Chapter Twenty Two: The Daily Prophet.

Harry lay in bed, unable to sleep. His mind was racing about what was going to happen tomorrow. He hadn't even gotten a chance to talk to Snape about anything, either. The man had skipped breakfast, lunch and tea the whole day, so he hadn't even seen him. He wondered if he had done that on purpose, to stay away from him?

What if after this Snape didn't want anything to do with him? He couldn't even stand the thought of that! Not when they'd just slept together. Snape was his first… and that was somewhat important to him. He hadn't even slept with Ginny. He was thankful for that now, but God… Snape had been perfect in every way last night. He couldn't get the images and feelings out of his head—even if he was still sore.

McGonagall was pissed, he knew, and she'd made it clear the whole day. It had been long, and Harry had been rather distant with the people from the Prophet. Luckily, Skeeter hadn't reappeared, and only a few students were starting to whisper. No one had approached him about it, though. He figured it was just a rumour right now. McGonagall had said it was all over the school, but he was surprised that it wasn't. She'd just overreacted.

He hadn't even told Ron and Hermione what had happened. He was, admittedly, too embarrassed to. What would they think!? Well… if what McGonagall said was true, and it was going to be in the papers tomorrow, then he figured they'd find out soon enough.

Rolling onto his back, he stared at the ceiling, his glasses still on. He wanted to feel that magic against him again. It was amazing, like the warmth of the sun against his skin, but so much more. He wanted Severus. He wanted to talk to him, ask him what had happened after he'd left. Had McGonagall spoken to him as well?

Looking around, he pushed himself up, seeing his father's Cloak. He quietly stepped off his bed and pulled his drawer out, grabbing the Marauder's Map. He whispered "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," and tapped his wand against it, the map revealing every person in Hogwarts.

He looked outside the Gryffindor tower just to see if anyone was there. Next, he checked McGonagall's quarters, seeing her name planted safely in her room. He was surprised she trusted him enough not to be lurking. He had the Cloak anyway, so even if he did run into her, she wouldn't be able to see him. Maybe she didn't expect it after her lecture.

Un-scrolling it further, he checked the dungeons to see Severus Snape's name also planted in his quarters. He should have used this last night, it would have caused a lot less grief. He'd been so high on his own magic and lust that he didn't even consider it. How stupid of him.

Putting the Cloak over him, he headed down the stairs in his pyjamas, padding his way down the levels until he reached the corridors and eventually the dungeons. He didn't knock this time, and instead he pulled out his wand, whispering Alohomora, the lock on the other side clicking.

Pushing the door in, he noticed it was dark inside the office, which only meant Snape was asleep in bed. How he could sleep, he had no idea. His own magic was tingling horribly, and he wanted nothing more than to be with Severus again.

Quietly closing the door behind him, he used the light from his wand to walk over to the other door inside the office, using the charm again to open the door. Inside, the fire was small and Fawkes' feathers were rather dim as the bird was asleep. In the bed, Snape was asleep, a book on the nightstand and a dimming candle. He then realised why Snape was asleep: there was a potion bottle sitting there as well. Clearly he took something so he could sleep.

Throwing his Cloak down, he leant down to the side of the bed and lowered his wand, the candlelight and the fire enough to light the room gently. "Professor…?" he whispered, lifting a hand and touching Snape's shoulder. The man was facing the other way, so he couldn't see his face.

"Snape!" he whispered louder, Fawkes leaning up and out of his back, feathers fluffing up as he gave a curious look to Harry. "Hey, wake up."

Feeling the nudge to his shoulder, Snape's eyes clenched closed as he knew he was in his bed and it was still dark. It wasn't until he heard his name being whispered again that he quickly turned over his shoulder, running a hand down his face to focus on Harry.

"Potter, what are you doing!? And… how the hell did you get in here!?" he asked, although already knowing. Of course Potter knew the charm to unlock doors, and his office wasn't securely locked in case a student needed him.

"I had to see you, especially after what happened this morning," said Harry, beaming as he leaned up, sitting on the side of the bed as Snape pushed himself up to reveal his dark grey pyjamas which looked much like a long undershirt that clung to his body (the rest Harry couldn't see).

