
The day started with the usual exercise routine. Her bruises were less visible from bathing at the river, so she asked Bella to bring her and bathe there every day. Adelle wasn't idle and did light work today. Both of them picked up the books and stayed at home to read.

Uncle Belden also called Bella about the things he stocked in two of the company's warehouses. He selected from their products like clothes, shoes, bags, etc, and put them there so Bella could move them to her space. He also collected some of her mom's things that he wants to save. She agreed to go there with a truck as camouflage when she's free this week. He also reminded her about the villa in Anji Village.

The next day, she decided to check the results of the experiment while Adelle went to Grandpa Tang's pharmacy. Dean was already waiting in the lobby when she arrived. The moment she entered, almost everyone caught her attention. She was wearing a casual outfit, looking fresh and charming. Like sunlight shining in a gloomy field.

She's smiling amusedly when she saw the nurses' and doctors' reactions when they saw him hold her hand. All the nurses paused from what they were doing and their eyes followed their movements until they entered the elevator. Their auras can't be neglected, it also confused some patients. They thought they were filming, and those two were actors walking on the set.

They returned from their trance and started whispering. They couldn't help it, their idol was with a gorgeous woman! Not only that, but he was also holding her hands voluntarily! It was like seeing another version of him, like a possessed one with a proud face. Those who admired him were glad for him, but there were also those who were jealous and investigated.

The same thing happened on every floor they visited. When they reached the laboratory, the researchers had their jaw on the floor from shock when they saw them enter. But they couldn't ask him who's the charming lady. He glared as if warning them not to even look at his lovely girlfriend. Everybody saw it, and all of them scattered and kept themselves busy.

His best friend Arnold is still looking at them as they enter the glass door. With his transparent lab eyeglasses, he's holding a test tube and a test plate. No wonder his friend often smiled like an idiot. The lady beside him is a beauty he's never seen in his life! That overflowing charisma could take you to dreamland. Like a goddess giving a blessing from heaven.

"Cough!" Bella tries to dispel the awkwardness. Dean's eyebrows were questioning his actions.

"Oh sorry! Hi, I'm Arnold!" He said embarrassedly.

"Hi, I'm Isabella Chen!"

"Of course I know who you are beautiful!" Bella blushed. Arnold wanted to wink but his eyes saw Dean's face darkening so he changed his mind. Dean walked to the files at the corner of the lab, then took Bella's hand and they moved to the conference room beside it. He slowly explained the file to her.

She's amazed by the results. Most of the patients have improvements with their health. After it was tested and proven to be safe, he secretly gave those patients a glass of diluted water. He can't just order them to drink the water directly, so he lets them drink it together with their medications. There were comparisons before and after they took only the usual medication. The results could be observed clearly. Most of the patients have hypertension, asthma, high blood sugar, common allergies, etc.

Because of the improvements, he can slowly change the doses into less potent medicines. If this continues, the patient may no longer need to take them. This means it has healing effects!!!! Even if it's slow, it's still splendid news!

He also requested more water to be brought at the military lab. His Aunt continued pestering him because the soldiers who had taken them increased in strength and could endure harsh training even for a long period. Those who didn't sleep for two to three days because of missions, return to the base full of vigor and with no sign of fatigue.

Dean's amused by Bella's grinning smile while reading the report. In her head, she plans to buy empty bottles and containers for future use. She decided to celebrate this good news, so she called Adelle.

When they arrived at the five-star hotel, they were immediately directed to a VIP room and ordered a lot of dishes since they're also expecting Uncle Belden to come later. Adelle went to the washroom while the two lovebirds flirted while waiting for the food. Dean's phone vibrated, he waved to her saying he'll answer the call outside.

She closed her eyes and watered the plants in her space, but there's seemed to be a commotion outside. When she opened the door, she heard a man's shouting voice cursing somebody. Following the noise, she saw Adelle clenching her hands while a man was cursing while pointing at her face. The man's cheek had a red handprint and was holding his abdomen.

