Chapter Twelve: Portraits and Outbursts.
A few weeks had passed, and Hallowe'en was coming up. Potions lessons with Snape had been odd at first, and Snape had stayed clear away from Harry—much to his disappointment. Harry had really enjoyed feeling the man up against him.
At times, he was still rather annoyed by his feelings for the professor. Snape was still being snarky and sarcastic, but by now Harry was beginning to enjoy the man's company.
It was quiet in the dungeons, and he felt he could be himself. Snape didn't look up to him like all of those other students who didn't even know him. They saw a hero. Something he was quite tired of hearing considering he didn't do it alone. Snape, however, treated him just like any other human being—which, considering it was Snape, wasn't exactly the nicest. But he didn't lie, and that's what Harry appreciated the most. He was honest and he didn't try and get his attention like everyone else did—or at least in a horrible paparazzi way.
Hermione had asked a few times about his crush and if it had gone away. Harry hadn't really told her a yes or a no. He didn't like lying to his friends, but he still felt weird about the fact that he had developed a crush on his Potions professor. Snape was the last person he ever thought he'd grow feelings for.
Sometimes it felt more than a crush as well, which worried him. Some days the man was just constantly on his mind. He'd think about him before he went to bed, which happened to be a bad idea because sometimes he ended up having rather erotic and graphic dreams which involved the Potions master. He'd had to put up a few silencing charms just in case he said something in his sleep that he didn't wish Ron and his friends to hear.
He still hadn't told Ron, but Ron was beginning to get the hint not to talk so negatively about Snape all of the time. Ron didn't know, and he knew Hermione wouldn't tell him, but the thought did occur. He just knew Ron wouldn't understand, though. Then again, maybe he just wasn't giving his friend the credit he should. Ron was, after all, a great person.
Ron hadn't really had a run in with Snape considering he wasn't in his classes yet, but he would have to start getting used to the man again soon if he wanted to pass Potions class. At least Harry was getting time with Snape and getting used to his behaviour. He would be well prepared for classes once they started, which should be quite soon.
Over the weeks, he'd done quite a few lessons, and Snape was rather impressed when he worked by himself. Maybe that was the key. Shame so many classes you had to have a buddy in, Harry had a sneaking suspicion that he worked much better without a partner.
On his way to dinner, he ran into Professor McGonagall who stopped him, asking about how his lessons were going with Professor Snape. For some reason, there was a certain sparkle in her eyes that made him a little uneasy.
"Yeah, they're going great, Professor, thank you," he smiled, trying to hide any personal thought on Snape.
McGonagall nodded happily. "Good to hear, Potter. Surely you'll be accepted to classes soon enough. I've spoken to Professor Snape about it, and you should be able to enter the class after Hallowe'en."
Harry's green eyes widened a little in surprise. Snape hadn't told him this yet. He supposed he would in the next lesson. He was actually going to miss private lessons with the professor. He didn't like the thought of having to do Potions with a class anymore.
"Oh, right… okay, that sounds great. Thanks for telling me, Professor," he said, trying to swallow his disappointment. Apparently he didn't do a very good job at it.
"Is there something wrong, Mister Potter?"
"No, it's just… I've kind of enjoyed the silence while learning," Harry confessed awkwardly. Why did she have to ask?
"Yes, I suppose going into a class might be difficult again," said the woman. "But I'm sure Professor Snape will be keeping a close eye on you."
Harry had no idea what that meant, but he knew what he wanted it to mean. Maybe Professor McGonagall knew something he didn't. Or could at least help him with understanding Snape's actions.
"Headmistress?" he questioned, feeling his blood attempting to crawl in his cheeks. He fought it the best he could and managed to subdue his blush this time.
McGonagall stood up straight, her arms in front of her. "Well, isn't it obvious that Professor Snape has been taking very good care of you in classes?" she said with a very professional gaze over her glasses. "I hardly think he would want all of his hard work going to waste."
"Of course," said Harry, giving a weak smile. It was always for his own personal gain, wasn't it? Harry could have rolled his eyes, but he didn't want to give anything away in front of the Headmistress of Hogwarts.
"I was wondering if I could go into your office later on? To speak to Dumbledore…" he said next, which seemed to surprise the woman. "If that's alright with you, Professor? I don't want to get in your way."
