
Even with her busy schedule, it makes her happy to see that her "to-do list" is slowly diminished. Although it won't be finished soon because some minor things are added as days passed, she's in a good mood today and answered her cousin's call.

"What do you want?"

"Hello Sister, Grandma told me to call. She's still angry about what happened at your engagement. You should have considered our feelings, but we won't blame you anymore. As long as you apologize to Grandma and Daddy…."

"If that's all you want to say, I'm hanging up…"

"No, wait!" She gritted her teeth and controlled her breath.

"I have new friends and we're hanging out at the club later. Do you want to join us? Please, don't forget we're family!"

'They are mentally unstable, hope it's not in the blood or else I'm doomed!' Bella was silent for some time."Okay."

"Great! I'll text you the place later."

"Uhm." They both hang up. Diara had an evil smirk.

In reality, receiving warmth in this life, Bella's idea of revenge slowly fades from her heart. Why waste time on them when it's a fact that they will suffer without her intervening. Without her help, their workforce will lessen.

People who gained abilities can increase strength by absorbing the crystals found inside the heads of the undead. The levels are determined based on the energy inside the body. From beginners, which is Level one to the higher force of Level ten. For example, a level one fire ability user can throw ten baseball size fireballs a day. Level two makes thirty, level three can make a firewall last for five minutes, and so on.

In the country, she only heard of a few people who reached Level eight that belong to Lee Clan, Battalion base, and two more clans. There was also a rumor of a single Level 10 lightning ability.

It's also the same with the undead, although it's not clear how their power grew. It was also known that they begin to have small intelligence at level three. There was a scientist in Galvin country who claimed that the undead also eats these crystals to evolve. But it was doubted since no one witnessed it instead many saw them eating human flesh with gusto.

Uncle Belden and Grandma Chen will remain in the base and let the younger generation work for food and supplies. He and Adem had earth abilities and would try to climb up. There wasn't any progress aside from becoming an elder, while Adem was one of the troop leaders. Monique was planning to pair Diara to a rich young master behind Aquan's back. That's why he never took his eyes off her most of the time. Maybe he already had an idea about it.

Aquan was a level two fire user while Diara has level two water ability like Adelle. Water abilities are in demand because they can produce clean water, but it's still limited because they also need to save energy for fighting. They weren't a threat to her until that day she died. Yes, she did suffer a lot, but all of them did. Her life was cut short, so there are a lot of things she can't predict. But with her new ability, she's confident to have a better life this time, together with her loved ones.

Minding her own business and also concentrating on the preparations kept her mind occupied. Yet something definitely changed as days passed by. Can't call it forgiveness and definitely can't be forgotten, but she prefers to pour her energy elsewhere like finding her parents, making good memories before the apocalypse, enjoy this new life and love.

As long as they won't cross her bottom line, she prefers to stay away. But if they come looking for trouble, of course, she won't back down.

After training, she showered and changed her clothes. Everybody's aware of her appointment. Dean wanted to come with her when he found out, but she refused. He can only check her through the anklet and remind her to be careful.

At the club, loud music reached even outside. People turned their heads when she approached. Even the receptionist froze a bit, but then led her to the room after admiring her beauty. She wore a simple v-neck knee length dress with three layers of laces on the hem. Everybody turned their heads when she entered. They snapped when Diara shouted in her high note voice. Bella was a little surprised when she saw a familiar face.

"Sister! I'm glad you came!" She jumped and took her wrist and dragged her inside.

"These are my friends blah blah blah." Bella didn't bother remembering their names and just nodded.

"This is Olivia Zhao, my new friend from Galvin country." When Bella was about to greet her.

"Hahahaha, what a small world. I've never thought that you were talking about my cousin's fiancée." She smiled playfully, drinking her cocktail without removing her gaze from her. But she doesn't seem to be surprised. Diara beamed with a smile, but her eyes showed alertness.

