Witches and Wolves and Vampires

Solomon sat at the edge of his bed as he waited for Meifeng to wake up. After a moment, he grew impatient and went to the basement to retrieve the Slaves. Not before walking into Marina's room.

"Wake up!" he said, and Marina stirred.

He didn't repeat himself and just smacked her ass. Marina shot up as the electric sensation rippled through her body. Solomon chuckled, turned her over, and took out her buttplug. He complimented her for her obedience then said, "While you were sleep, a lot of work piled up. Go shower, put on something respectable yet sexy, and meet me in the basement."

Solomon moved towards the door, and Marina called out, "M-master?! Should I put it back in before joining you?"

Solomon then made two movements with one hand, and a box appeared in his hand. He tossed it onto her bed. "Bonnie-bear bought it for herself, but she must have found something better since she never opened the box. Put that in if you want to, then bring me the remote. But today is about business, for the most part."

Sometime later, Solomon stood in the basement looking over a group of sad-looking slaves. Even the Immortal Werewolf, Gyda, looked defeated.

Solomon then broke them up into four groups. He took blood from each of them and linked them to a crystal.

"I don't believe in babysitting, and as a slave, all you have to do is do. You don't think, just do. And you try your best, or you will be replaced. These crystals are now linked to each of you. You displease me, and I'll shatter the crystal, and you will die."

The slaves looked horrified.

"Now that you understand that I am a master that does not entertain foolishness. I will explain your groups, and I will only explain once. Group one will clean, Group two will tend to the grounds' upkeep, Group three will be the kitchen staff, and Group four will be my familiars. More groups will be added, and more numbers will be added to existing groups."

Solomon paused and looked around before beginning again. "You will never take off your collars, nor will you follow anyone's orders except mine unless told otherwise by me. Even then, my order supersedes all others... You will all wear the uniform provided, and you will never speak unless spoken to. All intimate relationships will be punishable by death. If you are horny... fuck yourself. Finally, Witches are your superiors, you disrespect them, and your punishment will be left to them. You are nothing but tools of House Bennett and this College. You live to serve."

A moment later, Marina walked down the steps.

"Everyone, follow me," said Solomon.

He then walked them outside, and they gawked at the beautiful estate. In a matter of 24 hours, the entire estate was different and a massive castle towered over them. The gardens grew out of chunks of earth floating off of the ground. The entire estate was magical. But there were also walls as tall as the trees in the woods, squashing any remnant of freedom.

Solomon gave them a tour of the land and told them what was restricted and the exceptions when they were allowed to venture into the restricted areas. Finally, he gave everyone a tour of the castle and showed them to the slave quarters and showers.

Each of the slaves expected a dump, but Solomon had provided an exceedingly large room for them, with bunks throughout. One door leads to a common room where a schedule for each of the groups was posted. While another door leads to the communal showers and bathrooms. After reading the schedules, everyone immediately knew to strive to be moved to Group Four.

"I'm sure you've all noticed. Group Four is allowed an education and more freedoms. Upon the completion of said education, they will be promoted from common slaves to Vassel Slaves to properly complete the tasks I need of them. Case and point, Marina Da'Vinici, my assistant."

Solomon gestured towards Marina.

"Do well, and every quarter you will be reviewed. Your future is only bright by accepting your destiny as my slaves. You each have seven uniforms. The Rules are on the board, read them and then get to work. Gyda, follow me."

Sometime later, Solomon was back at the house being served tea by a beat red Marina who struggled to complete her task as intense vibrations wrecked her slave cunt. Every time she made a mistake, Solomon just clicked on the remote, and she would slap herself. Sometimes Solomon would just degrade her as she was useless when it came to common tasks like making tea.

"Gyda Anseldottir," Solomon spoke to the woman across from him.

She looked shocked when she heard her ancient name.

"Is that not the name you use anymore?" Solomon asked.

"I-it's Gyda Daughtry now," she replied.

"Well, Gyda, Ayana sends her regards," he said before sipping his tea. He immediately spits it back into the cup calmly.

"I showed you how to make it. Do it again." Solomon spoke to Marina as he hands his cup to her.

"Ayana is dead." Gyda stammered.

