather strength to hit Pikachu. I was amused for a while.
Then I saw Pikachu getting into his feet. Now is the moment I needed some time to analysis her strategy. In order to do so, I must let her attack, in need to get into her mind.
I relaxed and started to work on strategy.
"Croconaw crunch"
What crunch!!, it's a dark ability. If Pikachu gets one hit from any dark attack then it would mean big trouble, as he had already lost his pase because of the scary face attack.
"Pikachu Jump in the air"
A dark colour wave was on its way toward Pikachu since Pikachu is in mid-air, the crunch needs to fly up, that would reduce its speed and give Pikachu a chance to use gravity and fall straight down to the ground without even using his stamina.
So it did happen, my calculation was correct Pikachu was indeed a smart pokemon as if he was able to listen to my thoughts.
Daisy was shocked, as so misty was. They both thought that Pikachu didn't have enough endurance and stamina to handle such dark ability attack. Now odd was with us, Croconaw had lost much if its stamina and aura focusing on crunch now if I didn't react quickly then I will lose a chance to victory.
"Pikachu use thundershock"
After listing to my command Pikachu rush toward Croconaw, the more he is near Croconaw more the greater will be the impact of the attack. Pikachu did it so he rushed toward Croconaw and send a huge wave of thundershock toward croconaw. The thunder wave hit Croconaw right into its head.
Croconaw drops into its feet and lies down in the ground, without moving.
Misty and Daisy were shocked, Daisy assistance run toward Croconaw and carried him toward the gym clinic.
It seems like Pikachu used his all aura on that attack, for a while everyone eye was closed since a white bright ray of light was coming from Pikachu, which made impossible for us to see.
I didn't know Pikachu had such a power, I trained with him for a week and ash was with him for a month and more he also didn't knew pikachu true power.
Then I turned toward Misty, she was standing still with shocked expression even though that match was finished she was still looking toward Pikachu with a wide open eye. For a while I observe her she didn't speak.
Then after a while, she said: "I have never seen such a powerful attack in my entire life, Croconaw was undefeated till the date, he had been into many battles, with Croconaw alone Daisy defeat all the pokemon trainer, she also had won the cerebral champion trophy with Croconaw alone, but today just level 10 pokemon defeated level 40 pokemon."
I was shocked too as I had heard that Daisy had not been defeat by a single trainer after she has written back from the mountains. It was almost after 3 yrs any pokemon trainer defeated her. But not any trainer a rookie trainer.
So this is my journey of how an ordinary boy became the greatest trainer in the world.