Minerva McGonagall put her hand up, shaking her head. "It's quite alright, Potter. You have my permission. I think your former Headmaster would very much like a visit from you after all this time. I will give you the password after dinner for you to enter. Right now, it's time to eat, so off you trot."
Harry didn't hesitate to enter the Great Hall for dinner, and he took his usual seat across from Ron and Hermione. He even stole a quick glance up at the High Table just to check out the Potions master.
He'd gotten a haircut. Well, not much of one, but it wasn't as long as it had been growing, and it was just above his shoulders once more, feathery chopped and light. He liked it that way. It looked nice on him, and it made him look younger as well. Something that Harry really liked.
It may have been a longshot, but he was certainly going to compliment Snape on it when they had their next tutoring lesson. He wondered if anyone ever complimented Snape. Probably not. He'd never really known the man to be open for them. Maybe he'd just have to test that theory.
After dinner, as promised, Professor McGonagall allowed Harry into her office where he could speak to the portrait of Dumbledore that sat up on the wall.
Harry had walked in slowly, looking around the room. He could tell it hadn't changed much. He'd never really been here when Snape was Headmaster, but he was imagining worse. Then again, McGonagall had been here quite some time now, and it seemed just as Dumbledore had left it.
Luckily for him, Severus Snape's portrait was nowhere to be seen. Harry had insisted when he was recovering in the hospital wing that his portrait should be up here, in case he didn't wake up. He may have abandoned his post at Hogwarts, but that didn't mean he wasn't worthy of being on the wall. Apparently Snape had declined the offer, though, and McGonagall obliged his wishes.
This was good for Harry right now, considering it would have been strange for Snape's portrait to hear what he was going to talk to Dumbledore about: Severus Snape.
"Professor…" Harry said, looking at the portrait. Dumbledore didn't at all seem surprised to see him here; instead, he just smiled, peering over those half-moon glasses of his. "I would have come earlier… I just… Well, school's been busy," he laughed, though smiling as he finally got to see Dumbledore again.
The last time he'd seen him was in his afterlife experience—whatever that had been. He'd asked Dumbledore if it had been real, but Dumbledore didn't answer him directly. He had a feeling it was, though. He knew it had to be. Dumbledore had waited for him.
When school had come to a halt, he just didn't want to intrude. Plus, he was very emotional over the whole experience. He didn't wish for Dumbledore to see him like that. But he was ready now.
"Ahh, Harry, my boy," said the wizard in the portrait, "I've been hearing about you from a few of the professors who have come up here to visit me. It's wonderful knowing that even though my body is gone, people still seek advice from a portrait. Funny almost."
Harry couldn't really see the humour in it, but he realised Dumbledore hadn't lost his touch, and he smiled once more.
"I hope it's nothing bad…" he questioned, Dumbledore smiling at him.
"Oh no, Harry, nothing bad," Dumbledore's voice drifted calmly through the office, and he rested back in his chair that was in the portrait.
There was something in Dumbledore's voice that made Harry uneasy, just the way McGonagall had, but he took a seat in the chair that was behind the desk.
"Did you know that I wasn't going to die, Professor? The night I… saw you when the Horcrux was destroyed in me? I saw… things," he said, not knowing if Snape had been here at all. He'd seen Snape's memories, though, and not even Snape knew if Harry would live through it. He'd made it quite clear that he didn't approve of raising him like a 'pig for slaughter'.
Dumbledore looked curiously over to the boy. "You've seen Severus' memories," he said knowingly. Of course, he'd told Severus that the boy would need to know, and Severus had told him that Harry had seen his memories after he'd healed. He wasn't surprised Harry would ask him of this.
"To be perfectly honestly, Harry… I wasn't certain it would work at all," he said gently. "I knew the Horcrux in you would die, and I assumed that when Voldemort had attacked you, and you were willing, that only the part of Voldemort's soul that was latched onto you would die, but not you, yourself."
"So… King's Cross? It was real?" asked Harry. It made him a little annoyed that Dumbledore didn't know, but he was here now. None of it really mattered anymore.
Dumbledore smiled once more. "Many things that happen in our heads are real, Harry. Feelings, dreams��� Sometimes our dreams even show us what we deeply desire," he said softly, looking at the boy.
