
Everybody was speechless when they entered. The space turned into a paradise! It's livelier when Bella added the birds now flying in the sky. She let them explore for a while, then they started working. Well, aside from Devyn, who's catching prawns in the pond….

Their bodies feel energized. Dean and his Uncles assembled the barns, then the fences after that. Grandpa went to the rice paddy with the truck and harvested the rice that grew again. Aunt Deborah busied herself and harvested some fruits. Granny and Aunt Mia went to the chicken coop to clean,


"Yes, Granny!" Bella ran to her side.

"Do you smell it?"

Bella inhaled, "I smell the fresh air?" she asked confusedly.

"Exactly! It smells great! Because there's no p**p!"

"!!!!!!!!" Bella didn't notice it honestly. She smacked her head and moved to the rabbit pen, it's also clean. So their waste disappears?... Bella moved to the improvised waste container. With a bold move, she opened the lid….Viola! Nothing! Even the wastewater is gone! Bella laughed. Maybe the space absorbed waste? What a great surprise! They won't have to worry about the unpleasant smell!

Wait, what about plastics, tin cans, and those nonbiodegradable wastes? She needs to test it later because until now; she placed it in separate containers in the stockroom and it didn't disappear.

Granny and Aunt Mia separated the hatched eggs. Grandma swept the eggshells, and some fell on the soil. But it's gone when she turned around. The eggshells in the bucket are still there. So in her curiosity, she threw all of them on the ground, and….it disappeared. She excitedly told Bella about her discovery. She was giggling seeing Granny thrilled and full of energy.

Bella took a bar of chocolate from the storage, ate it, threw the plastic on the ground, stared at it…., and disappeared. Bella laughed like a madman and embraced Granny. They both jumped like children until they saw a younger Grandpa walking to them….

All of them were dumbfounded at the shirtless Grandpa Jin cluelessly wringing his wet shirt who's walking towards them. His hair is now black, has fewer wrinkles on his face, and body muscles are not flabby anymore and he has…..abs!!!!!! 'WHAT THE HECK!!!!! He looks younger!

"Grandpa….. wwwwhhwhere did you go?" Devyn asked, trembling with excitement.

Grandpa lay the shirt on his shoulder, put his hands on his waist. "I sweated a lot and felt hot, so I drank a mouthful and took a swim in the river." He innocently responded.

Aside from Grandpa, Bella, Adelle, and Granny, the rest dropped whatever they were doing and jumped in the river!!! Granny ran hurriedly near the falls and slowly submerged in the shallow side.

Adelle and Bella were dumbfounded! Even Dean dove with them….The ladies sighed. Team Zhang is now merrily enjoying without worry about their shattered, elegant images. Like children who haven't play in a long time.

Bella watched the confused Grandpa. She giggled, pulled a human-size mirror and popped it in front of him. Grandpa gasped, touched his face, shoulders, stomach, even his behind! Bella and Adelle laughed at his funny reaction. He started to make macho poses! Granny Dy shook her head, but she was laughing happily.

Slowly, their body started to change. The most obvious happened to Granny Dy. Everybody emerged and Bella slowly took the water on the bodies. When they're dry, they look at the mirror and satisfyingly admire their bodies.

"WAHHHHHH! My phone!!!!!" Devyn shouted loudly. Everybody forgot their phones in their pockets!!!!! All of them took their phones out at the same time.

"Pffffttttttttt! Hahahahahaha!" Everybody laughed. Who cares! They can buy new ones, but not a youthful body!

"So what should we do? Grandparents changed so much."

"We'll just say I dyed my hair." Granny said seriously.

"Pfftttt Hahahahaha!",

Like a eureka moment, "How about we go to Arti Country at the beach house for a while?!"

"That's a good idea, we'll only bring Butler Bo. Then after three weeks, we'll come back and pretend that we had an encounter with a wanderer?" Grandpa added.

"I agree," Dean said firmly.

They couldn't risk Bella's safety and regretted jumping without thinking of the consequences. Their sacrifice touched Bella and Adelle.

