
While the kids were playing, two parents were whispering in the corner.

"So whose kid did you kidnap?"

"Ssshhh it's my coworker's kid, you won't believe how shock she was when I ask her to let me bring her son to school every day."

"I'm sorry you had to go through this."

"You don't have to worry, I owe my life to Stefano. I will do anything for him."

"Are you sure you're not in love with him?" She said teasingly.

"Here we go again! Can you stop that, you're giving me goosebumps. It makes me remember Stefano's fist when I joked about it." He sighed, but Alex giggled.

"We have little time, so we need to talk seriously. Just like we plan, every day we see each other like this. I'll bring the documents needed. We have enough capital, for now, so don't worry."

"Thank you so much!"

"No biggie. Anyway, your designs are really great. Are you sure you don't want to put your name on them?"

"No, I don't want the Chen's knowing about it, and also have to monitor that gardener. He might also watch us both, so we must be careful. I'm sorry I gave you an enormous burden."

"Nahh, you know I really wanted to start a clothing line. I'm also benefiting from your design. You just gave me the push to follow my dream, so don't worry. Isabella's Apparel would be famous in the future!"

"I hope so, we need money to look for him…" She said sadly.

He touched her hands. "Don't worry, you know how capable he is."

"Thanks…" They both looked at the kids.

A week after Isabella's high school graduation. They ate a simple dinner at a restaurant, just the two of them. Then they went home. Alex has been feeling restless for the past few days, so yesterday he met Belden and left her the letter.

"Congratulations my baby!" She hugged Bella.

"Thanks, Mom!

"Are you excited?"

"Yeah! Finally, I can get a breather from this house."

"I'm sorry baby you suffered."

"Don't worry mom, I'm not upset you know. As long as we're together, I'll be fine. But I'm worried you'll stay here alone with those snakes and I'll be at the dorms."

"Don't worry, you know I can handle them. I did it in the past, I can do it again!"

"Really? What did you do?" Bella asked excitedly.

"Well, it was like this...blahh blaahh blaah…" One hour later, Bella was rolling on the floor crying while laughing.

"Wow, Mom, I didn't know you were a warrior!" she was still on the floor.

"Yeah, I gave her a piece of hah!" "Ppppfffttttt"

"So baby, whatever happens, you must stay strong. Fight if you need to. And know this, I will always love you."

"I love you too, Mom."

"Come here." Bella sat beside her mom.

She took the blue necklace on her neck."Bella, I was an orphan. This was the only thing with me when I was left there. I want you to have it. This may not be expensive, but since it's from my past, it's part of me. When I'm not with you, just look at it, and you will always remember, I will come and find you."

"Mom, I'm only going to college, I'm not going far away."

"I know that, but let you mom say something sentimental since you're grown up!"

"Pffffttttttt!!!!" They both laughed.

"Oh Bella, never show this to anyone, okay?"

"Sure Mom, omo so mysterious!" She placed it on her neck. Alex kissed her.

"I love you baby, good night!"

"I love you more mommy!"

She left Bella's room and went to hers. When she closed the door her phone rang.


"Young Mistress, I saw Master. I came from Aster Continent and rode the same flight as him. I'm here in Shoda Country. He's staying in Akito Hotel in front of the airport."

"Really? Okay, I'm coming!" She took a belt bag and put her passports, bank cards, and identity cards. She took some clothes and toiletries and put them in a backpack hurriedly.

She dialed the phone. " Hello? I would like to book a flight to Shoda Country, the fastest possible...Yes, no problem, I'll take it…" Then she made another phone call.

"Hello, baby, what's up?"

"Belden you listen to me carefully, I will leave Bella to you. Stefano flew from Aster to Shoda. I'm going to Akito Hotel in front of the Airport where he's staying. Tell her I love her. I'll explain everything when I come back."

"No! Don't go there! Tell me the room and I'll go. I'm here in Shoda for business, remember? It's only three hours drive from here."

"No, I need you to stay with Bella."

"No, I will not let you go alone!" Alex sighed. "Okay, I'll text you later, gotta go."

"Okay see you later."

She went out of the house sneakily. She jumped off the fence and ran to the main road. She hailed the taxi and went to the airport. What she doesn't know, someone was behind following her. She arrived at Shoda Country and went to the hotel right away. She looked at her watch, three hours had passed then she saw her subordinate. He nodded, she approached him.

"What room?"

" 8xxx Mistress, I'll take you there."

"Okay" She was confused but also excited. She took the phone and texted the room to Belden.

They arrived at the room. He knocked. "It's us." The door opened. They entered. When the door closed. "BAM!"

Alex turned. "Who are you?" A guy with a gun was behind the door.

"It doesn't matter who we are, you should be asking what are you here for?" He smirked.

He looked at her subordinate. "You can take the gun from your pocket and point it on your head."

He seemed to be in a trance and followed what he said. Took a gun from his pocket and without blinking he pointed to his head. Alex was hyperventilating while looking at his subordinate.

"Shoot yourself!" "BAM!" "AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Alex shouted on top of his lungs. Her subordinate fell on the floor. Blood was on the bed, floor, nightstand.

Alex was crying while covering her mouth.

"Very good, you calmer than I thought."

"What do you want from me?"

"OH I want nothing from you, I need something from your man."

"What?!" "BAM!" Suddenly the door opened abruptly and a man with his face covered jumped and punched an unguarded guy with a gun. The masked man beat the man until he was unconscious. He stood up and turned to Alex. "Are you injured?"

Alex cried while holding her mouth. That voice she'd been missing for years.

"Honey, is that you?"

"Yeah, it's me…" Alex embraced him tightly. He also did.

"We have to get out of here, they'll be coming."

"Who are they, what do they want from us?"

"They thought I had it, but they didn't believe me. I'll explain to you later, we need to go."

"Wait, Belden will come here."

"Call him, don't let him come here.

"Okay!" They went out sneakily. They head to the stairs when the door was about to close, she saw a shadow passed heading to the room they were in, 'F*** it's the gardener!' She closed the door slowly.

"The phone you're calling is now unattended." 'F**** Belden common!' She dialed again while entering the car.

"Honey, I'm worried about Belden."

"Don't worry about him, he's a coward, he won't go alone."

"No, he's not! I'll try calling him again!"

"The phone you're….please leave a message after the beep…."

"Belden, don't go there! It's dangerous! The gardener is one of them! I'm with Stefano, I'll call you when I ca…... " "BAM" ,"AHHH!"


"Get your head down!!!!" Stefano lost control of the car for a moment and slammed to another on the left. The impact made Alex lose her grip.

"The phone!!!!!" Alex shouted while she saw it jumped from the window….

"Alexandria put your freakin head dow…" "BAM" "AAAHHHHHH"


At the hotel….

"Why did my phone have to die this time Arrggghhh, I might as well book a room here?"

"Hi, can you give me a room on the 8th floor?....."

Pulling his luggage, he tried to open the door. 'Arghh why does this won't open.'

"Hi, need help?" A creepy man was smiling behind him.

"Ahh no thank you!" "Click" "See I opened it, thanks anyway."


Belden turned around and was about to enter the room when everything went black.

When he woke up, he was in prison, accused of a murder.

Ring ring ring ring

"Joe It's me." Belden with a tired voice.

"Master Belden, where are you? I've been calling you for days."

"I don't have time to explain, I'm in prison in Shoda. I'm only allowed a phone call a month, I want you to find a way to give Isabella her money. Pay for her tuition and give her allowance without her knowing. I'm in trouble. I can't associate her with me right now. After that, find an attorney for me and….beep….beep"