Harry swallowed, looking away for a moment. He had a feeling Dumbledore wasn't talking about King's Cross anymore, but his own dreams that he'd been having for the last few months now. Even as a portrait, Dumbledore still knew things others couldn't possibly.
"Tell me, Harry, how has your Potions lessons been going?"
Nothing slipped past Dumbledore. "Fine, I suppose."
"You and Professor Snape getting along well, then?"
Harry didn't know where this was going, and part of him didn't want to continue. Then again, this was why he'd come here. He wanted answers, and to know if what he was feeling was alright. At least he knew Dumbledore wouldn't judge him. He never had. Used him, kept secrets from him, yes. But he'd never judged him.
"I'd like to hope we are…" he said with a smile, though feeling his cheeks warm. "I mean, it's Professor Snape, I didn't expect us to be friends or anything-,"
"But you would like that, wouldn't you, Harry? To be friends." Dumbledore looked over his glasses closely as the boy fell silent. "Maybe even more than friends?"
Harry sighed, thinking of Professor Snape and unable to stop his thoughts from going to his tongue. "I thought it would have gone away, Professor. I mean… it's not exactly like me and Professor Snape really get along. He hates me!" he stated.
"But it's just getting stronger. Now I can't stop thinking about it. It's stupid, and I'm sure it's just me being a teenager, but… I can't help it."
He felt so awkward trying to talk about something like this to Dumbledore, but why bother hide it anymore? Dumbledore could read him like a book, and at least he could give him advice Hermione wasn't going to or might not know.
A low chuckle came from Dumbledore. "Ahhh… to be young and in love," he said rather dreamily.
Harry felt even more awkward at the word 'love'. Love? Surely he wasn't in love with Professor Snape. He was just crushing on him very badly! But love? A man? A teacher? Even if it had been weeks now, he just didn't want to admit it! No, he wasn't in love with Severus Snape.
"Well, it's not like it's going to go anywhere, anyway," he muttered in a rather disappointed tone. "Professor Snape's not like that… He'd never admit to it even if he did. Plus… he loved my mother. I'm nothing like her, just a constant reminder of my father, James, and how much he picked on Professor Snape as a kid. He'd never like me."
Albus Dumbledore shook his head gently. "There is more to Severus Snape than you know, Harry," he said with a twinkle in his sparkling blue eyes. "Professor Snape may be stone-cold when he walks the corridors of Hogwarts, but he is more than capable of loving, laughing, and even cracking a joke every once in a while in the staff room."
Harry couldn't even imagine a joke coming from Snape. Even a smile. A smirk because he said something witty, yes, but a genuine smile? He bet it would have looked nicer than his usual stern expression.
"Have you thought about asking him?"
What!? Asking him!? Snape!? Harry shuddered at the thought, a chill going down his spine. You couldn't just ask Snape a question and expect a simple or polite answer back. The man would probably berate him for asking something like that!
"You've got to be kidding me, sir…" Harry said rather flatly. "Professor Snape… we're talking about the Head of Slytherin, you know, former Death Eater, Severus Snape? You honestly think just asking him would do anything? He'd never want to see me again! And he'd surely kick me out of Potions classes… I need that for it I want to be an Auror."
"Harry, if there is one thing you mustn't say around Professor Snape is that he was a Death Eater," said Dumbledore, despite the fact he'd made sure Severus would know to keep him loyal. However, he knew very well that that would not score brownie points with Harry.
"Professor Snape is well aware of his previous actions, and it would not be wise to bring them up if you wish for him to become friendlier with you. He spent his life trying to gain redemption for what he has done to your family, particularly your mother."
Of course. Because the only thing that Snape ever cared about was his mum. Harry actually felt a rotten pang of jealousy hit his gut. It didn't bother Harry to know that Snape had once loved his mother, but it did bother him when it was mentioned as it reminded him that Snape still could love her (and not like him in return). It also reminded him that the man could have been his father, and he didn't like that reminder at all. That just made him confused and left him feeling as if his feelings for Snape were wrong.
"Yes, because he loved her, I know…" said the boy rather softly.
Sensing Harry's disappointment, Dumbledore chuckled lightly. "My boy, Severus cares more for you than you may realise," he easily let slip. "He was rather obvious when he realised what you must do for Voldemort's defeat."