Severus scratched at the back of his head. "Potter, you shouldn't be here, and I mean that quite literally this time," he pushed. "If the Headmistress found out you were here, the both of us could be in serious trouble." He figured Minerva would have kept a chain on Potter knowing he liked to roam around. Perhaps she didn't care as much as she led them to believe. Or perhaps she trusted the Gryffindor too easily.

"She talked to you too, huh?" Harry mumbled in disappointment. "What are we supposed to do? I… I can't not be around you," he said desperately, glad it was dark as he felt a familiar wave of heat hit his cheeks. "Last night had… I want more."

What!? No! No, that couldn't happen! Especially not now! "Potter, no, if Professor McGonagall finds you down here, I could lose my position and you could lose your place as a student. This is your final year, you cannot throw that away for something as silly as… whatever this is."

"You mean our relationship?" asked the Gryffindor. "What exactly did she say to you?"

"Enough to know that you cannot be here." Snape pushed himself up and out of the bed. "I will escort you back." He didn't literally mean their relationship was stupid, but he was a person who could live without sex and a romantic partner. Or thought he was. It did nothing but cause trouble—example right here.

When Snape stood, Harry looked at the man and realised it wasn't an undershirt but what looked like an olden day style one-piece, snuggled up tight against his body with buttons down the front. He bit his lip at the sight. Once more, his magic was going haywire and he wanted the man more than anything. "Please…"

"No," said Snape, and that was his final answer. "Now, before you get the both of us into trouble, get back to your room! Don't make me take points from you, I haven't done that in a while and I've been missing it quite so."

Harry gave an annoyed sigh, but he understood that Snape didn't want the both of them getting into trouble. "When can I talk to you, then? Professor McGonagall said that we can't be seen together during school hours unless it's class. When can we meet, then?"

"Only on weekends, I'm afraid. And I doubt she means on the grounds of Hogwarts, either," Snape muttered. He was just as disappointed as Harry was, but he had to be professional about this matter if he wanted to stay a teacher here at Hogwarts. He should have lever let himself give in. None of this would have happened if he just stayed away.

"I don't understand. She was the one who said we could do this… Why has she changed her mind so quickly?" He just didn't get it!

"Because it is for the right of the students, and they must come before our personal desires," Snape said much to his despise right now. He frowned, knowing Minerva expected him to tell her what was truly going on between him and Harry. Clearly he'd hurt her by sleeping with Harry behind her back, but to be honest, it really wasn't any of her business! And once more, it hadn't been planned! How did you casually tell someone that?

He supposed it wasn't about asking, it was about revealing his true feelings, which he had kept rather quiet the whole time. Minerva had been pushing him and urging for him to say it, he knew that, but he didn't think that by doing this it would feel like some kind of betrayal to her. It was a Gryffindor thing, he knew. All their pride and all of that personal crap. He wasn't her 'innocent' boy now—not that he ever was, but he knew their relationship was tight, almost like family. She always had been there for him. Especially when Dumbledore hadn't been. When Dumbledore ignored him in need and tossed him aside for the sake of Potter, Black, Lupin and Pettigrew. He had never been Dumbledore's favourite. He had never been anyone's favourite.

"Potter, I will talk to the Headmistress in the morning, but I must insist that you return to your common room before we make things worse. If the Prophet truly does print what Skeeter has assumed was shared between us, then the both of us will have a long day tomorrow." And pretty much forever.

"Alright, I'll go back," Harry murmured gently. "I suppose I'll see you in class tomorrow." He turned, but stopped when he felt a hand on his shoulder, looking back up to the Potions master.

"Don't think this means I don't wish to spend time with you, Potter. I do," said Snape. Leaning down, he awkwardly kissed Harry on the forehead before pulling back so Potter didn't get any ideas. "Goodnight, Harry. I assume you can walk yourself back safely?"

Feeling his blood run cold, Harry shivered at the show of affection, though wishing it had've been on the lips. The forehead seemed like such a fatherly thing to do. "I can and will. Goodnight, Sev," he murmured happily. He then made his way out of the dungeons and headed back to Gryffindor Tower.

