Zhang Family

They woke up early. Bella went out to do her exercises and Adelle prepared breakfast. Because Adelle needs to rest, she left her books on herb growing. They also talked about the houses that she ordered. Adelle agreed to handle it, so she called the company to coordinate with her. It's decided that the delivery will be two weeks from now.

Dr. Zhang would be her teacher, so she wants to give him a gift. She read about his achievements and it's really worth learning from him. Training with him would be an honor. Considering the situation, seeing a sexy, gorgeous man is already lucky. Surely Dr. Zhang is rich and not lacking anything, so she bought a lot of supplements. Especially those for fatigue. She also bought some expensive tea.

She's excited because, in the following months, she would learn how to shoot guns. This, of course, would be after she has enough foundation from martial arts. One year is not enough to master them, but at least she could defend herself.

She also went to several pharmacies to buy medicines. Gathering an extensive amount in one place would draw attention. But some can only be found in hospitals. Actually, she thought of asking Dr. Zhang, but she's not sure if they can trust him. She already had a good impression of him, however, he still needs to be assessed and maybe she would consider it. So for now, these would do.

After shopping, she went back and took a nap. After a couple of hours, she took a bath and prepared for the training. She brought a gym bag with her towels, clothes, shoes, toiletries, a notebook and pen, and bottled water. She sent a text message and went out.

On the way to the hospital, her mind was unfocused. He didn't speak about the fee or the location. The car was parked when she received a message.

"Wait in the parking lot, let's go together in my car."

"Thank you, but I prefer to follow you in my car so later you need not send me off." Bella typed.


After a minute, she saw him walking towards her. She sighed. 'A God among mortals.'

He pointed at a white car. She nodded, entered her car, and followed him. After a while, the buildings became fewer and trees were more apparent. They turned right and stopped at an enormous gate. The guys saluted? Why does she feel they aren't simple guards? More like ...soldiers... He waved at her. She followed his lead.

It feels like she entered a tropical paradise. Rows of fruit trees along the path. On her left is an immense lake with an island in the center. Bridges connecting to the other side have bamboo and banana trees. On the island is a long rectangular gazebo with a pagoda styled roof. Flowers on the side of the lake were blooming. On her right, more fruit trees like mangoes, peaches, apples, and cherries.

As they go further, she can see an abundance of cherry blossom trees. When they crossed the bridge, the view screams…. luxury. A huge pagoda captured her eyes. Sighed, 'Is it better if they went to the gym or somewhere else.' This makes her nervous like she's meeting in-laws or something.

When she parked, she saw some fancy cars near her. It made her tenser. It seems many people are living here.

He went out of the car. She breathed in and out, then went out. He was observing her. She went to the back of the car and took out a bunch of bags. He saw the contents. He took some to help her and turned around. He smiled sneakily for a second and returned to his poker face.

The butler and maids greeted them. She was very curious about the place and her eyes were everywhere, so she almost bumped into him a couple of times. They arrived in the living room and she saw an elder who was drinking tea.

"Oh, there you are brat, you're home early."

"I have a guest.." He then notices the pretty lady behind him.

"Oh, Hello, little girl!" He smiled, but he was also emitting a heavy vibe that made her feel suffocated for a second.

"Good afternoon, Grandpa! I'm Isabella Chen. It's a pleasure meeting you!" She then bowed a perfect 90 degrees. Thank god she was wearing baggy cotton pants, perfect for hiding her trembling knees.

"Good! I'll allow you to call me Grandpa Jin" He's satisfied. She's nervous but still greeted with confidence. Usually, when ladies see him, they can't speak, stutter, and some cry. He was on the battlefield for a long time and developed an imposing aura that most people fear. He silently observed her. There was no air of arrogance. Seems like his grandson finally found an interesting girl. But when he looked at him, still in his stoned face mode, he signed. This grandson of his let no women near him.