Harry looked up, both confused and hopeful. "He hardly acts like it, sir." He still felt awfully awkward about discussing this, but at least Dumbledore seemed more than pleased about it. Had this been one of his plans from the start? To get Snape and Potter together at last, even if it wasn't Lily?
But Snape had killed Dumbledore. He knew it wasn't exactly Snape's fault, and Dumbledore had asked for it, but still! He remembered when it had happened, and the sheer rage that went through him. He now understood why Snape didn't attack him or fight back. He merely blocked every spell he sent his way. But he'd just been protecting him for Voldemort to get him. It didn't mean Snape had liked him or cared for him in any minute way.
Argh, it was all so confusing! He just wanted to know if Snape liked him or not. How the hell did it comes to this? Things were so much simpler when Snape was taking points from him and giving him horrible detentions with Filch.
"Hmm," the former Headmaster mused knowingly, looking off in the distance of his own painting.
Harry didn't quite know what Dumbledore was thinking, but he could tell the man knew something that he didn't. He stood up from his seat and walked over to the portrait on the wall.
"Professor… is there something I don't know about Professor Snape that you're not telling me?" He could feel his heart beginning to pound once more in his chest, and he was very much hoping that Dumbledore would tell him that Snape felt the same way—he wished!
Putting his hands together, Dumbledore still didn't face Harry, but he did face the door when it whipped open.
"Headmis…tress," Snape stopped in his tracks as he saw Potter standing in the room next to Dumbledore's portrait. He stood up rather straight. "I will return at a more appropriate time."
"Nonsense, my boy," Dumbledore said enthusiastically as he waved his hand in for Severus to come on in. The man was hesitant and simply stood in the door way.
"Albus, I was merely here to request the Headmistress, I hardly have time to…" He looked at Potter before putting his hands in front of him, fingers intertwining. "As I said, I shall come back at a more appropriate time."
"I insist you stay and give me some company, Severus," Dumbledore said, his eyes piercing the dark ones across the room. "It's not often us portraits get company, you know."
Severus' hands fell, but he moved rather reluctantly into the room, closing the door behind him. He was still very much loyal to Dumbledore. After having killed the man, the least he could do was pay his dues to the portrait's wishes.
'Damn old bastard'. He knew what he was doing. After telling Dumbledore about the odd feelings he had for Potter, he knew the man was just trying to get them in the same room together. Both he and McGonagall. They were plotting against him. He swore it.
'It's nothing like that, the old git just wants some company. You owe it to him since you murdered him…' Not that Dumbledore hadn't ordered him to do it or anything.
"Harry was just telling me about your Potions lessons. It's marvellous seeing two great wizards working together."
Harry felt himself blush, and he quickly glanced to see Snape's reaction. The man was, as usual, impossible to read. Severus Snape was always impossible to read, unless he was very angry about something Harry had done.
'Oh great, they were talking about me. I can only imagine how wonderful that would have been.'
"Indeed, Potter has been showing… exemplary results," said Snape, looking at the boy for a moment, keeping his annoyance and curiosity to himself. Why the hell would they be speaking of him? Right, Dumbledore was probably asking how much Potter hated the lessons. Well, maybe if McGonagall hadn't forced it upon them, then they wouldn't be in this situation. Not that Severus hated it or anything—although he'd never admit that.
"Only exemplary?" Dumbledore said accusingly. "If he's anything like his mother, Severus, you might want to watch out. Young Potter could have you running."
Snape seemed to sneer at the thought, and Harry felt another burning hit of jealousy smack the pit of his stomach.
The two of them shared a rather heated glance before Harry was unable to stop himself from saying, "I doubt it. From what I've heard, I'm nothing like my mother." Snape would always hold that against him.
Both Severus and Dumbledore looked at the boy. "What's got your wand in a knot, Potter?" sneered Snape, unable to hold his own tongue at the mention of Lily. He'd loved her, yes, but somehow it all seemed to be in the past now that he had this odd pull towards Harry. And he didn't appreciate the condescending tone in Potter's voice.
For years he'd not given up on his love. How could he? It was because of him that she was dead. But recently his thoughts had been going elsewhere. To the young man that was standing in the room with him. It actually hurt to see Harry getting so sensitive about the comparison to his mother. Snape had stopped talking about James for a while now. Clearly Potter hadn't noticed, which was fine with him—so he told himself. It wasn't like he was going to let Potter's temper tantrum get to him…
"What do you care?" snapped Harry, folding his arms.
