
Bella requested to change their departure and gather more sea life in the following days. In the morning they scuba dive, then go shopping in the afternoon. The news spread really fast. Thousands of sea creatures gathered wherever they anchored. Bella asked Mr. Fin how could they know it's the right boat? He said Mr. Azul marked it the other day, how? Only their kind knows….

The day before the departure, Uncle Liam remembered another unique tourist spot and invited the girls.

It's the Safari Wildlife Park! It's a perfect place to stea 'ehem' gather animals! This wildlife was taken from their natural habitat for so many reasons. Others were saved from poachers, illegal traders, or gravely injured that couldn't survive outside anymore.

As they walk to the tiger's den, Bella hears cursing shouts but couldn't find its source. The people around were not affected, so she stealthily searched. Dean noticed her so she whispered.

"You f****** human, what are you looking at?!"

"Wanna piece of me? No, I want a piece of you, come here I'm so hungry! Hehehehe."

"And you badly! Hey, you stop banging that glass, it's giving me a headache! You f***** stupid? I can see so you don't need to get my attention!"

Dean stopped beside Bella who's staring at the white tiger roaring loudly at the people looking at him.

"Hey puny human, you look tasty, come here and be my lunch!"

"No, thank you, I'm good." The tiger stopped roaring and looked like he was searching for something among the crowd.

The tiger murmurs. "I'm so hungry I hear voices! What the heck!"

"Hello, Mr. Tiger." The tiger gasped and wide-eyed and ran behind the tree. But slowly peaked again. The crowd is puzzled by the tiger's reaction.

"Don't be afraid, I mean no harm." The tiger noticed a man and a woman who were quietly staring at him. The voice seemed to be of a woman's but he didn't see her move her mouth.

"Hello, are you in my head?" His eyes fixated on the couple.

Bella chuckled. The tiger discovered the voice came from a puny lady beside an intimidating man.

"No, I'm not. But I can speak to you this way."

"Thank goodness I thought I was going crazy!" It said wide-eyed. " So what do you want?" The tiger was eyeing them. But the truth is he's afraid of Dean who looks stronger than him.

"Do you want to get out of here?"

"Of course, who doesn't want to!"

"But there's a catch, you must obey me."

"Hah! And I thought I was the crazy one. No, thanks, I'm so sick and tired of you humans. A bunch of liars and idiots!" He turned around, was about to walk away.

"Wait! I can cure you!"

He stopped, without looking back, "Prove it."

In front of his eyes appeared a drop of water that slowly grew into a thumb size. The tiger gasped but he remained, watching it grow.

"Drink it." The tiger smelled it, then opened its mouth.

"!!!!!!!" His body felt lighter, his aching back faded slowly! He excitedly turned around.

"Why bother?"

"Because I want to save you all." She looked at him intensely.

"All of us?"



"Because the world will change into a living nightmare, you never thought existed. You'll also have fewer chances to live. Because of lack of food, you may die of starvation or being hunted. The chances of having a normal body appearance will be slim because most living things will mutate."

"Will you ask me to do absurd requests?"

" It depends, but you cannot harm any human or animals I treasure. I also forbid wars, disputes, and destruction of nature in my kingdom.

" Is it a better place?"

" It's a paradise!"

" What do I need to do?"

" Call me Queen…."

"Yes, my queen." The tiger bowed, leaving the onlookers baffled. Dean chuckled because he understood.

"May I know your highness' name?"

"Isabella Chen."

"Is he our King?" It looked at Dean.

She also looks at Dean, then focuses on the tiger. "Yes, but don't tell him yet…." she smirked.

The tiger laughed, "As you wish."

"What's your name?"

"Your servant's name is ********"

"I can't understand, so I'll give you a new name."

"Your servants obey."

"I'll name you….Fluffy!" Said with a serious face. Tiger's mouth twitched.

"Your servant is honored." He bowed again.

"Tonight, I'll take you all out. Can you speak with the others?"

"Yes, most of them."

"At midnight, tell all of them to sleep beside their glasses, fences, and cages. If their place has canals and water, lay nearest to a place where visitors can walk. There's a river and a sea in my place, so everybody's welcome. Oh, don't forget to tell them that the river and the three rows of mountains surrounding the village are forbidden areas. "

"Yes, your highness."

"Good, see you later."

After checking the place, they noted the surveillance cameras. When she told Uncle about her plan, he's terrified! But when she explained her reasons, he also approved. Dean shook his head from her ridiculousness but whatever, if she wants them, she'll have it all! He made calls when they got back.

