Chapter Five: Loyalty.

Unable to face the eyes that were upon him, Harry had marched from the room as hurriedly as possible, his wand still in his hand. He didn't know what had come over him, but seeing someone trying to take Snape away and put him in Azkaban, of all places, made his blood boil!

His hand tightened on his wand as he walked down the corridors of Hogwarts and headed outside. He couldn't even be with Ron and Hermione right now. He just didn't know what to tell them! After all Snape had done for them, though? It just seemed wrong! Wrong to put him in prison and lock him away! He knew he'd killed Dumbledore, and he wasn't any more happy about it than anyone else, but Dumbledore had asked that of him! And he knew Snape was the only man that could have done it quickly and painlessly. Mercifully.

Sitting down on one of the benches, he tried to calm his breathing. He was so angry and surprised in himself that he just didn't know what to do. He could feel the energy and anger inside him building up, and the last thing he wanted was to do something terrible to someone with accidental magic.

It only made him more angry that Snape had pretty much thrown his actions back in his face. It wasn't like he had done anything bad! He'd saved Snape from having to go to Azkaban, or even worse, getting killed by those men! He was sure the headmistress was contacting Kingsley now and informing him of what had happened.

He did wonder where Snape had gone, though. Bloody hell, he was only trying to help and give the man some recognition for the good that he had done. Was it so bad that he stuck up for him? Did Snape hate him that much that he couldn't even stand him trying to help?

Well, that made him know that the shock between them the other day was nothing. But then why was he so worried about it all?

It was so frustrating! And he couldn't help but feel his chest pang with some unknown feeling at the thought of the professor. Those angry eyes on him as he'd grabbed his collar. He could feel the heat radiating off the man. His own magic. It somewhat felt… enticing.

It was a few minutes until Harry heard footsteps coming his way. Something stopped him from looking, but he knew it was Ginny once he saw her sit down beside him, her jeans in view of his eyesight.

"I got this for you," said the girl, holding out a phial of liquid. "Calming Draught. I thought you might want it."

Looking at the phial, Harry gently nodded and took the potion without even asking where she'd got it from. Instantly, he felt his body relax as the potion did its job, calming him down. "Thanks."

Ginny gave a soft smile, taking back the now empty phial. She knew the last few weeks had been incredibly stressful on Harry. And although the war was ended, Harry still took it upon himself to care for many other people.

"That was brave of you," she said, Harry's eyes looking down at her. The last few days had been strained for them, though, and she knew what was coming. She admired Harry more than anyone would, but she knew when something was wrong.

Having taken the potion, most of Harry's anxiety had gone away, and it made him look at Ginny without any nerves about wanting to break up with her.

"Ginny… I don't think we should date anymore." It didn't come out meanly, but it didn't exactly come out as softly as he'd wanted it to. He was really bad at this.

The girl's eyes lowered, but the look in her face almost said she had prepared for this. Of course, her chest fell, and she didn't know what else to say. She'd had a crush on Harry since she first met him, and she never really thought that they would get this far. She was happy that at least they'd gotten this far, though.

"But… that doesn't mean I don't want to be your friend," urged Harry. "I just… I think we moved too fast. And… with everything that's happened, I just… My head isn't in the right place," he tried to explain.

He frowned, giving a sigh. The Calming Draught almost felt like a bad idea now. He felt like he should be feeling worse than he was, but the potion was preventing him from feeling any kind of anxiety or sadness, he just had to fake it, which felt horribly wrong.

"I… I understand," Ginny said, nodding grimly. It was easy to tell she was upset, but she kept it hidden the best she could. She still wanted to be friends with Harry, and she certainly didn't want Ron to get angry about the whole thing. She didn't need her older brother interfering with her relationships.

She knew it was nothing she had done, though. She thought they had been close at one point, but even she had felt the tension of the last few weeks. Even kissing with Harry had seemed like it was put on or something.

Looking at Ginny, Harry wanted to comfort her, but he didn't know if that would just make things worse. He would have hugged her, but it would have just made things awkward.