"Don't take that tone with me, Potter," retorted the Potions master rather coolly.
"Why, does it remind you too much of James?"
Dumbledore just silently sat watching, and Snape felt himself getting rather angry at the mention of James Potter. It wasn't that at all, it was common fucking respect! Potter, no matter his feelings, was a student and would not act as if he were his superior.
"You are going to allow this, Albus?" hissed Severus, looking at the portrait for some kind of assistance. It wasn't that he couldn't hold his own in a fight—actually, he'd been pretty good at holding himself in fights since his years in Hogwarts (no thanks to James Potter and his friends). But he didn't care who was talking back to him, they shouldn't be! He was a professor and Potter was a student.
Dumbledore just shrugged. "I'm afraid I have little power now, Severus. Maybe the boy has a point." He received an awful glare from Snape, and he chuckled. "Then again, maybe Harry's actions are due to something else? Maybe certain feelings about something he can't quite speak of yet…?"
Harry seemed mortified as he looked at the portrait on the wall. "Professor!"
"Don't worry, Potter, I have no intention of finding out about your adolescent behaviour," Snape made clear.
"Why? Because you don't care!? Because I'm not Lily!?" Harry yelled, shocked at himself for getting so angry over it. But he couldn't stand the man right now! His anger and jealousy was making him very uncontrollable, and he could feel his magic beginning to grow in the room. It was raw and very heated. Harry wasn't known for keeping his outbursts in. Especially when he'd come to Hogwarts.
At the second mention of Lily, Severus just looked at the boy. Usually he would look at the options he had to win or get out of an argument; however, nothing seemed to come to mind. He just stared at the boy, astounded that Lily had anything to do with this. Had the boy gone bloody-well mad!?
"I forgot how cruel Death Eaters could be," Harry hissed, nudging past Snape and hitting him hard in the shoulder before he ran from the room.
Snape steadied himself, whipping around to face the portrait of Albus Dumbledore. "What the bloody hell was that about!?" he demanded, pretending he didn't hear the remark about him being a Death Eater.
Subconsciously, he took a hold of his left arm and rubbed it a little. He pretended that it didn't hurt hearing that from Harry's lips, but it had. He was quite used to being picked on, though. He'd learnt the hard way as a child. Still, he wasn't expecting such a low blow from Potter considering they'd been getting along for the last few weeks. Or so he'd thought.
Albus lifted a curious brow. "Boys, Severus. You never know what's going on in their heads. Or maybe you do?"
Snape gave an aggravated look to the former Headmaster of Hogwarts. "Will you ever give me a straightforward answer, Albus?"
The old wizard leant back in his chair and gave an enthusiastic smile. "Perhaps if you'd asked Harry, he may have told you."
Ask Potter? Snape scoffed. He had asked! Well, maybe not in the nicest of ways, but he'd still asked! Why would he even care about Potter's feeling? What was he doing up here in the first place? It meant little to him.
But then why was it bugging him so much? He frowned, looking at Albus. "I hardly think Potter would answer me truthfully, Albus. The boy has a knack for lying." Still, why the hell go off at him? He hadn't done anything! He'd come in here seeking McGonagall. Damn Dumbledore and asking him to stay. Fat lot of good that did! Now he was being called a bloody Death Eater.
"You'll never know if you never try, Severus," said the old wizard. "Now, I think I might go looking for some sweets. I heard the portraits in the Ravenclaw House have got quite a nice collection."
Standing there, Snape watched as Dumbledore disappeared from his portrait, his arms falling by his side. Well, Minerva wasn't even here, so there wasn't much point in staying. He didn't much feel like waiting, anyway. He was rather annoyed at the moment.
He stood there for a moment, feeling rather strange about everything that had gone on. Did Potter seriously think he was a Death Eater? Surely not, considering Harry had saved his life, not to mention the fact that he'd risked his life time after time for the boy.
He felt irritated, and he swiftly turned and left, heading back down the stairs. The hallways were beginning to die down, which meant he could make it down the corridors as quickly as possible. So quickly that he ended up spotting Potter half way down.