Hearing the door close, Severus lingered the name 'Sev' in his head for a moment. It had been a long time since he was called that, but it was somewhat welcoming to him coming from Potter. He sighed, returning to bed and blowing out the candle on the nightstand.


Early in the morning, Severus headed up to the Headmistress' office, dressed in his usual teaching robes. He said the password and headed up the stairs as the giant phoenix turned, and he knocked on the door before entering to see Minerva McGonagall seated behind the desk.

"What can I do for you this early, Severus?" said the elderly witch in her own emerald teaching robes and hat. Her voice was no way near as harsh as it had been the previous day and night.

Walking inside, Snape didn't take a seat. "Headmistress, I wanted to speak to you of yesterday's discussion. I have a feeling that you were rather hot-headed over the situation, and I was hoping that I could change your mind on Potter and I."

"Well, I appreciate your honesty, Severus, but nothing is going to change my mind," she stated. "If that is all, then you may as well head down for breakfast. I assume you and Potter are in for a rough day."

This was ridiculous! Out of all the things in life, he deserved at least something good for all the shit he had taken! Lily had been the best thing in his life, and she had been stolen from him, and now he was getting a second chance with Harry and she was going to rob him of that!?

Leaning on the desk, he gave her a rather dark look. "Headmistress, I do not question your ability and duties, I am well aware that you are more than suited for this position, but how can you possibly think that keeping Potter and I from one another is going to help either of us? You know very well how strong this magic is, and how it may affect us if ignored. Why are you punishing the both of us for something that is beyond our control?"

The woman stiffened in her seat. "Professor, I will not have you speak to me in such terms!"

Snape turned away aggressively, his robes billowing. He stood for a moment in silence. "I'm sorry…" he muttered eventually, looking over his shoulder. "I should have told you what I was feeling. You are the Headmistress of Hogwarts, and you should have been informed of what could possibly happen between Potter and I. I apologise for keeping secrets from you, but I did not intend for such events to happen."

Looking at the back of the man, Minerva frowned. "I am sorry, Severus… I still stand by my decision." She saw Snape's shoulders lower and his head move slightly as he was clearly listening. "I'm afraid that until these events quiet down amongst the students, it is very unwise for you two to be seen together."

"Yes, of course," Snape murmured, "I understand." He headed for the door.

"Severus… I am sorry. If Rita Skeeter had not found out, then I would be more than happy for you and Potter to share your quarters as much as you wished in private, but that is not the case. I admit, I was shocked to find out the news, and I may have been hot-tempered. But this is for the sake of the students, as well as yourself and Potter."

She had had the night to think over on her actions. Yes, she did overreact, but this was new to her just as much as everyone else. Usually Dumbledore would deal with these things in his own calm way. But he wasn't here anymore, and this was now her responsibility. She had to get used to it.

She supported Severus and Harry. She was shocked, disappointed that they had been caught, disappointed in herself that she had allowed Skeeter to go undetected. Her own outburst was simply her own guilt and lack of control of Hogwarts. Dumbledore's portrait had reassured her overnight, though. Even though just a portrait, he was still helpful.

It was her duty to protect everyone here, including Severus. He was like a son to her, and having him lie to her face so easily had hurt. Even more, he was no longer really her responsibility as a child. He'd grown up long ago. He'd done bad things. He was no innocent! But he had one virtue left in him, and it was now gone, too.

"You may go, Severus," she nodded gently. "I will talk to you and Potter later."

Snape just gave a single nod before he turned from her once more, walking out of the room and heading back down the stairs as he was dismissed. Today was going to be horrid.


Harry was quiet most of the morning at breakfast. Everything in school seemed the same besides the knowledge of what was going to be in the papers as soon as they arrived. There were a few odd looks going around, but like last night, no one was saying anything. He doubted people believed it was actually true if they heard it. Why would they? Everyone 'knew' he and Snape 'hated' one another.

He still hadn't told Ron and Hermione, but that was just because he didn't know how to tell them. How do you casually bring that up in a conversation?

