
Aquan woke up when his phone rang. After ending the call, Diara was still sleeping deeply. Checking the time, it was already dawn. He opened his computer and looked at the new video.

Two men came out of that room at two in the morning while Bella walked out of her room half an hour ago. His subordinates are now on the tail of those disgusting men and it won't be long before they fall to his hands. What happens to them doesn't matter to him anymore. It will be his last gift to her. It's best to end their engagement before it spreads. It would be awful if rumors circulated about him wearing a green hat.


She gasped from excruciating pain. No part of her body is spared from severe aching and soreness. It was silent, pitch dark, and stinking like the dumpster, makes her want to puke. Confused because she can't remember anything. Reached on top of her head. Identifying the headboard, she desperately tried to light the lamp. Illuminating the room, it was a mess and she's alone. Recalling what happened, she noticed her nude sticky body filled with purple bruises. Horrified by the scene, she shouted, but no sound can be heard from her parched voiceless hurting throat.

She got up with a lot of difficulties, staggering, heading to the bathroom. In the mirror, a shocking beaten body filled with bruises spooked the hell out of her. The ugly face smeared with sweat and melted makeup didn't help her agony. Horrible scenes last night flashed in her mind, making her lose strength falling on the bathroom floor while crying voiceless. Grabbing her hair and pulling them out of confusion and desperation.

After some time, her senses slowly came back, feeling the cold floor. She tried to cover up her body with her arms. Forcing herself to think hard. Pushing her body to stand up and wash her face. The cool sensation sobers her up a little, making her realize Diarra was supposed to be with her. What's going on? Where is she? Where's Bella? Tons of questions went through her head. Looking at the mirror, the evidence of the horrific ordeal is clear. No, this is not happening. She turned around to look for her phone.


Overlooking the houses, she stood on top of the waterfall where the spring is located. Drinking water is drawn here and swimming in the river won't contaminate it. More shrimp, fish, crabs overflowed the ponds, were moved to the river.

Another house for butler Bo is set in the same row as the oldies' houses. Then after growing fruits, harvesting, and feeding the animals, she went out of the hotel and headed straight to the airport.

Aster continent is located in the northwest of the Genoan continent. Five of its eight countries have cooler climates and three have harsh winter seasons. Thankfully, the mine in question is in the southwest of Luzavoz country. Although the temperature is cooler, it's better than confronting a snowstorm. Dean notifies Bella about what to expect during her first mission.

He's been talking for a while, briefing her about the mission. She's looking at him, but her mind is elsewhere. What would she do when she meets them? How did they end leaving her for a long time? Where were they in her past life? So many questions bombarded her mind.

Dean noticed she was absent-minded. Her eyes are looking at him, but it's obvious her mind is not. He smirked, stood up, and kissed her. She was returned from a trance when she felt a slight pain and strong sucking force from his kiss. It was fast, but it left a lingering feeling when he pulled. She pouted, being teased by him again, slightly angry for putting her guard down in his presence.

"Why aren't you listening? This is a very dangerous mission, but it looks like you aren't serious."

"Sorry, maybe I'm just nervous."

"It's normal to be, but you need to know these things because we're in a team. Honey, I know you're worried, but you need to stay focused. We're not even sure If we'll find them in that place."


"I'm not saying you lose hope, but even if we can't find them now, it doesn't mean we can't later."

She sighed. "You're right." He pulled her to his embrace.

"I promise, I will help you find them, I will do whatever you want but please you have to take care of yourself. What will happen if they find out you got hurt on my watch? I think my in-laws will skin me alive!" His eyes seemed unchanged but looking closely, his brows slightly met at the center forming wrinkled skin. She chuckled and kissed that point.

"Are you worried about leaving a bad impression?" He looked down and rubbed his nose.

Some soldiers at the back had their jaws on the floor. My goodness, their stone-faced idol is feeding them dog food! Their hands are itching to tell their comrades, but if he finds out, they'll be in big trouble. This is a five-star mission, meaning the most dangerous. It was a surprise when the chief brought a civilian. Although they saw them train, it's her first mission. They question their chief's judgment at the beginning, but now, almost vomiting dog food for hours, they understand its importance.

Outside the window, she can see small cities, farmlands, and forests. Further ahead seems like mountain peaks were white.

Cars were waiting at the airport when they arrived, and on the way, they changed three times. His subordinates' movements were swift, showing they've done it many times. After hours of driving, the temperature lowered more, and people walking outside were few. It stopped in a two-story modern house with a closed garage. The walls are filled with evergreen vines with orange flowers.

The garage door closed, they exited the car and walked in a long corridor. Three men in black were standing in the dining room who saluted upon seeing Dean. Their eyes glided on her for only seconds, then returned as nothing happened.

He named these people, Jet, Hugo, Arrow, Core, Ares who were with them on the plane. The others were Arlo, Axel headed by Enyo, and Dash who's on the field. Dean planned on moving tonight but was stopped by Bella. Their bodies are maintained by the space water so they don't get tired easily, but judging by the hours of the journey, these men needed rest. Even if they were silent, their eyes glistened with invisible tears when she spoke. In these men's hearts, their lady boss is the best!

Dean led her to the master's bedroom and rested while waiting for dinner. After hours, they were called to eat. A simple meal was prepared, and they ate in silence for a moment. When Dean placed food on her plate, sounds of choking, patting were heard. The three who first witnessed their iceberg boss with soft eyes lost their composure and choked on food. The remaining were silently crying from overflowing dog food and arrows piercing their single dog hearts.

She also listened to the reports, but some were not related to the mission. Although she couldn't understand, they didn't treat her like an outsider. Wearing a cap and a mask, she looked at the back garden. Cold air rushed, shrunk her neck, and made her cheeks red. A small jacuzzi on the left, tables and chairs on the right with unknown flowers along the high wall. Vast trees are on the back and sides. The neighbors can be seen on both sides. When finished, all retired to their designated rooms.

Both of them went to space upon entering the room. Dean went to one house and prepared some medical equipment. The hospital may take time to build, so for now, the house at the end of the first row is the designated clinic. He can only apply first aid if needed. If injuries are heavy, they can't go to the hospital. Further treatment can be done outside, but in the worst case, to protect the space, he'll make the patient sleep. As much as possible, he won't use this method. Both of them decided to sleep outside the space.

The next day, they continue to discuss the plan. The sky was gloomy, and it turned dark right away. Preparations are made, clicking of guns, rummaging of things can be heard. The earpiece for communication is given to everybody. They gave them codenames Queen and King. Her guns are in space while Dean's were on his body. All of them wore camouflage outfits with bulletproof vests inside. She and Dean wore black masks while the others painted their faces with black and gray colors. They were led to the basement and they walked in a pathway hidden in one of the shelves. The further they go, the walls change into soil with some rocks and roots sticking out.

Arrow and Hugo were leading them, while the rest are behind her. On her hand is a flashlight while the others have lights on their headgears.