He slowed down a little, wondering if he should question what the hell had gone on with him in the Headmistress' office. Potter had been extremely angry over something, but he had no idea what it was. How could he? It wasn't like Potter told him. Instead, he was chucking a teenage temper tantrum over something probably highly insignificant.
Either way, he didn't appreciate the tone Potter had used, nor did he appreciate how snarky he had been. He should have taken off points and given the boy a detention while he had the chance. Doing it now just seemed petty. He'd make up for it next time.
At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder if he'd done something wrong. They'd been doing quite well the last few weeks—despite the whole incident where he was forced to see Harry as a sexual being in their second tutoring lesson. But Potter didn't seem to have an issue with it at all! Not that he knew of, anyway.
What if he did know? What if that was what all of that was about? No, he was overthinking now, and that was just dangerous. He supposed he could always just used Legilimency.
'Merlin, get a grip, Severus,' he told himself. 'The boy's just being a broody teenager. So what? It probably has nothing to even do with you.' But there was something inside him urging him to find out, and so he strode down the corridor.
"Potter," he said, it coming out probably much harsher than he wanted it to. It got the boy's attention, though. However, Harry didn't stop; he kept moving, gaining speed. Severus didn't like that, so he grabbed the boy by the shoulder and spun him around fiercely.
Harry hissed, throwing his arm away from the tight grip. "Don't touch me!" the boy yelled heatedly. "I don't want a filthy Death Eater anywhere near me!" He knew he was overreacting, but damnit, he was angry! He just couldn't keep it back. Not like Snape could. Stupid Snape! Always being so damn difficult to read!
Some of the students in the corridor stopped at the scene, and Snape's brow furrowed deeply into a scowl. One; he wouldn't have Potter talking like that, and two; he wasn't about to let Potter get away with it in front of other students.
"Ten points from Gryffindor, now come here, you stupid boy!" he jeered, grabbing Harry's arm and ripping him from the corridor. Harry tried to protest, but Snape was stronger and tossed him across the room when they'd reached his office. Fawkes gave a surprised squawk at the entrance, but only observed.
"It is one thing to say that in the presence of Albus Dumbledore, but I will not have you throwing around things like that in the corridors for other students to hear!" he made clear, Harry rubbing his arm to where he'd grabbed him.
"Well, it's the truth!" Harry retorted, his eyes angry as he looked at the man across from him. Alright, he was overreacting, but he was angry at Snape. His hormones were all over the place right now, and as much as he had a crush on the man, he didn't realise how angry it would make him to think that Snape had feelings for someone else. Someone who was dead. And that someone being his mother. It just seemed like such a waste of time when he was right here! Now!
Snape wanted to backhand the boy, but his kept his hands to himself, even if he was beyond royally pissed off. He completely ignored the bird in the room as Fawkes seemed to get rather restless on his perch.
"I risked my life to protect you, you arrogant little sod," Snape spat. He usually wouldn't swear in front of a student, or even a teacher here at Hogwarts, but he was just as angry as Harry was right now, and the term slipped quite easily from his tongue.
"No, you risked it because you wanted to pay her back! Because you ratted them out! My parents! Me!" Harry yelled. "You didn't care for anyone but your own selfish needs! And when you ruined your friendship with her, you became a coward and turned to Voldemort!"
Grabbing his wand from his pocket without even thinking, he aimed it at the man, Snape just looking at him. Was there a hint of fear in those dark eyes? Harry didn't know, but part of him wanted there to be.
Another part of him was asking what the hell he was doing! He couldn't attack a teacher! He'd already attacked Snape before, and the man actually stood up for him and said it hadn't been his fault! Why the hell was Snape so damn difficult to read!? His actions just contradicted each other more and more. Did he damn well care for him or not!?
"Potter…" Severus started, his eyes on the furious green ones, his hands staying by his side. He showed no sign of fear, but he'd be a fool to not know just how powerful Harry Potter was and could be. Even with the Dark Lord gone.
He watched as those glassy green eyes glistened, Harry clearly on the verge of tears. He had no idea what had gotten into the boy, but he figured the last year or so had been very stressful on him. Finally it must have all been coming out. On him.
Just great.
"No!" Harry yelled, his face going rather red with his own embarrassment to his actions as well as his own anger. The magic inside of him felt almost uncontrollable, and he still aimed his wand at the professor, surprised nothing bad had actually happened yet.
