Family History Pt.1

-Dragon Emperor and The Witch, Zi Yuan-

In ancient China, Qin Han, a brutal and tyrannical warlord, unites the country's kingdoms into an empire and becomes the Dragon Emperor. He had intended to conquer lands in his name and succeeded in claiming many territories for himself with no opposition; none in China could best him in strategy or strength, as many times during his campaigns, several assassins were sent to kill him in his sleep, but the men were all defeated before they could come close to harming the Emperor.

Han went on to vanquish all opponents, destroy many settlements, and slaughter countless innocents, but in time, Han managed to defeat his enemies, as well as to order the construction of a massive wall that served to protect his newly-acquired empire from invaders. He also commanded his enemies and even his servants to be buried within the great wall upon their deaths. The Emperor's mystics taught him supernatural mastery over the classical elements fire, water, earth, wood, and metal, making his power seem limitless and ensure his kingdom would continue to prosper under his rule.

After sometime in years later, Han's interests turned to preserve his youth as an immortal when he began to grow fearful that all he has accomplished will be lost upon his death, and so sought a witch named Zi Yuan, who was said to know the secrets behind immortality.

Han had sent his general and the sorceress to Turfan to find the formula to become immortal, though Ming Guo and Zi Yuan had, while in Turfan, fallen in love, to the Emperor's displeasure and defied his command that no man touch her. Zi Yuan had returned from Turfan with the Oracle Bones, a book of ancient spells and enchantments that contained the secrets of immortality, and cast the spell to grant the Emperor his desire in Sanskrit, a language that the Emperor did not know.

The Emperor pretended to reward Zi Yuan for her work, but he lied because he knew of her disloyalty because he had been informed of it beforehand by an ally; as punishment, Han ordered Ming Guo to be drawn and quartered by four horses. Han told Zi Yuan that if she agreed to become his queen, Ming would be spared, but Zi Yuan knew that the Emperor would never keep his word: the Emperor indifferently responded that she was right and had Ming killed regardless. Enraged, Zi Yuan attacked Han, who obtained her dagger and stabbed her.

As Zi Yuan painfully staggered away, she cursed him for his betrayal of the sorceress. Han was preserved as a terracotta statue along with all his troops and their horses that too transformed into terracotta statues as she escaped, for centuries.


"So I read that story the other night," Sol spoke in a low tone, startling Meifeng.

"What story?" She asked.

"The Dagon Emperor and the Sorceress. All of it pretty Xinxia, but I think you are like Dragon Emperor and received your powers from the Oracle Bones." Sol explained.

Meifeng smiled at him. She then said, "And I think your Bennett Family is a witch royal family. Dating back even before the time of Vampires and Werewolves. But most importantly, you survived the purge of the Mystic Falls Founding Families."

"You are a sharp one. But my family is just half of the puzzle. Every witch knows the Bennett's name." said Sol.

"I know that know. That's why I'm a bit sad because your closer to solving my puzzle than I am yours." Meifeng faked a sniffle, Sol chuckled.

"Okay, you two." Caroline walked up with Elena and Bonnie, "If you're going to flirt, do it English so that we all can enjoy. It is very rude to leave us out."

"High strung blonde of the Forbes family. A bit ditzy at times, but she has potential and a good heart." Sol spoke in Chinese, causing Meifeng to giggle.

"What about the cute little brunette?" Meifeng asked.

Sol tried not to, but his smile melted, and Elena could see the slight glare he gave her.

"A cocking feining bitch with her priorities fucked up. She has a boyfriend for a few days and forgets about her best friend's well-being."

"Well, Damn." said Meifeng, "Let's get out of here."

Sol nodded and helped Meifeng grab her things. No one understood what the couple was saying, but it was clear the Solomon Bennett does not like Elena Gilbert.

"Hey, I'm...going to go." said Elena, " I'll catch up with you guys later."

Elena glanced at Sol, but he didn't spare her any attention at all. Caroline watched this with a smile. And walked over to lock arms with Sol.

"Where are you two love birds off to?" Caroline asked.

"My house," said Meifeng.

The spectator gasped and whispered, "so bold," "shameless," "they haven't even known each other for a week."

Caroline dawned a strong blush as she looked between the couple. "Oh," she said, "I guess I'll see you around."

"Alright then, Miss Forbes," said Sol as he freed himself and put his arm around Meifeng, leaving the cafeteria.

"He and Elena have a falling out, and he still calls me Miss Forbes." Caroline pouts, "I'm not even her replacement."

Caroline turns around, walking off with a fit. Bonnie has a small smirk and goes after Elena.

In the hallways, Meifeng and Sol are just pushing open the outer doors to walk outside. "Are we really going to your house?"

"Yup." said Meifeng, " And I'm going to show you how I found out about the Bennett Family and how everything going around is your fault."


Sometime later, Bonnie and Elena were in the car on their way to the Mystic Grill. Bonnie had caught Elena just before she left and asked the moping girl to have a drink.

When they arrived at the Mystic Grill, they found a corner booth that hid them from the sights of the other patrons. When they finally got their drinks, they took a few sips.

Then Bonnie said, "I think you like Sol, and Sol likes you too."

Elena was stunned, lost for words, so she stammered through a reply, "N-no. I-I'm with Stefan. And I just met Sol, and he's your brother. Bonnie, no."

Bonnie smiled. "One car ride with Sol, and you've been looking like a kicked puppy ever since. It's okay, really. I don't care."

"But I don't like him..." Said Elena.