"Really? That's even better, then I can also see my sister when I visit you!" Before Oliva spoke, Bella's eyebrows wrinkled with confusion.

"She lives in another house." Olivia breathes heavily, trying to control her anger that was about to burst. Her mom tried many times and made a lot of excuses, but at the end of their short visits, they couldn't stay in Zhang's Villa. She's jealous to death because an outsider like Adelle could stay, but they couldn't.

It's difficult to maintain her facade, but she needs to do it. Her goal is to have social connections, so when she saw Diara shopping in a high end brand store, she took the opportunity to befriend her. Chen is a common surname and Diara wasn't at the engagement party, thus she had no idea they were relatives when she first met her. They hang out often these days and more or less feel Diara's resentment from her stories. When she found out, she hid it from her. But this doesn't mean she can't make a move, even better, like hitting two birds with one stone. Right now she has to pretend as she has bigger plans.

Olivia's hostility didn't escape Diara's scrutiny. A slight reflection showed in her eyes, but then it disappeared as nothing happened. 'So she hid pretty well'. Most of her friends ignored her, so she was enthusiastic when Olivia befriended her. Maybe she's wrong to think this new friend is ignorant of what's happening in the circle just because she's from another country. Until now, she didn't do anything to harm her and chose to observe.

Bella sat beside Diara. "Sister, I ordered this drink for you." Pointing on the glass while blue liquid in front of her.

"Thanks, but I have to drive later. You can drink that." Her jaw tensed a little, she envied Zhang's generosity thinking that her car was gifted by them. Will she shed tears of blood if she finds out how many cars she owns?

"No thanks, we're drinking juice because we already had enough tonight." Olivia snorted. The waiter came with two glasses of juice. Bella ordered another one.

"I'm going to the washroom." Olivia followed the server exiting the room. Diara continued to chat non-stop, but she only nodded.

Aquan also arrives, enters the room, then scans the crowd. He nodded to everyone and fixed his gaze on Bella who only nodded then ignored him, not surprised to see him. Diara jumped and pulled him but he waved and seated in front of them along with the guys whom he doesn't recognize. She didn't mind thinking he wanted to sit with the boys. They were introduced one by one but didn't bother to memorize their names. He knows her charm to make friends easily and wasn't bothered by it because he trusts her. Seeing Bella, confirms she didn't go alone.

Diara took a room card and gave it to Aquan which he placed in his pocket. It's their habit to book a room to rest when they go clubbing, especially if they drink too much.

When her juice arrived, Olivia also returned. She greeted Aquan who was chatting with a man and then seated between two other guys. They chatted for a while and she whispered something to them, then giggled before returning beside Diara.

Behind enemy lines, it is normal to be careful. It was already strange that Diara invited her, so she's already doubtful of her motives. An invisible alarm sounded in her head when she saw Olivia's gaze peeking at her drink. Diara seated between them, her gaze seems focused on her, but in reality, it's on Olivia.

Bella tried to play with her for a while. She pretends to take small sips, and every time Olivia secretly smirks while rubbing her nose trying to cover it. The two also took sips from their glasses.

Minutes had passed, the juice slowly decreased. When Olivia suddenly fans herself, Bella touched her forehead and pretended to feel uncomfortable.

"Sister, what's wrong?" Diara seemed to care.

"I feel uncomfortable."

"Let's go to my room and rest." , "Okay." She took her arms but Bella waved instead, put her hand on her shoulder while the other held her head. Diara didn't insist and guided her. Bella made sure to put some strength to make it more realistic. In fact, Diara also feels strange and wants to rest. Playing the good sister, she wants this chance to rebuild their relationship and reap some benefits. Her family is afraid of the Zhangs if they trouble her in the open, but if they get close again, it's easier to move. If Bella knew what they're thinking, she'll roll on the floor laughing. 'Did you hit your head? We were never close b*tch!'

"I'll go with you." Olivia followed them.