He had seen Snape at the High Table, the man seeming very distant from McGonagall who he was sitting beside in his usual seat. Clearly things hadn't gone well between them this morning, and Severus was keeping very quiet, his head down as he hardly ate.

Harry turned back to his own bowl of warm porridge. He wasn't very hungry at all considering the nerves in his stomach. He'd felt nervous before, but this was also dread, and he couldn't help but just play with his food as a distraction to the inevitable.

Ron and Hermione had asked where he'd been the night he was missing, but he had been too tired from the interviews to talk. They didn't ask again, and he figured they just thought he was out at the graves again. It was nothing new, and Ron and Hermione were getting used to him not wanting to talk about certain things.

"Harry, you're very quiet this morning," said Hermione, having noticed that he hadn't eaten much of his breakfast as well. She knew the interviews had been tiring for him, but he seemed very distracted and worried about something. "Are you alright?"

Harry looked up, swallowing hard. He was amazed the whispers hadn't reached them yet. He figured people were too nervous to ask, though. He knew once the papers came that Ron and Hermione were in for a massive surprise. He wished he had told them before, but he had been too nervous and tired. But thinking about it now, he would rather it come from his lips than them believing the words of Rita Skeeter. So he just came out with it.

"I slept with Professor Snape…" he confessed, Ron and Hermione looking at him in surprise. He shrank into his shoulders. "It's why I was missing the other night… I… I don't even know how it happened, it just did."

"Slept in his room, right? Like… not actually…? Ron started, looking as Harry's eyes went away. "Oh blimey, Harry!" he said, feeling his own cheeks go red. Instantly, he looked at the High Table, looking at Snape as he was gazing across the room at what appeared to be the wall. He didn't seem happy at all! "S-so… what people are whispering? I heard someone say something about Snape last night. But, I thought it was just all stupid, you know? I didn't wanna worry you about it…"

Hermione was just as shocked. "Harry, why didn't you tell us this before!?"

"Hermione, it's not like it's something that comes up in every day conversation!" retorted the boy. "Besides… I was nervous, and I didn't know what you guys might think. But I thought it would be better from my mouth than reading it when the papers arrive."

The papers? Hermione gave a questioning look to Harry. "Why would the papers matter? Why would they even know!? she asked.

"Rita Skeeter found out. It's why people are whispering…" Harry mumbled, leaning his cheek onto his knuckles. Ron was still gawking at him, which made him feel uncomfortable, but he didn't say anything about it.

"McGonagall is furious over the whole thing, and… now the whole school is going to know about it."

Hermione looked down at her hands on the table, but Ron just stared at Harry, feeling rather sick to the stomach. He knew that Harry and Snape were in a relationship, but now this made things serious! And… Snape!? Naked? Ew! That just seemed so wrong!

"Are you alright, though? He didn't hurt you or anything? I mean… like… did it hurt? What the hell was it like!?" he asked, unable to form a comprehensive sentence. "Merlin, if that myth is true about nose sizes…"

"Ron!" Hermione hissed, horrified that he would ask something like that.

Harry just gave an embarrassed laugh, feeling very uneasy. "I didn't expect it not to hurt, Ron, it was my first time…" he said, though feeling his cheeks burning. "And… to be honest, I didn't really… see much. It was kind of quick and… yeah. It was really amazing, though. I've never felt anything like it. He was actually… really gentle. It was strange, but good."

Just remembering the feeling of Snape against him was wonderful. He wanted it so much again, and he hated the fact that he and Snape couldn't even talk to one another unless it was about school work in public. This was going to be horrible!

Ron felt a little jealous at the fact that Harry had shagged someone and he hadn't got that far with his girlfriend yet. He was a bit shy on the topic himself when it came to Hermione, though. His guy friends it was alright, but it was a little embarrassing with Hermione.

The thought of Snape being gentle made him frown. He gave the professor a quick glance once more, raising a brow. "So the whole school is gunna know about this?" he asked. "I would have thought Snape would have been more cheerful about that. He looks miserable up there… I mean, it's not every day someone gets noticed for sleeping with Harry Potter," he smirked, despite still feeling horribly awkward about this new information.