"I'm a witch, girl. Dead is just another state of being. Nothing great about it." said Solomon, " Hand over your necklace."

Gyda was hesitant but complied.

"Next time, move faster, or you will pay for your hesitation," he said while studying the brownstone on Gyda's necklace.

"Yes, Master," she replied.

"You were betrayed by your family. That's unfortunate. Behave yourself, and you will have a chance to get your revenge and a lot more." Solomon spoke then handed the necklace back to her.

"Thank you, Master. I don't deserve--"

"You don't," he interrupted, " and I don't like pleasantries or humility. Nor do I care about how you value yourself. Let this sink in; you are a slave. Alpha to Omega. You are the house bitch. Now tell me where your people found stone like that one. It's brown, but it is Black Kyanite."

"Under the earth, Master. There used to be many caves, and the one beneath our village had many of them." Gyda answered.

"Where is your old village?"

"Not far from Mystic falls. To the east, half a day's walk."

"Good. You will stay here in the Lodge. You will learn with Marina, and when the full moon comes, there is a family that will need your guidance. You will become their ward but report to me every other day. Even off the estate, rules still apply."

"Yes, Master."

Solomon nodded then called for Marina. Marina then took Gyda to find a room.

When Solomon was alone, he called Slater for another shipment of slaves as his estate was massive, and he needs more hands. Slater was happy to oblige for a price. Solomon chuckled and told him to be ready to receive his daylight ring and one for that gorgeous girlfriend of his.

"But she isn't a Vampire," said Slater

"You haven't turned her yet?" Solomon asked.

Honestly, Solomon didn't care. He just wanted a backup accountant in case Slater died.No one would be as good as the woman he was teaching. Slater taught her everything. He believed he was in love.

"Not yet, man. But I will. So when are you coming?" asked Slater.

"I'll be there tomorrow. Also, keep an eye out for gold and diamond prices. We might have a lucrative opportunity waiting for us. With this commission, we can move you to a safer location."

After some more small talk, Solomon ended the call and carried on with his work.

By noon, Meifeng came down and sat on Solomon's lap as he looked over some theories he had constructed to track witches and large magical signatures. Meifeng smothered him with kisses to wrestle his attention.

"Meifeng, stop." he hissed.

"What's wrong?" she whined.

"Nothing is wrong, I'm just focused, and I don't want to be disturbed," he replied.

Meifeng smacked the desk full of papers. "No! We just finished working, and you were working before we left. Now it's time to play. Call Grams, and tell her to come over. She will bring Vanessa. You haven't spent time with Bonnie in awhile. There's also Bree and Cedric. I want to see everyone from New Dawn. Come on, babe."

Solomon sighed. "Fine, But the castle is for family and students only."

"Castle?" Meifeng asked.

Solomon spent a few hours giving Meifeng a tour. Explaining how he spent the last Twelve years building it. He then informed the kitchen staff to head to the Lodge to prepare for a party.

Naturally, the invitations got out of hand. Bonnie told Caroline who brought Matt. Matt called Tyler as he and Solomon were hanging out a lot lately. Caroline told Elena as she was unaware that Elena had her affairs with Solomon erased.

Stefan, a horrible excuse for a vampire, forgot that you couldn't compel love and vice versa. So when Elena heard party at Solomon's, she latched on to the feeling of 'friendship' and was adamant about attending, much to Stefan's worry.

Jenna had overheard and figured a barbecue would be a good thing as she didn't want to have another date with her new boyfriend at the Mystic Grill. Being a good guardian, Jenna wanted to drag Jermey along as staying inside and fucking your girlfriend all day wasn't healthy in her book.

Jeremy then invited his girlfriend, Anna, who told her mother to come along to finally meet Solomon Bennett.

Before Solomon knew it, he had a handful of people showing up to his great estate. Of Course, he used a cloaking spell to hide the castle and the hanging garden. With only six slaves apart of the Kitchen crew, Solomon had to show everyone something new as he rolled up his sleeves and took charge of the cooking and barbequing.

"Gyda..." he called out.

She quickly moved to his side and replied, "Yes, Master."

"Find us some more meat. Beef is good, but a pig or deer will also be nice," said Solomon.