"Can we still be friends?" he asked, his voice hopeful.

Although her chest felt like an open wound, Ginny held herself together.

"Yeah…" she nodded, smiling. She wiped a hand against her dampening eyes, but when Harry went to touch her, she moved back. "I'm fine, Harry, it's alright. I'm just… I'm gunna go back inside…"

As Ginny stood, Harry watched her walk away, seeing her disappear back down the corridor. He wished he could dread when Ron heard about this, but the potion inside his system wouldn't let him.


Slamming the door to the dungeons, Severus rubbed a hand over his left shoulder as pain begun to twinge through it. He couldn't wait until those stupid bite bruises were finally gone.

He walked moodily over to his desk and sat down, ignoring the chirp from Fawkes the phoenix that sat perched in his office.

After Dumbledore's death, Fawkes had lamented his song over the school, and he had disappeared. However, once he'd returned to his personal quarters last night, the phoenix had made it inside somehow, and made it a habit to fly onto Severus' desk and annoy him, getting into his parchment and tearing at it.

Minerva had said Fawkes had returned the day after the battle had been won. However, he hadn't made a home out of her office. Instead, apparently he'd been free roaming.

He figured the bird missed Albus, so he took the perch that had been in the headmistress' office and brought it down here last night. Minerva said it was fine to do so, and he figured she didn't mind the bird being down here with him. After all, Fawkes was the only thing left to remind him of Dumbledore (besides the talking photos in the headmasters/mistress's office. He wondered if the bird secretly hated him, which was why he had pestered him to stay. A constant reminder of his crime.

He had been told that when he was attacked, Fawkes had not cried. It made him pissed off but confused at the same time. The bird's tears were healing powers, and he knew very well that they had aided Harry when he was bit by Slytherin's Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets. Instead, the bloody bird disappeared for a few days as if on purpose. However, he was back now, perched and preening his vibrant fiery feathers in his new 'home'.

Taking out a quill, he dipped it rather furiously into the pot of ink, writing down notes for what he'd have to prepare for when school started.

Stupid Potter boy getting in his way. He scoffed mentally, wanting to throttle him. He didn't need that stupid preppy boy standing up for him. Just like his pathetic, arrogant father, he was. Always being the centre of attention. Always trying to be the hero! Well, he didn't need a hero, and he didn't need Potter warding off bounty hunters. He was a grown man for Merlin's sake! He could handle himself. He'd been cunning enough to trick the Dark Lord all this time, he was sure it would be easy to trick these simple minded men.

About to write, he realised his hand was shaking with frustration. There wasn't much point in trying to do something on a professional level if he couldn't contain his anger.

That stupid boy! He didn't even understand why Potter had stood up in the first place! It was like he was trying to best him in saving his life or something. It wasn't a damn competition! He'd owed Dumbledore his life! And after James had saved him from being attacked from Remus in his werewolf form, Dumbledore had made it clear that he owed James as well—much to his loathing.

He remembered the anger on the boy's face as he had stood up, wand pointed to that stupid barbarian of a man Armin. Those green eyes were furious and… almost obsessive. Severus felt his hand lower the quill in his hand, ink falling from the nib onto the parchment in front of him.

Had Potter seriously begun to care for him? In any kind of way? Surely not. Surely it was just a way to gain more attention from his seemingly growing fan-club.

But the rage in those eyes was something he would not forget so easily—could not forget. They had passion in them. Passion he had not really noticed the boy had. And the sheer embarrassment and horror when he had grabbed him… Merlin. The boy had just been trying to repay the favour, but those large green eyes behind those glasses seemed to say so much more.

Swallowing, he stiffened as he realised there was something hard beneath his trousers, propped up against his thigh. He looked down, dropping the quill completely in surprise of himself. Merlin's beard!

Fortunately for him, there was a knock on the door that distracted him, and Minerva McGonagall stepped inside the office. Just the right thing to make his body go back to normal.

He picked up the quill once more and steadied himself, watching as she approached Fawkes and gave him a small scratch behind the ear as a welcome back—to which the phoenix seemed to purr at.