Once more, Hermione shot the red-head a sharp look. "Ron, Snape isn't like that! Don't you realise what classes are going to be like for him? For the both of you!? Students are going to feed off this! It's going to be horrible… It's not like Snape has many friends as it is either…" Not that she blamed Harry for giving into his desires, but they should have been more careful!

"We have Potions today, Harry, it's the final class of the day. I'll be right by your side if anyone starts saying anything horrible about it, okay? And I'm sure Ron will be, too. For the both of you. Not just you, but Professor Snape, too."

Harry felt guilty about the whole thing now, but he didn't regret sleeping with Snape. He couldn't. They'd really bonded that night and he enjoyed every second of it. He knew it came with a massive backlash from the school and papers, but be damned with that! He wanted Snape!

"'Mione's rights, Harry," said Ron, patting his hand onto Harry's back. "We'll be right beside you."

Harry nodded gently, though wincing as he heard the owls starting to come through the Great Hall with their packages. Spells wasn't there, and he was glad, but he did want to quickly check if anything was actually in it in the Daily Prophet.

When Ron's owl dropped off the paper, the both of them scrolled it open. Of course, the front page was filled with Hogwarts and the interviews that had happened, but Harry couldn't care less about that. Instead, he and Ron flipped through to Rita Skeeter's Me, Myself and I column. And there it was, a photo of Harry wearing Snape's too large a dress shirt as he was coming out of the office door.

"Sorry, Harry…" Ron mumbled, reading down the column. It was horribly blown out of proportion (from what Harry said), and said things about both Harry and Snape being long lost lovers and all this other mumbo jumbo that Ron almost couldn't stomach.

"I can't believe this!" Hermione hissed. "She has the nerve to include that Snape was a Death Eater and how dangerous he must be for you, thus that's the cause of the attraction. Now she's making you out to be a complete trouble seeker! This is horrible, Harry," she muttered, continuing to read her own paper.

"That's not all," said Ron, pointing to the paper, "She's made out that it's been going on for years in secret, and part of Dumbledore's Army. Not to mention Snape's… endowment…" Ron went a tomato shade of red.

"What!?" Harry almost yelled, looking to where Ron's finger was. Oh, God… even she made a comment about the professor's length. Harry ran his hands over his face as he felt his whole body heat up. He knew it was going to be bad, but that was exactly what students at Hogwarts would question. Just how big is Professor Snape and Harry Potter? They were teenagers, of course. He shrank into his shoulders.

Soon enough, the Hall was starting to fill with giggles, gasps and whispers, and Harry realised that many people were looking around to one another, as well as at him and Snape. Snape had his head down as he was reading the paper on the table. McGonagall had a very unpleased facial expression as she made no contact with Severus. Hagrid's face was beet red beneath his beard, and Harry could tell he was trying not to look at either of them.

"Potter!? Is it true!? You and Professor Snape…?" asked one of the Hufflepuff's from across the hallway, loud enough to grab everyone's attention.

Harry just went still, not knowing what to say. He saw Draco Malfoy rather pale, looking at the Head of Slytherin from his table.

"Quiet!" McGonagall's voice echoed over the Hall. "All of you, classes are starting soon, I advise you all get ready immediately before you find yourselves in detention. Professors, that includes you."

She waved her hand and the tables were cleared of any remains, much to some of the student's disappointment. She put her hand on Severus' shoulder to stop him from leaving his seat, and called out after Harry, the boy stopping and turning around.

"Good luck, Harry," Ron murmured. "I'll see you in class."

Harry nodded nervously as everyone else left, murmurs, sneers and snickers being heard as he pushed his way through the students. He walked his way up to the High Table, his eyes lowering. "Yes, Professor?"

Letting her hand off Severus' shoulder, Snape kept his eyes off the Gryffindor, his hands in his lap.

"You two are not to be seen together unless in a professional manner, is that understood?" said the witch. Her voice wasn't nearly as sharp as it had been yesterday.

"You can't do this!" Harry yelled, feeling himself getting upset and angry once more.

McGonagall gave a scowling look to the boy. "Potter, unless you want to be expelled from Hogwarts, I insist that you calm yourself, listen to me and let me finish."

