
It shocked Bella to see Aubrey Drew. Beside her is a pleasant-looking lady wearing a black top and fitted black leather pants surrounded by bulky men in black clothes. She looks fashionable but has a dangerous aura around her.

"Good evening Mr. Zhang." Dean only nodded at both of them.

" It's nice to see you again, Isabella."

" It's a pleasure to meet you too," Bella said politely.

"Excuse our rudeness arriving unannounced Mr. Zhang. I told you that only our men will meet you tonight but we're able to move our prior appointment so we could personally deliver the goods to you."

"No problem."

" Isabella, this is my boss Lola Lee."

"Hi, Nice to meet you." she walked in front of Bella and offered a handshake.

"Hello, same here." she shook her hand.

"She's a beauty like they said." Lola smiled playfully, Bella blushed.

"But I didn't expect you to bring her to a place like this." Dean only glared at her. She chuckled.

"Okay, it's none of my business. Shall we go?" She points forward then walks ahead. Dean held Bella's hands as they entered the warehouse.

Bella's stupefied with all the guns and ammunition! Rifles, pistols, bazookas, machine guns, shotguns, carbines. Who are these people? Then when she realized something, she saw Dean who's relaxed controlling firearms. So she calmed herself down and followed him closely.

When they got Dean's approval, their subordinates moved in an organized manner and loaded it in the truck they brought. Looks like they needed to make several trips to load everything. The first trip, Dean requested Bella to move them in space while they're on the highway. They drove until they arrived at the warehouse where they parked his car.

He closed the door and wrote on his cellphone and passed it to her.

'We're being followed.' Bella only nodded and understood it was not time to talk.

'Please move this car inside and take my grey Audi out' She moved the black Mercedes inside the space and replaced it with the Audi. After an hour, they went back to take the rest of the guns. They did this four times. After the last trip, Dean requested to swap the cars again so he's now driving the Mercedes.

When they got back to the Villa, it was already morning. They ate breakfast with everybody and pulled Bella to the study room. Inside the space, Dean's inspecting the Audi, after half an hour, he found something under it. A small round electronic device.

"This is a tracker."


"I knew they would do something like this, just like what they put in the truck."

"Are we in trouble?"

"Nope, don't worry. We only went to the warehouse. They will think we have a secret room there." Bella sighed.

"They're not bad people, just curious, so don't worry."

"Are they involved in the underworld?"

He smirked. "You're so smart, wifey." He embraced her and kissed her earlobes. Bella trembled but smacked his chest.

"Doesn't need a high IQ to figure it out. How did you get involved with them?"

Dean sat on the sofa and pulled her sitting down on his lap.

"It was five years ago, I went to buy a rare Chinese herb on the black market. When I passed in an alley, I saw them being ambushed by some gangs. I performed surgeries in their den and saved them both together with her five bodyguards. Later, I discovered their identity."

"Oh." Dean caressed her back while recalling the event.

"They fought back, slowly united the gangs and expanded their territories. The group also has legal companies. Aubrey is her right hand and works in the front line, but only their real comrades know that Lola is the real boss. In my investigation, she had another left-hand man in the past, but I couldn't find the information anymore. Their territory grew and right now are famous underground using aliases. I was a little surprised that she told you her real name."

"That's cool. What are they?"

"I think Aubrey is "Justice" and Lola is "Blade." She gasped.

"Hahaahha! Jackpot Dean!!!!!" Dean looked at her jumping wife. The study is soundproof so she can shout as loud as she wants.

"We have to befriend them! If I'm not mistaken, Lola will be the next head of the Lee Clan. She'll be one of the strongest dual wielders!" Seeing Dean looking curious.

She sat down on his lap. "Actually, both of them will be dual wielders. Their aliases were famous, but no one knows their real names! Justice has earth and space ability, but its capacity is unknown. While Blade had Ice and lightning abilities.

They will be really powerful, so we should make them allies! Their names were famous because they saved many people. The mercenaries are afraid of them, and they also have an underground base!"