"You needn't worry about those men, Severus. I have informed the Minister himself, and he will be looking into this. Further actions will be taken on them, I am sure," the headmistress informed, taking her hand from Fawkes and turning to the Potions professor.

Putting her hands together, she approached the man's desk. She's gotten used to Severus' darker nature and interest in the Dark Arts. She no longer squirmed at the thought of dead animal parts being in jars on the walls in rows. After all, they were ingredients for potions, and ones that came in handy.

"I must insist that you do not return to Spinner's End these holidays, Severus." This time, worry was clear in her voice. "It's not protected. I am more than willing to let you stay here at Hogwarts. Hagrid will be here, as you know, and I am sure some of the students will not be able to make it home, as always."

Severus wasn't an idiot, and he understood where Minerva was coming from. "Indeed, I believe you are quite correct," he said, moving the things aside on his desk and standing up. "I am quite capable of taking care of myself, I must make apparent though."

The headmistress nodded. "I am well aware, Severus," she stated knowingly. "I am not saying you are not capable on your own, but you are a professor here at Hogwarts, and I do fear for your safety. As witch to wizard… I must insist. Please stay here. If only for a while until things calm down," she said, her voice genuine now.

"It appears I don't have a choice, then," Severus muttered, though flinching as the phoenix flapped its large wings and perched itself on his unwounded shoulder.

His eyes fell flat as he heard Minerva give a girlish giggle. "Oh, please."

Fawkes gave a happy screech. "It appears he is quite fond of you, Severus. A shame he would not cry for you when needed."

Snape had a feeling the bird had done that on purpose, though. He leant his face away from the phoenix as it nibbled on a lock of his hair.

"This bird purposely hates me," he said, shrugging his shoulder violently so the phoenix had no choice but to fly off. He landed gracefully on Minerva's arm as she stretched it out, putting him back on the perch.

The witch laughed again. "Now, now, Severus. Not everyone takes a disliking to you," she mused, giving Fawkes a soft scratch on the neck. "In fact, I think he rather likes it here with you. Phoenixes are incredible creatures, Severus. Loyal, too. He would not have come to you if he did not see a purpose in it."

The man grumbled. "After killing his owner, I'd imagine it's quite the punishment," he alleged flatly.

Minerva just huffed, heading for the door. "It's settled, then. You will stay here during these holidays. I am sure you will have your classes planned before school starts," though she knew he would. Although a strict teacher, he was a good one.

"And if you need anything, do not hesitate to contact me. Fawkes will know where to find me."

"Is there anything else, Headmistress?" Snape asked, noticing the witch had stopped on her tracks before the door as he followed her.

Turning, Minerva's green eyes looked to the dark brown ones of the former Death Eater. "Mister Potter," she started, seeing him stiffen a little, though his face as unreadable as ever. "Don't hold his actions against him, Severus. The last thing he needs is a friend to be taken away after everyone he's already lost. He's seen more death than any of us."

The door closed as Severus was about to protest to the word 'friend'. He hardly saw anything like that between them. More like a mutual hatred for one another. He just stared at the door, though, Fawkes tugging on his shirt sleeve to get his attention.

Looking down, he almost scowled at the bird, the big black eyes looking at him. He lifted his hand and scratched the phoenix on the head, getting his own purr from the bird before it nibbled gently on his fingers.


The rest of the night had been awkward, and Ron had found out about the break up. At dinner, he didn't talk to Harry for a while, but when Ginny had said it was mutual he seemed to calm down a little. Ginny left early though, and so did Ron—most likely to comfort his sister and get the rest of the story from her.

Harry and Hermione sat outside in the grass beneath one of the willow trees, a small light charm between them so it wasn't so dark. The moon was lighting up the grounds enough, but it still helped so they could see each other better.

"I don't know what's going on, Hermione," Harry said softly, giving a sigh. By now, the potion he'd taken earlier had worn off completely, and he was back to his normal self—now worrying about all of the strange teenage emotions that were inside of him.