His grandparents complimented Dean when they saw the park's floor plan. The ladies grinned on how capable this man is. He even took care of the surveillance cameras.

While they were brainstorming, the park was in turmoil. After the closing hour, the animals refuse to go inside the inner cages! When the keepers tried by force, most of them attacked ferociously so in the end, they left them as is.

At midnight, only the sounds of owls could be heard. On the northern wall of the park, two shadows appeared from thin air. They stealthily walked and all the animals who were sleeping beside glasses, fences, and cages on their path vanished.

Bella suddenly pulled Dean into space.

"Yahhhh, it's a tiring day!"

" You said it! Hey, you heard what happened?"

" I heard it, poor tiger, I don't think he'll survive till morning."

" Brad was too cruel, he didn't feed the poor thing at lunch, it's normal it would be grumpy."

" I know, it's very docile when Marion was still alive."

" I heard it too, the keeper died of illness, right?"

" Yes, it was three years ago. Since then, the other keepers couldn't tame him. Well, other than Brad who uses force." The man sighed.

Bella's so angry, Dean embraced her. He's angry too, how can they be so heartless.

"We need to go inside the glass."

"Okay." He kissed her. They went out when there were no more footsteps. When she arrived at the tiger's place, she saw blood on the floor. Her eyes were red from anger, she immediately moved behind the glass and searched the place.

"Fluffy! Fluffy! Please answer me!" she asked in a panic.

"Mmmy Queen…." Bella ran to where the weak voice was. Her heart was broken to see the white Fluffy covered with blood.

"Don't be afraid, it'll be a little cold, but it'll cure you."

"Thank you, my…" She wasted no more time and moved the tiger in the shallow river. While soaking, Bella and Dean held his head above the water so he wouldn't drown.

"Fluffy, please drink a mouthful….." She's crying while cleaning his bloody head. Fluffy obeyed, and slowly his strength recovered.

"This is a marvelous place, your highness…."

"It's your home too from now on…."

"Home….Thank you." She caressed him. "How do you feel?"

"Why do I feel stronger?" She chuckled.

"That's good, do you want revenge?" She smiled menacingly.

With Dean's help, they found the keeper's quarters. There are so many rooms, so they have to find the right one. The place has a common toilet, so they waited for someone to come. Dean followed a man who went inside. He went out with a gun in his head. Dean waved at Bella who was hiding. He led them to a different dorm. The man already pissed in his pants when he felt the gun in his skull. Who did Brad offend?!

"Thiiisss is the room…" The trembling man whispered.

"Make sure he's the right man." Dean pointed at the man's phone. The man nodded. He opened the list, saw Brad's name. Dean peeked at it, nodded, then man dialed it.

They heard a phone ringing inside the room, then a crashing sound.

"Who the f****** calling me this late?" They heard a husky voice behind the door.

"Brad, the tiger's acting up again."

"Leny? WTH! Who f***** cares? Why the heck did you call me for that? I'll break your f**** bones tomorrow for disturbing my sleep!" The call dropped.

"Swallow this." Dean gave the man a white pill. After he ate it, Dean smacked his neck. The man fainted and moved his body to the toilet.

They went back and summoned Fluffy.

"Is it him?"

"It's him, my queen! I can smell his stinky feet from here." he purred in anger.

" I can move things 15 meters away from me. I don't know the room's size, but when you're finished, come near the door."

"Thank you, your highness."

"Make it fast." She moved him into the room. After a while,



"This is for my friends! You ****** crying now! EWWWW disgusting peeing on yourself! F****** animal! This is for all those years! It's payback you monster!!", "ROOOAAARRRR!!!!!"

"AARRRRGGHHH", hearing footsteps. "Fluffy, we need to go now!" She moved Dean to space.

"I'm at the door, my queen." They all moved seconds away from being discovered.

"What happened?"

"I heard screams here."

"It's Brad's room?" Knock knock knock

"Brad? You ok? Open the door" "Bang Bang bang"

"Open the Door!"

"Someone get the key!"

"Who's on patrol tonight?"

"It's Leny, boss."

"We'll go find Leny, you go get the keys and wake up everyone."

When Bella heard the fainting footsteps, she went out of the space and ran to the north wall, then popped to the other side.

She noticed this new ability when they were shopping two days ago. As long as it's within her radius, she can move even through ordinary walls.