"Okay." Dean giggled, amused by her joyous storytelling. He picked up his phone and sent a message. Although they didn't feel tired, he insisted on resting, so she slept till noon. After lunch, she went to the warehouse to manage the deliveries. When it was finished, the two warehouses were full of triple and quadruple deck beds, mattresses, sheets, and quilts. All of them were moved to space and she visited the market to save more animals.

Somewhere in Allegra City

Phone vibrates….'Prepare for war. Grow food and ensure clean water supply.'

"I never thought he could send messages this long." Lola giggled.

"But what does this mean."

"It means what it is."

"So your hunch was right."

"Yeah. Continue stocking everywhere." Lola said while looking at her phone.

"What about food, do we need to buy land to farm?"

"No." Lola sighed and looked at Aubrey with a 'you're really asking me?' face.

"How can you farm when there's war? I think he knows our base so later in the meeting, put it in the agenda. More brains are better to solve this issue. He didn't say when, so we need to move fast." Aubrey typed something on her tablet. "Thank god money is not a problem."

When she finished, she looked at Lola, blinking as if thinking about something. "Hey, why didn't you ask her?"

"Don't worry. There's time. What matters is that he's alive and this time I can protect him and everyone he loves."

"Even her?"

"Yes, whoever they are."

"I thought you hated her?" Aubrey asked curiously.

"I did but not anymore. Maybe I changed."

"No, that is called LOVE."

"Hahahahahaha!" Lola wipes her tears from laughing. "One-sided though…."

After dinner, the adults continued their work in space. She asks them about her idea of revealing the space to their son and daughters. They agreed, but only the core family will know its existence.

The guys continued digging into the ground and laying tubes and pipes, reaching the area of the wind turbines on the southeast. The ladies also help with electric cables.

The next day, she and Dean flew to Zhang's island. Mr. Fin, together with the other five dolphins, were released into the sea. As an agreement, they will return the day after the third full moon, which means after one and half a month. They swam for a while collecting some sea life, then went back before lunch. After storing another batch of beds from the warehouse, she went to the farm and bought more chickens, rabbits, pigs, goats, cows, horses, sheep, etc.

After dinner with the Tang's, she moved some of the herbs in the greenhouses that were assembled last night and also Grampy's antique collection. The couple volunteered to help, so they stayed in the space. The ladies drove back to Zhang. When they arrived, they already gathered in the study together with the teens.

When the ladies entered, they were curious. Bella found her place beside Dean. Butler Bo stayed outside the door to guard and locked it on his way out.

Bella knew Dean secretly mixed space water on their drinks so their bodies got stronger without them knowing. This means it's impossible to have a heart attack when she reveals her secret. She's worried just like before, but after thinking about how nice Dean's Uncle and Aunties are, she calmed a bit. There's a saying, the apple falls not far from the tree. Well, they treat her very well until now, so her uneasiness turned to excitement.

"The things that will be revealed tonight must never come out of this room. At this moment, you will be responsible for every action you make. In the future, you can't make excuses like you slipped your tongue because you were drunk etc. etc. NO, this is a matter of life and death, and If this secret would be accidentally revealed. Don't blame me because I will banish you from the clan!"

Everybody gasped as soon as Grandpa Jin finished speaking, even Bella. She looked at Dean, who was nodding.

"That's too much, Grandpa?!" Dawn said worriedly.

"It's a bit cruel, Grandpa!" Danika said poutingly.

"All of you are old enough to take responsibilities. I agree with it, Dad." said Aunt Mia.

"Me too." said Uncle Desmond.

"Us too." said Sean and Aurora.

"Count us too." said Aunt Deborah and Uncle Liam

"Grandpa is right, so I too agree." Said Devyn.

"Once you know it, you'll understand. But I won't force you. Those who do not want this responsibility can still leave this room and will not be punished! " 'But that sounds like a threat Grandpa!'

After waiting for a while, nobody left the room.

"So you all agree?" Grandpa asked for the last time. Looking at everybody nodding, he smiled at Bella. She made sure they are properly seated.