"Sometimes I just don't feel I'm cut out for this," he laughed, though nothing funny about it. Hormones and growing up just seemed like so much. Sometimes he just wished he was the boy in the cupboard under the stairs again. "I just hope things don't get awkward over the holidays."

Hermione, with her back against the trunk of the tree gave a gentle sigh. "Maybe you just need a break," she suggested. "With everything that's gone on, I don't think anyone can blame you, Harry. I mean…" She stopped, not wanting to upset him and remind him of the deaths that had happened in the last few months.

"What about you?" he asked. "You… had to completely remove yourself from your parent's lives. I mean… don't you miss them?" he asked, though already knowing the answer.

Hermione frowned, looking down. "Of course I miss them," she whispered. "I think about them every day, but I did what I had to do to protect them. I'll get them back once everything settles. I still can't risk it, as I'm… a Muggle-born, and there are still a few Death Eaters out there."

She kept a photo of her parents with her at all times. Even though she was removed from the photo, she still knew it had been a family photo, and she kept that close to her heart.

Of course, there was a way to lift the enchantment, and she would do that as soon as all of the Death Eaters were found. For now, she was still keeping it low, and the spell would keep her parents safe.

It had been the hardest thing she ever had to do, but at least she still had a life time with them. Harry didn't even get to know his parents before they were stripped from him. She could get hers back. He couldn't.

Giving a sigh, she looked at the young man across from her. "A lot has happened, Harry… I think a break is something that we all need." Although, to be fair, she and Ron had become much closer due to these events, but Harry was different. He'd been an abused boy and known nothing bur death. She didn't expect him to be like her and Ron. He had enough difficulties learning who he was and what he had to do. Such responsibilities for a child.

She thought about this morning, remembering how hard Harry had stood up for Professor Snape. She'd also noticed that ever since the man had been saved, Harry had seemed more distracted than ever before. Well, not ever before, but sort of like he had been when he realised he had feelings for Cho Chang.

She'd noticed the embarrassing flush that had gone across his face when Snape had grabbed his collar and been mere inches away from him when threatening him. Harry was clearly confused about the whole thing, but this was Professor Snape! How could Harry think anything nice would come from him standing up for him? Snape wasn't known for thanking people.

"Harry…" she started, though hearing a call go through the grounds. The both of them looked up, the fiery phoenix landing just on the branch above them. Her eyes widened, having not seen Fawkes since Dumbledore's death. She thought he'd gone for good.

"Fawkes…?" asked Harry, his eyes widening. He felt like taking his glasses off and cleaning them, just to make sure his mind wasn't playing tricks on him. It wouldn't be the first time. Sure enough, though, the bird was still above them, his wings stretched out before he fluffed his feathers up and tucked them.

"I… I thought you left," he said, the bird gliding down and landing on his stretched out arm. He smiled for the first time in a long time, letting his fingers touch the silky feathers of the phoenix. He thought Fawkes had left because of Dumbledore. Why would he come back?

Hermione, surprised to see the phoenix, looked away as she saw movement from across the grounds. Fawkes had obviously led someone to them, although she figured it was Harry considering the phoenix seemed loyal to him.

As the black shadow in the night approached them, she realised it was Professor Snape. She hadn't even realised the time! It was almost after hours at Hogwarts, and he was no doubt coming to take off points and scoot them off to their rooms.

"Potter," said the Potions master, approaching the two Gryffindor's. "Miss Granger," he also acknowledged. "It is almost curfew, so you best get back to your common rooms."

Harry, who was still patting Fawkes, just looked astonished. He watched as Snape's fingers intertwined with one another in front of him. Professor Snape always did look rather posh and professional in his stances. He gathered it was from being a soldier in Voldemort's army.

Catching the eyes of the Potions master, he was thankful it was dark as he felt his cheeks blush immensely.

"Fawkes led you to us…?" he asked curiously. "D-does this mean… he's loyal to you now?" That surprised him. How Fawkes could ever be loyal to Professor Snape was bewildering. Then again, he probably knew Snape from being so close to Dumbledore.