Harry frowned, though shutting his mouth. Gryffindor was already losing this year's Cup from the start of the year. Slytherin was way up in the lead. He didn't need more points taken no thanks to his behaviour before with Snape.

"Now, for the time being, you two are going to have a rather difficult time during classes. This is for the both of you. You will not be seen in public displaying any kind of affection until the students have calmed down. Once they have gotten over this, then you may act… the way you wish—in reasonable profession." Not that she could ever truly see Severus showing public displays of affection.

Severus looked up, his brow furrowing. "Headmistress…?" He thought she was completely against their relationship now! What was with the turn around this time?

The Headmistress gave a gentle sigh. "I am well aware of the magic that is being shared between you, and it is quite stupid to think that it would be easy for you two to stay away from one another. For the school and your positions, though, please do not make things any worse than they already are. The both of you are going to have a horrid few weeks ahead of you until this dies down and nobody cares for it. Potter, you must refrain from getting into any fights, and Severus, no unfair point taking."

Snape disregarded of points comment. "You don't expect that to honestly happen, Headmistress," he said. "Potter is famous. Once others get a hand on this article, they will be asking for more information. From the both of us." Unfortunately, he was just as much as famous as Potter is right now. He really should have thought more about this before he decided to think with his snake.

"And they will not be granted it," Minerva snapped. "Hogwarts is a boarding school, and as long as you two are on the safety of its grounds, then there will be no publicity of it until Potter finishes school or goes on holiday. And I find it highly unwise that you should leave the castle over Christmas, Potter, unless you wish for that to happen."

It wasn't the first time he'd stayed at Hogwarts over Christmas, but Harry frowned, wondering if Ron and Hermione would stay back with him. He didn't exactly wish to stay here by himself.

"Now, I will give you two a moment before class. Be quick," the witch made clear before turning her back, her green robes tailing after her.

Harry looked at Snape as he was still sitting down at the now empty table. "I'm sorry, Professor… I know today is going to be horrible for the both of us."

Snape just rolled his eyes, standing up. "Stop apologising, Potter, it wasn't like I made you walk away that night." He had wanted it just as much as Harry had. How were they supposed to know that Rita Skeeter was going to be stalking them in her Animagus form? He would have thought with her on the grounds, there would have been more security. Then again, Hogwarts always had nooks and crannies where people seemed to find their way in.

He walked around the back of the table and stepped down the few stairs that separated the students from the teachers. "The Headmistress is correct, though. The both of us will be the talk of the school for quite some time, and she is right in making us stay away from one another in public, no matter how difficult that may be."

"Do you care that people know?" Harry asked, knowing Snape wasn't one to be very public about… well… anything, unless it was his hatred for something.

"I don't think that matters," Snape said, his hands going by his side. "I don't see much point in hiding the truth, Potter, not when it's all over the tabloids and school. I don't see why anyone should even be thinking of it. It's not any of their concern." Unfortunately, he was dealing with a bunch of teenagers who had nothing else on their minds.

"So if people ask… what do you want me to say?" asked the boy.

He was asking him that!? Severus frowned lightly. "Potter, you can tell them whatever the hell you wish. I don't care. They are children, they will use their imaginations 'til their demise. I cannot stop them from thinking fact from fiction."

Right. Harry nodded. "Alright," he said, smiling lightly. "W-what will you tell the teachers? I mean, surely they'll be asking questions as well, right? In the staff room and all…"

Snape scoffed. "Potter, I'm not the most popular amongst the professor's here, they know very well to leave me to my solitude unless they wish to be hexed." He gave an amused facial at that, and Harry smiled. "Now, go to class before Professor McGonagall returns. Once the students have had their fun, then we can discuss us."

"I'll see you in class, Professor," Harry nodded, looking up and wishing he could kiss the man. Snape must have sensed his magic because he swiftly turned on his heal and headed to the back of the Great Hall and out the other door. Harry just sighed, heading back to his common room to grab his things for his first lesson.


Once Harry had stepped out of the Great Hall, all eyes were immediately on him, and he'd wished he could just go back inside and hide forever. Ron and Hermione had been true to their word, though, and they'd stuck up for him when people had said nasty comments or asked if the rumours were true.