The next day, they flew their private jet to Arti. The house affairs are left to Sean of course. Even if he's already loaded with work, he doesn't mind. His children noticed his appearance and complimented it! Same with the rest. They didn't even sleep, but they're full of energy.

Bella and Adelle did the same morning routine and went to Grandpa Tang's house because Grandma Meihui woke up! Adelle's family had their family reunion, so Bella left them to talk privately. She went to the rental company and drove to the farm.

She purchased piglets, ducks, geese, turkeys, horses, cows, goats, sheep, wild chickens, and rabbits. Just like usual, since they won't fit inside, she made a lot of trips. But she's thrilled to see them happily eating grass and running inside the fences. She scattered the wild chickens and rabbits on every mountain.

She then joined Tang Family at lunchtime. Adelle stayed with them, so Bella went to train alone with Dean. After training in martial arts, they went to the base. She tried wall climbing and practiced shooting bigger guns. When they finished, she emptied his weapons room again then went back to the villa.

While Bella's drying her hair, she heard knocks. When she opened the door,

"Young Miss, Young Master Dean sent me." The smiling maid held a tray with a glass of orange juice.

"Thanks." She took the glass and was about to close the door.

"Wait, he said, I must see you drink it so his hard work won't be wasted. He prepared it personally."

Bella smelled the juice and smirked. Although she's suspicious about this, she wants to know her motive. Bella took a sip and immediately she felt a bit sleepy. She kept calm and pretended to drink it, but in reality, she slowly transferred it into space.

She put the glass on the tray and closed the door. Using the wall to support her body, hurriedly drank space water and returned to normal. 'WTF'

'I only took a sip and almost fell asleep. If I drank the whole glass....b****!' She's so angry but needs to calm down. How brave this little maid is to make a move in Zhang's house!

She muted her phone, threw it in space, and left a new one inside her bag on the floor. Bella lied down on the bed and pretended to be asleep. Knocks could be heard, but she stayed still. Someone entered while dragging something. She heard noises like rummaging through things. After a while, she felt the bed sheets covered her, then she was lifted and placed into a cramped space. When it moved, Bella slowly placed her hands in her mouth to breathe a little better and the other handheld her actual phone. The ride was bumpy for a while and they stopped.

"Where are you going?" a deep voice asked.

"These sheets are old so they ordered me to put them in the stockroom and make them into rags."

'F***! It's the maid's voice!'

"But it's dark in the stockroom, I can't let you pass. Just bring that tomorrow."

"Please, I have more work tomorrow, it's better to do this now."

"Here, take my flashlight. Give it back when you're done."

"Thanks!" The bumpy ride continued for about ten minutes. Then she heard a door opening, then it moved again and stopped. Something closed, the footsteps were getting further.

In the dining room….

"Dean, where's Bella?" asked Danika.

Dean made a call before showering, so he expected her to be with them already. He went back to her room and knocked. When nobody answered, he entered and saw the empty room. He tried calling her, but it won't get through. He thought she went inside her space, so he waited for a while. He tried calling her again, but she didn't appear. This made him anxious, so he controlled the surveillance camera and saw the car leaving, but he didn't see Bella anywhere in the villa. He called Adelle, and she's still at the Tang's so she doesn't know if she's home.

It's so strange that she left without saying goodbye. He had a bad feeling about it, so he summoned all the workers in the villa.

"Dean, what's going on?" Sean asked his son worriedly.

"Bella left without saying anything. So I asked everybody if they saw her, but nobody saw her aside from the car leaving the premises. "

His family also tried to call her but failed.

"Eat, I'll go get my keys, maybe she's at her house." Dean actually wanted to hide in his room and activate the tracker.

After an hour, everybody's drinking tea and chatting in the living room. Dean came with a calm face and called all the workers aside from the gate guards. He ordered the maids to line in front, then the males at the back. Then they were surrounded by the guards in black.

"Dean, what's going on?" Aurora asked.