"Inside, Potter. You can ask questions later," snapped the professor.

Hermione grabbed her bag and put her wand back inside, as well as the books she'd had out. Harry, who still had Fawkes, turned quietly and the three of them began heading back to the castle. She stayed quiet, not wanting to start any trouble between either of them.

"Are you going to take points from us?" Harry asked, Fawkes still on his shoulder as they headed towards the castle. He really did miss Hedwig. He missed her a lot.

Snape huffed. "As much as I'd enjoy stripping you of your points, school is not in session at the current time," he noted, flashing a quick glance at the young man. He saw Harry seemed surprised at that.

When they reached the entrance to the school, Snape stopped. "The bird," he ordered gently, Fawkes still on Potter's shoulder.

Looking up, Harry nodded. "See you later, Fawkes," he said rather sadly, a soft call coming from the phoenix. He let him hop up into his hand, and he gently leant it out, Professor Snape's own arm extending to go against his.

Harry found himself blushing once more at the touch of the professor's arm, Fawkes waddling up the slender arm and situating himself on Snape's shoulder. Once more, he nibbled on the man's hair, pulling a lock away from his face. Professor Snape seemed to scowl at that, and he couldn't help but smirk.

"Do you find something amusing, Mister Potter?" asked the Slytherin, his dark eyes narrowing in detest to the boy as he smirked. He returned his arm to himself, his body stiff like always, eyes almost penetrating the boy's own.

"I just… didn't think he'd take such a liking to you, Professor," Harry confessed, hiding another amused grin as Fawkes squawked into Snape's ear.

"It's hardly a liking," Snape assured, glaring at the phoenix. "Now, before you ask me any more imprudent questions, the both of you, get to your common room. Now."

Harry turned immediately, nodding and walking beside Hermione, who had been watching the two of them. "What?" he asked, having to look away as she looked at him strangely.

Hermione didn't exactly know what to say, so she just shrugged, thinking that it had been the return of Fawkes that made Harry to happy and shy.

"I didn't think Fawkes would return," she said, truth to her words, even though that wasn't why she'd been looking at him in a confused manner.

"Yeah, but that's great," the boy almost yelled. "But… it's strange that Snape has him. I would have thought Fawkes would have hated him…"

Stopping, Hermione grabbed Harry's arm. "Don't you see, Harry? Phoenixes are very loyal creatures. Obviously once Dumbledore died, Fawkes saw his loyalty to Snape. I mean, he's loyal to you as well, which is curious, but… obviously he's loyal to Snape as well. I'm sure he was in Dumbledore's office a lot."

Harry looked at her with a confused facial. "How can he be loyal to the both of us?" he asked, brows furrowing. "I mean, yeah, I suppose we're on the same team and all, but… we're completely different."

"Are you?" the girl asked, raising a brow. Harry's green eyes just looked at her. "Think about It, Harry… Both you and Snape were loyal to Dumbledore. Both of you would have given your lives for him. Snape almost died, and I can't even begin to tell you how many times he risked his life for you…"

What was she trying to say? That Snape actually did somewhat care for him? He felt his cheeks burn at the thought. Snape was a professor! He was a student! Not to mention he was twenty years older than him! Then he remembered what Ron had said about the different age groups, and that twenty years wasn't even considered bad.

"This is still about Fawkes, isn't it…?" he asked, brows narrowing a little.

Hermione perked up a little bit. "What else would it be about?" she asked, giving a shrug.

Harry looked at her in surprise for a moment, though he hid it rather well. "Nothing," he noted, giving her a small smile. "Come on, let's go before we get into trouble."

As Harry moved past her, Hermione watched the young man carefully, following after him. She wouldn't make any kind of assumptions, but she had a sneaking suspicion that Harry wasn't talking about someone else when he was asking about sparks and magic.

She'd seen the way Harry's cheeks had flushed when he and Professor Snape's bodies had met. Just the way he'd been with Cho when their eyes met. He'd made a complete fool out of himself, too.

She shook her head, hoping it was just her imagination. But then again, when had she ever really been wrong?