"Whatever you say. But if you do... 'If' you do, then I would recommend that you find him and apologize formally and as sincerely as possible. He was raised in New Orleans by an old-school witch. He speaks multiple languages and plays instruments. He's read more classics than I care to know. My brother is a learned man...Traditional man."

Bonnie could see that Elena is deep in thought as her eyes became distant.

"Here's what I think happened. Sol made an effort with you for more reasons than he would ever admit. You were attracted to him because he didn't treat you like a porcelain doll, and he showed no interest in you. Then you hurt 'Each other'. You kept a secret that put me in danger, and he pulled the ripcord and made you feel like a disappointment. Your craving his acceptance, and I can psychoanalyze this all day, but in the end, there's one answer.."

"I was wrong..." Elena muttered.

"Yes, Elena... So very, fatally wrong, and I should have made that clear, but I didn't." said Bonnie, "That's my fault. I forgave you too fast because I'm your bestfriend. But you fucked up, big time. Secrets kill, and you choose to keep a stranger's secret at the risk of my safety."

Elena began to cry, soaking her cheeks and wetting the table. "I am so sorry, Bonnie. I swear--"

"I know, Elena. I know." Bonnie cur her off. "But you hurt Sol too. Even more so because he thought the founding families were dangerous, reached out to you, and it blew up in his face. He still calls Caroline, 'Miss Forbes'. He reached out to you, no one else."

"I- I don't know what to do, Bon. He won't even look at me." she sniffled.

"Figure it out. I have to go." Bonnie put some money on the table and slide out of the booth.

"Where are you going?" Elena asked.

Bonnie pursed her lips. "You're on the Bennett shit list right now. And a word of caution, Grams isn't your biggest fan right now."

Bonnie sighed as her friend looked downtrodden. "You fucked up. I'll see you around."

"Around?" Elena asked.

Bonnie turned around with a sad and apologetic face, "Make amends, Elena. I just got my brother back. I won't lose him again."

Elena leaned into her booth, and her tears flowed freely. She drank Bonnie's unfinished glass the downed her own before asking for another, and a blonde hair vampire showed up. Much to her displeasure.


-Meifeng's House/ Fell House-

Meifeng tossed Sol a journal as she said, "That's how I knew. Fell family kept a detailed journal, and the Fell's after Honoria Fell are distantly related to the Bennetts."

"How is that possible?" Sol asked.

"My brother had an affair with Honoria Fell. Her two children were Bennetts. Before they became old enough for her husband to notice, Stefan Salvatore killed Him and Honoria. " Emily appeared explained.

Sol sighed. As Meifeng finished explaining the exact same thing.

"Well, it is what it is. They aren't witches, so it doesn't matter."

"I know," said Meifeng, " But the journal also said that Honoria knew that Emily spelled the curch. Honoria even had Emily's Grimoire until she handed it off. She believed it was cursed. She tried to return it to her lover, but he had already fled with his children, Nieces, and Nephews after Emily was burned at the place where her ancestors burned."

"Shit... You know about the tomb too." Sol sighed.

"I'm kind of smart... So I was thinking, spell to keep vampires locked up indefinitely had to take serious juice. And she could have only got that from the comet that passed over, the same comet that we just had a festival for. Then bam! Exsanguinated bodies start dropping."

Sol began to clap as Meifeng took a few bows.

"I like her, grandson," Emily spoke with a smirk.

"Me too," he replied.

Meifeng raised an Eyebrow. "Talking to spirits again,"

"Something like that. Since you know so much and you probably won't let it go, how about I teach you how to hunt a vampire," said Sol.


It was now Evening. Elena was at Career Night hosted at the HighSchool. Meifeng and Sol were also there. Bonnie and Grams, however, were at the place Emily died.

"Grams, this place is giving me serious serial killer vibes. We spent all day constructing the talisman, couldn't wait to empower it tomorrow?" Bonnie asked as she looked around the old forsaken lodge.

"No," said Grams. She squeezed Emily's talisman and extended her hand, "Repairo Ultima."

A blue light conjured in her pam, and the light enveloped everything. The house then shook and began repairing itself. Board, broken glass and furniture flew around the Bennett witches. After five minutes, the house was good as new.

Grams the light all the candles with the snap of her finger. Bonnie gasped in awe, "Way to go, Grams!"

"Such is the life of a witch," said Grams.

Bonnie and Grams then hear then began to hear the voice whispering in Arcana Lingua, the language of the witches, constructed by the Bennett ancestors centuries ago.

"They know we're here," said Grams.

"What is this place?"

"Many things, Bonnie." said Grams as she led her granddaughter to the basement, "I found it years ago when mother was still a little girl. She was sick, and I begged the ancestors for a way to save her. I was directed to a book of the witch trials in Virginia. It aligned with our family history. The Bennet coven had migrated here. There were many of us then. Unfourtanetly, they all burned right here...

Years later, the founding family's burned Emily Bennet in the place where her ancestors burned. Right here. This place is saturated with power, a power that should be feared and respected, a power that belongs to our family."

Bonnie felt a little creeped out by how many deaths happened there.

"Sol told me about this. A Magic Hotspot is a place eternally marked with magic when a witch suffers a violent and brutal death. These Magical Hotspots allow witches to tap into the power of the dead witch or witches and use them as their own. Even if the witch is resurrected, the Hotspot still works." Bonnie explained.

"Hehehe, That's my baby." Grams cheered with exuding pride, "Your brother is special, and that's why I brought you here, to explain how special he is and why your momma left you two."

Grams and Bonnie entered the basement and the fireplace combusted in flames to give them light. Grams repaired two chairs and told Bonnie to sit as the story she had to tell would be a long one.