"You f****** b****! Do you think you still get a job in this city! My cousin is the director of the city hall! Just one call, say goodbye to your career! But if you obey and come with me, you'll never regret it." He chuckled disgustingly.

"You filthy pig! Who do you think you are! I'm not afraid of you!"

"Common, stop resisting, women like you are shameless. Pretending to be virtuous, but will change right away when you suffer. So why don't we save the hassle and come to my bed willingly while I'm being generous." He said mockingly.

Adelle couldn't believe he'd meet his ex-boss right after she went to the washroom. He grabbed her behind, but she immediately reacted, smacking his face and kicking him before she could even recognize the man. She was afraid before because of his connections, but not anymore. Before she could kick again, his face change, drooling like seeing something extremely delicious.

"Bessy, are you all right?" Bella asked worriedly.

"I'm fine." Adelle didn't turn her head when she answered. She stayed alert in front of this cunning pig.

The vulgar man's eyes lit up when he saw the charming lady approaching them. 'She's an acquaintance of this woman?' His mind started to imagine dirty things he wanted to do with her. "Hey pretty lady, I'm Mason Wei. If you come with me, I'll let your friend go! I can show you around and we'll have a good time!" He said while inwardly drooling and reached for her arm.

Bella was disgusted and automatically kicked his face. He flipped backward. Groaning in pain, he cursed again. He regretted not bringing his bodyguards with him. His cousin found out about his dirty deeds, so he assigned bodyguards to watch him and to stop him from making trouble. But today, he was planning to drug his date and bring her to a hotel when he saw Adelle.

He wanted to bed them both, but because of the pain, he changed his mind. He wanted to slap these b*****, he supported himself by leaning at the wall. When he was about to come near them, his face changed. He seemed to be afraid, hesitated, and turned around while cursing in a low voice.

The ladies were confused at first, but when Bella turned around, he saw Dean's dark face. He arrived at the moment when the man was about to attack. He wanted to go after him, but he doesn't want to leave them unguarded. The manager apologized because he couldn't do anything because of that man's background.

As an apology, the manager added dishes and waved their bill. Uncle Belden joins them and they eat lavishly, forgetting the event that happened earlier.

Mason made a call after leaving the hotel. Most of his employees are his victims. He threatened them using his cousin's name. After bedding them, he uses their secretly recorded videos to blackmail them and has his way repeatedly until he tires of them. There were women like Adelle who fought at the beginning, but he has a way to make them submit to him. He smirked like he can't wait to taste them both.

The next day, Bella drove the rented truck and went to the warehouse. The fresh-water fish, shrimps, crabs, clams, etc., she ordered will arrive in an hour. She entered the space and extended the pond where she'll place the fish. There are those species that couldn't be mixed with the others, so she had to make a separate pond for them.

After they organized the deliveries, she closed the door of the warehouse and immediately put them in space. The empty containers were left in an open space to dry before putting them away. She drove to the company's warehouses.

"Hi, Darling!"

"Hi Uncle, why are you here?"

"I want to show you something and to make sure you need not make round trips." he winked. He then told everybody to go get lunch, so now they were the only people left inside. Nobody questions their boss.

Uncle Belden organized the products, properly labeled, even the sizes and material used. So she started putting them away until they arrived on the second floor. There's a separate room filled with a lot of products but covered with transparent plastic zips.

"These were your mother's creations, and I saved two of every design she's made. I'm planning to make an exhibit when she returns, but since it's not possible for now, I think we should keep them."

Bella touched the drawings on the whiteboard. Her mother's amazing talent could be seen in every angle of this room. She missed her so much. She sighed and moved everything as it was, and placed them further from the supplies in her space, accessible only to her.

She chatted a little with him and then drove the truck to the rental company. After that, she went to Zhang's Villa, where Adelle was already waiting. Dean instructed both of them since Drake returned to the base.