Xiao Meifeng

Dear Grimoire,

Where do I start? After my 'job' in Georgia was finished, YahYah kept her promise. I went down to Atlanta and met a misfit witch named Justin. His magic was malfunctioning, and he could only do small things.

With some help for the Otherside, I got a spot on his next job -- an ancient jewelry exhibit. It was a hard one to pull off, for humans and irregular witches.

There were three exhibits: China, Persia, and Greece. Naturally, they wanted to hit the Persian exhibit for its gold. But I had no plan to limit myself. With a boundary spell, even as the alarm went off and the authorities tried to beat down the door, I leisurely stole everything.

Justin and I went our separate ways; I laid low at a small bar that YahYah led me to, Bre's Bar, ran by a witch that made a little extra money stowing runaway witches and vampires.

I hunkered down for a few days, and then I high tailed it back Mystic Falls. Along the way, I made a stop in Richmond. I met a vampire that was good with computers. I promised him a daylight ring to make some of the stolen goods.

Finally, back in Mystic Falls, I was now trying to figure out how to make a daylight ring and deal with the strangest thing I have ever encountered-- Xiao Meifeng.

It was my first day back to school since I left. That's when I met her, the foreign exchange student staying with the Fell family. I guess she wanted to make the best of her stay in America and joined a few clubs.

The New Dawn club is were I spotted. It was a club for new age Wicca bullshit. But Xiao Meifeng managed to let humans taste magic. They were chanting in Archaic Chinese.

I've been watching her for days, even on Thanksgiving break, I followed her. But I can't keep my distance anymore.


Solomon had just finished his last class with the new history teacher, Mr. Saltzman. Solomon planned to skip the rest of the day when he spotted Meifeng in the hallway.

Meifeng is fair-skinned with long flowing platinum and purple hair. She has a sensual beauty that causes her to stand out amongst many.

"Who's that?" Elena asked.

"Xiao Meifeng..." Solomon answered.

"You should go talk to her," Elena added.

"No, you shouldn't. We have that thing, remember?" Bonnie stepped in, but it didn't stop Solomon from walking away.

Elena smiled at her friend, then pulled her away. "You can save the witchy stuff for another day. Let him make some friends. I heard she's an exchange student. She's new, and he's new, anything can happen."

Bonnie sighed once more and then let it go. She had to talk to Elena anyway. As Solomon approached Meifeng, she and her friends began to take notice.

They smiled and whispered amongst each other. They discussed who Solomon could be approaching. But Xiao Meifeng seemed unimpressed with the handsome young man.

When Solomon stepped in the middle of her small group of friends, he only had eyes for her. Meifeng hugged her books and looked off to the side. She avoided eye contact.

Solomon waited, and Meifeng didn't budge. When the bell sounded for the start of the next period, Meifeng moved to leave when Solom reached out and grasped her arm.

Meifeng suck in a deep breath of air. She then faced Solomon, but her eyes never met his.

"Xiao Meifeng."

"Solomon Bennett."

"So you know who I am?"

"Lisa just said your name. Don't flatter yourself."

"So harsh. I just wanted to introduce myself."

"Well, you have. Can I have my arm back?"

"Can I have my heart back?"

Solomon's question shook Meifeng. Solomon leaned forward and put his lips near her ear.

"I've been watching you..." he whispered.

Meifeng's pretty almond eyes widened.

"At first, it was curiosity. Now I can't get you out of my mind. In class, at home, when I sleep. You're there, Xiao Mei Feng. Wǒ de xīn wǒ xiǎng nǐ tōule!" Solomon released Meifeng and walked away.

She stood in the hallway as it became desolate and watched Solomon's back as he walked away. His words were echoing in her mind.

'I stole your heart... Haaa, don't you know you aren't supposed to say those kinds of things to a girl. Stupid boy.' Meifeng thought in her heart.

Later that day, Meifeng was in a club meeting when Solomon walked in and sat far back. He didn't say a word. He only watched Meifeng.

" You aren't supposed to be here," said Meifeng.

Solomon handed her a club form stating that he was joining the New Dawn. Meifeng nodded then passed the form to the club leader.

'Why her?' YahYah asked.

'She makes my heart hurt.' Solomon whispered to avoid being heard.

YahYah sighed. 'It's all that man's fault. If you were taken from that place you would know what it's like to be attracted to someone. But I'm telling you, you need to let this one go. More will come.'

'Not like this. I have to know Meifeng'

Across the room, Meifeng sat quietly and confused. She could only one side of the conversation. She wondered who the stupid boy was speaking with. Before she could get up to ask him, Solomon found a seat next to her.

"What makes you think magic is real?" he asked.

"I know it's real. I've felt it, saw it, used it." Meifeng replied.

"I think you perform parlor tricks to make friends because you had none when you first arrived."

Meifeng was taken aback. "Now who's being harsh."

"Did I hurt your feelings? You can't give humans magic. How did you do it?"

Meifeng smiled. "Humans? Interesting way of describing people."

Solomon chuckled. "Meifeng, I want to know your secrets. I won't know what tricks you know to do the impossible. I also want to take you on a date and get to know you on an intimate level."

"You're too straightforward." Meifeng frowned.

"Does it make you uncomfortable?"

"I'm not used to it," Meifeng replied sternly.

"So we can go on a date this Friday?"

"Is this because I make your heart hurt?"

"Yes." Solomon wasn't shaken by her ability to hear his conversation.

Meifeng turned away. "Fine...But we have to go somewhere with people. I don't want to be alone with you."

"We shouldn't be alone with each other. 7 pm at the Grill."

"Friday. And make it at 8 pm." Meifeng added.

Solomon smirked and moved to leave. This time it was Meifeng who stopped him. Her small, slender hands grasp his wrist. "Who were you talking to?"

Solomon looked back at Meifeng. "A spirit," he replied honestly.

"Are you crazy?" she asked, skeptical of his honesty.

"Asks the girl who thinks she has magic. It was a pleasure meeting you, Xiao Meifeng."