"I thought that you were a good man! I hated you when I first came here, and then seeing what you did for me, I…" Harry stopped, going a deep shade of red as he realised what he was going to say. He heard a noise come from Fawkes, but he ignored him.
Snape just stared at him. "Well, you may as well say it now, Potter. You've already called me a Death Eater, told me that you hate me. What else could you possibly have to insult me with?" he drawled, despite the fact that Harry's wand was still on him.
The boy wouldn't do anything, and Snape moved, folding his arms. Fawkes would intervene before Harry actually did something. The bird was loyal to him, after all.
"Your father used to call me things, too. I've had my fair share, Potter. Go ahead and say what you were going to say, I doubt it's going to change my life drastically. I must inform you, I am quite used to it by now," he said in a rather bored manner.
Harry just glared, trying to fight the tears, but he dropped his wand and fell to his knees, covering his face. Out of all the people in the world that he had to break down in front of, why did it have to be Professor Snape? The cold hearted Dungeon Bat that he had a crush on.
As Harry fell to the floor, Snape just stood there, not knowing what to do. He could hear the boy sobbing, but he wasn't expecting such a substantial change in action. In a moment of confusion, he actually looked at Fawkes, as if the bird could actually help him somehow. Fawkes just fluffed up and made a soft noise in the direction of Potter.
Mentally, Severus sighed—the cruel part in him just telling him to walk away, and yet, this was an opportunity to clear the air between them. Severus didn't want Potter to hate him, and he'd come to realise that since the boy had saved his life. Just because he was a Slytherin didn't mean he had no heart.
He looked at his options, and he chose the one he knew was right. The one that he always knew was right.
Approaching the boy, he lent down on one knee and awkwardly put his hand to Harry's shoulder. The boy didn't look up, but he soon latched onto his arm, which made him feel even more uncomfortable, shooting Fawkes an angry look as he made a sound that sounded too much like laughter.
Severus hadn't had anyone touch him in such a way before. Lily was the only one that would comfort him when he was upset. He'd had his fair share of breakdowns. When Lily had died, when he'd come to Dumbledore, having to kill Dumbledore (although that one was locked away inside him still). He wasn't expecting Harry to do the same, though.
For a moment, he felt more connected to the Gryffindor than he'd ever felt with anyone before. Not even Lily had cried so hard against him. She was always so brave. Standing up for him while James and Sirius threw curses and hexes at him. Even when he had called her a Mudblood, she never cried.
He felt himself slowly leaning into the boy's touch, even though the warm tears dampening his sleeve made him feel strange. This was just completely new to him. Someone coming to him. Someone so emotional. He supposed it wasn't planned, though.
Sure, he'd made some students cry before, but that was just because they were idiots and did something wrong. He had no time for that in his classes! But this was something completely different. A real breakdown. An emotionally imbalanced young man. An emotionally imbalanced young man that was against him, and it made him feel awful to know he was the cause of it. As much as people thought he was nothing but a sadistic Slytherin, the truth was, he absolutely hated seeing others suffer, especially students. It was a horrid nostalgia for him.
Maybe Minerva was right about Harry. Maybe he was taking a lot more than he could really handle. Especially after defeating the Dark Lord.
Feeling horribly embarrassed and humiliated, Harry wanted to pull back, but Professor Snape felt so warm against him. Much warmer than he looked with his pale skin and cold eyes. Some of the kids used to think he was a vampire, but considering the warmth of his body, Harry knew that wasn't true.
Feeling a hand go through his messy hair, he looked up, tears streaking his cheeks to see Professor Snape looking somewhat softly down at him. His facial features were a lot younger looking when they held concern instead of being so stern. And he really did like the haircut…
"I'm sorry, Professor… I shouldn't have said those things," he mumbled, removing his glasses and wiping down his eyes with his own arm sleeve. He felt awful right now, and he could feel his face was red with embarrassment. Bloody hell, he'd just broken down in front of Snape. He felt rather pathetic. He didn't even want to look at the other man.
"I never said I was a hero, Potter," Severus said, taking his arm back and looking at the dampened sleeve.