He was worried about his future marriage, but he respects his decision, just like all his grandchildren. He and his wife were married out of love. He wants the same for them, so he gave them the freedom to choose. Not like other families who use marriage to gain power. He believes that too much greed causes suffering. He saw this himself on the battlefield. So many died senselessly because of greed for power. Too much power also harbors enemies. What's the use of having power if one can't sleep peacefully at night from fear of being assassinated.

However, this doesn't mean they're unaware of the wolves eyeing them. That's why he involved himself during their education and training while they were growing up. He painstakingly guided them on how to uncover fakeness, not only to protect themselves but also to reward sincerity and loyalty.

They aren't perfect so some have escaped, but it was only temporary since he could still move in the shadows. Silently protecting them and will continue as long as he can.

Although he's not sure if she's the one for Dean, bringing her here means hope. He's so glad he can't help but tease them.

"We'll be using the dojo later," Dean spoke.

"Ho ho ho, are you trying to impress her and wanna show some moves huh?!" Said teasingly.

The tip of his ears was turning red, but he's trying hard to control his emotions. 'Dammit!'

"None of your business!" he said as calmly as possible.

She sensed some friction coming, so she intervened. "Sorry to disturb you, Grandpa, I asked Doctor Zhang to teach me martial arts and first aid." Dean frowned by the way she called him.

"Great! you know I may be old but these bones can still show you how it's done. It'll be better if I teach you since this brat couldn't beat me well when I was younger."

"I wasn't serious at that time." Dean rebuts right away.

"Ha! You were lazy! You like reading more than fighting!" Dean's face twitched.

"I'm stronger than my brothers!" he said a little louder.

"You were the strongest but also the laziest!"

"I didn't want to hurt your feelings, so I orchestrated a false-defeat," Dean smirked.

"Liar! I beat you in 30 seconds!"

"I could've done it in 20!"

"...." Bella didn't know what to say. Dean clenched his fist. This time he really wants to beat him. He feels like he'll rob his precious time with her.

She looked at them bickering like kids. The butler and the maids were shaking their heads. She quickly stood between them.

"Grandpa, I didn't know I was coming here. Please excuse my gift. She handed the bag, and he saw his favorite Da Hong Pao tea. His eyes lit up.

"Cough, Cough, It's tea time so I won't disturb you!" He waved at the butler who took the bag. Grandpa escaped happily humming.

"Ehem, Sorry about that." Dean sighed.

"No problem, your Grandpa's amusing."

"Wait till you see my Grandma…" he murmured.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, sit here first while I go change."

"Sure." She sat at the chair where Grandpa was previously sitting. A maid approached her and poured tea. She quietly waited.

What they didn't know, Grandpa was not far from them. He hid in a room together with the butler. He took his phone and sneakily took a photo of Bella. She was sitting elegantly, looking at the cherry blossom tree. He then typed a caption 'Dean brought your future daughter-in-law.' He chuckled silently while covering his mouth, afraid of being discovered. But an old woman sneaked behind him and whispered in his ears.

"What's funny old man…"

Grandpa gasped and looked behind while patting his chest. "Why the heck did you sneak behind me? Do you want me to die before you?" while whispering.

"....You're the one looking suspicious and why are we whispering?" It puzzled Grandma Zhang.

He peeks at Bella, and he urges her to peek like him. With his pointer finger on his lips, urging to keep silent.

Grandma peeks, and sees a lovely girl, gracefully sitting close to them.

"Omo omo, so pretty, who's she?"

"Dean brought her here." smiles cheekily.

Grandma dropped her jaws. Covered her mouth then smiled, utter the word 'really???' without a sound. Then she clapped her hands quietly and peaked again.

"I want to talk to her!"

"No, no, no! you know Dean. This is the first female he voluntarily brought home. We must be cautious."

It dazed Grandma. "Yes, you're right. We're too old to suffer from his wrath."


"Wait! I have a feeling he'll invite her for dinner. I'll go cook something special!" walking away merrily while murmuring the dishes she wants to prepare.

Grandpa's phone vibrated, 'WE'RE COMING!" 'Grandpa smiled brightly, 'Good luck kid....'