Of course, as soon as he'd gone into the common room to grab his things for his first lesson, all of the Gryffindors were calling him a traitor for being with a Slytherin, and a lot of the younger Gryffindor's were just trying to hide their embarrassment that someone had slept with a teacher at Hogwarts. Hell, they were very young, so they shouldn't even be thinking about that kind of stuff!

Harry just quickly grabbed his stuff and headed out of there as soon as he could. Of course, classes had been just the same. Snickers and whispers were being heard, but most of the professors there were trying to keep the whole thing quiet.

Harry had only seen Snape once during the day, and he looked very agitated. He could only imagine what his classes had consisted of. Snape may be a strict teacher and rough on his students, but even he was getting badgered by the students.

And then there was his final class. Potions. Shared with Slytherin, of all other Houses. Harry sat quietly beside Ron who was next to Hermione. Snape wasn't here yet, which made the students even more rowdy, and Malfoy was giving him a rather dirty look that he didn't quite like. Surprisingly, the Slytherin's had been the least of his worries today. Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and his own House had been much more talkative over the whole thing.

"It's alright, Harry, I'm sure Snape will keep their mouths shut. After all, he's their Head of House," said Ron, giving a light shrug.

"I don't know," Hermione said worriedly, "Snape was looking awfully rough when I saw him before. But you are right… Slytherin is a tight brotherhood, and despite what everyone does think of them, they stick together." All three of them knew that from experience. Despite Slytherin's bad reputation, they did look out for one another and had a tight bond.

"Yeah, but he's angry all the time," Ron muttered, "Well, unless Harry's snogging him, of course." He smirked.

Harry elbowed his friend roughly as his cheeks warmed, Ron just laughing. At least when his friends did it, it made him feel more comfortable. He knew Ron wasn't picking on him like the others were, and it gave him a sense of reassurance coming from Ron.

"No, I don't mean the usual him," Hermione stated. "I mean he looked bad… Like… very stressed out. I don't think he's used to this kind of attention. We all know he's snappy as it is, I can only imagine what classes were like today. I saw Gryffindor has lost a lot of points." She sighed at the loss. They were not winning this year.

Instantly, Harry looked at his friend, worry crawling over his face. "Do you know if he's okay?" At that moment, the door to the dungeons opened and McGonagall stepped inside, Harry's eyes narrowing a little as she walked to the front of the class. Why was she here? Where was Snape?

"Attention please," she said, everyone instantly falling silent. Like Snape, she had a way of making the class absolutely silent without much effort. "I will be teaching this lesson today, so please get your books out."

Harry raised his hand. "Professor, why isn't Professor Snape here?"

"Probably too ashamed to come to class," said one of the students.

McGonagall hushed the room. "Professor Snape is unfit to teach this evening."

"What'd you give him, Potter? Gryffindor germs?" This time it was a Slytherin.

Harry grew angry as the class started snickering amongst one another. McGonagall hushed them once more, though, and took five points off Slytherin for saying such a thing. Harry, on the other hand, was very angry and worried at the same time. A very bad combination of magic.

"I'm sure he's alright, Harry, he's probably just stressed out," Hermione reassured, getting her books out.

When the rest of the students got their things out, McGonagall approached the table with Ron, Hermione and Harry sitting down. "Potter, I think you should come with me," she said, Harry giving her a concerned look.

Harry stood up, eyeing his friends nervously. They didn't say anything, and he followed McGonagall out of the classroom as she told the students that Hermione was in charge while she was gone.

"Professor, what's wrong? Did I do something…? Is this about Professor Snape?" he asked. "I haven't spoken to him all day since this morning, I swear!"

"It's not that, Potter," said McGonagall.

Harry stopped as he realised they were heading to the hospital wing. "What's wrong?"

"I think you should see for yourself," said McGonagall, leading the boy into the hospital wing.

Harry looked at the only occupied bed in the room, Severus Snape lying down motionless with a bandage wrapped around his left arm. Harry instantly ran to the side of the bed. "Professor!?" he asked, his heart thumping in his head. "Severus!?" Oh, God, what the hell had happened!?