"Stop apologising. You have nothing to be sorry for," the professor said, looking into those glassy emerald eyes. When Harry had his glasses off, they truly were like Lily's. They were beautiful. They made him want to take Harry into his arms and tell him it was alright, but wanting to do something and actually doing it was another thing.
Severus was the last person in the world to be seen comforting someone else. He had little time for how others felt, especially Gryffindor's and Harry Potter. But that wasn't true anymore, was it? He very much liked the feeling of Harry against him like that. Well, it would have been nicer without the tears…
It had been a long time since he'd had human contact so… intimate before—besides the day in his classroom. But Harry had needed him, and it felt good to be needed. Even to be wanted. He was sure it was nothing, though. Harry Potter wouldn't like a 'filthy Death Eater' like him.
Standing, he turned away from the boy, leaning a hand onto his desk. "Everything you have said about me is correct, Potter. I was a Death Eater. I did betray your parents and put them in danger. I killed them because I was selfish." Selfish in wanting Lily for himself. Why the hell was he even coming out about this? Curse Potter!
Wiping his eyes down again, Harry put his glasses back on to see Snape had moved over to his desk. It felt odd hearing such words coming from the man's throat. His voice was always so dark and chilling, even if it was so smooth at the same time. But now it sounded almost broken inside. Like he were a young boy again.
"No, you went to Dumbledore," said Harry softly. "I saw it in your memories, so don't even try to make out you were a terrible person. You tried to save them, I know you did. You tried to protect them, and it was Pettigrew who betrayed them. He let them in. He let Voldemort in…"
Snape turned swiftly. "I cared not for you or James, Potter! I went to Dumbledore because of Lily! Because it was her that he wanted to kill! Her son! I didn't care for your father, nor did I care for you. I requested that the Dark Lord spare Lily and only Lily. What kind of a man does that make me!?"
Harry already knew this, and that was even before he started to like Snape. Of course it upset him in ways, but it was in the past now. Snape had spent his whole life trying to redeem himself! He knew it wasn't for him or his father, but he still did it for Lily. Snape still protected him. He couldn't just toss that away.
Harry couldn't say he was a bad man. A bad friend, maybe. But Snape had been true to his word. True to his promise, even though Dumbledore had failed in protecting Lily Potter. He'd still spied, put his life in constant danger just to protect him. Even if it was for Lily, it was still for him, too. He had heard Snape say 'them'. It may have been Lily he wanted, but he still said to hide and protect them 'all'.
About to open his mouth, the door opened to Snape's office and Harry adjusted his glasses as he saw the Headmistress walk in. People really needed to lock their doors in this place!
"Oh… should I come back at a better time?" asked Minerva McGonagall, looking from both Severus to Harry. Harry had a red face, his eyes swollen. "Please don't tell me you've been tormenting the boy, Severus. I noticed ten more points were taken…"
Snape, who had stood up straight now, just gave the woman a glare.
"No, Professor… he hasn't been. I was just… upset," said Harry, Snape giving him a subtle but surprised look.
McGonagall nodded. "Well, I heard you requested me, Severus. Potter, I think you should get back to your common room. The hallways will be off limits soon. Oh, and I assume Professor Snape has told you that your next Potions lesson will be with the rest of the year?"
Though Snape had not told him this, Harry just nodded. "Yes, Professor," he said, giving Snape a small and thankful smile as he walked by him. Snape just watched the boy.
As the door closed and Harry was gone, Severus put his hands together. "Headmistress, I apologise for that."
"I warned you that Potter was a ticking time bomb. I'm glad you were there for him when you could be, Severus," said the woman in her green robes, her eyes going to the damp sleeve of his coat.
Severus put his arms behind his back. "I hardly have time for teenage temper tantrums, Headmistress. I merely brought him in here so he wouldn't create such a disturbance in the hallways." Not to mention he had been a little brat beforehand.
"And apparently you two had gotten rather close," said the witch, noting to the sleeve that was now behind Severus' back. She smiled as his eyes just watched her own. Severus Snape was very good at keeping in character, but that didn't mean Minerva didn't see the evidence.
"He was crying, did you expect me to laugh at him?" sneered the Potions master, Fawkes protesting.
"I wouldn't put it past you, Severus," smirked McGonagall, getting a scowl from the man. She simply smiled, though, patting him on the shoulder lightly before they got down to why Severus had requested her.