"Right away," Gyda then vanished as she ran off.

Solomon put on some music, and slaves cleanly dressed in their uniforms began to serve drinks with a side of prerolled joints.

As everything was cooking, Solomon put on a fabricated smile and went to mingle. He made his rounds and chatted with Matt and Tyler for a while before moving to be a little flirtatious with sexy aunt Jenna and meeting her boyfriend, Alaric Saltzman.

"Mr.Bennett, I was wondering when I was going to get the chance to see you again. You seem to never be in class," said Alaric.

"I will kick you out of my house if you start talking business. My woman wants fun tonight. Jenna, darling, loosen him up. I'm sure you have a few shameful nights left in you." Solomon winked, and Jenna coughed on her drink with a light blush.

Jenna then pushed Alaric's drink to his lips.

Solomen then saw Caroline and decided to go all the way. "Caroline!" he sang.

The blonde high strung young woman was speechless for the first time ever. Solomon had never called her by her name or took the initiative to speak to her.

Solomon hugged her, then kissed both of her cheeks. "Good to see you. Have fun, and if you drink too much, there's a room here for you."

Caroline was still speechless as Solomon hugged his laughing sister and gave her a chaste kiss before proceeding to fix her hair. "Beautiful, " he said.

"Sol!" she whined, " not in front of everyone."

"You're my Bonnie-bear. If they have complaints, they can suck my dick before I take their life," he whispered with a smirk as he caressed her beautiful face.

"I've missed you, sis," he said, and Bonnie looked worried.

"I saw you a few days ago," she said.

"Yeah, But a few days felt like years. I'm just glad you're here now." he then leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Have fun, and remember, if he doesn't want to wrap it up, you can always compel him."

Solomon winked, and Bonnie smacked him in his arm as he walked away.

Solomon then found his Grams and hugged her tightly.

"My baby boy." Grams cooed, and Vanessa giggled.

"Hey, momma." said Solomon, "You need anything?"

"I'm just fine. I had two drinks, and it's already hitting. Just let me know when the food is ready." Grams then discreetly moved her eyes to gesture towards Vanessa.

"Miss Monore. Good to see you again. Mind entertaining me for a while."

Vanessa agreed, and Solomon escorted her away. Grams sighed and made her way to a dice game to hustle the young people. Solomon spent some time talking to Vanessa about this and that until he dropped her on a strapping young man that looked interesting.

Too bad the man didn't know how to speak to a beautiful woman of Vanessa's caliber, and she walked off to see if she could find Grams only to be snatched up by Meifeng. a few moments later, Solomon was back at the grill, and Gyda had returned with her kills.

Solomon directed her to the back to skin, clean, and prepare them. As Solomon was rotating the food and the kitchen staff was working hard to keep up with him. Solomon was joined by Bree. He gave the bar witch a greeting kiss and a nice hug. He was then introduced to Bree's new plaything. Then he was introduced to the Zhu Family.

"Mister Bennett," said Pearl.

"Master Bennett or Lord Bennett. I know why you're here, and that means you've already accepted the idea of me as you liege lord, Correct?"

"Yes, Lord," said Pearl. She smacked her daughter's arm.

"Y-yes, Lord." Anna stammered.

"Your daughter is a little slow on the take," Solomon commented.

Soloman handed the pit over to a kitchen slave and escorted the Zhu Family to the hanging Gardens. No one notices the trio magically vanish after walking so far out on the feild.

Pearl and Anna gasped at the site as the flowing floating waters glowed in the night, and a few herbs also had bioluminescence to set the ambiance.

"I take it that you like the hanging garden?" he asked.

"It's breathtaking," Anna replied.

"Thank you. It to a lot of work and magic." Solomon then connected with arrays on the garden, then chairs and a table appeared. "Please, have a seat."

"So, you want to Live in Mystic Falls. What if I say no? Witches and Wolves and Vampires. Been around for so long they don't even remember why they fight. We'll kill each other of before the humans get to us, so why would I invite more trouble into my house?" Solomon asked.

"You can't say no." said Pearl, " There isn't another town like Mystic Falls. We can live here peacefully and still be in touch with the supernatural. People like us usually have to choose between peace and freedom to be what we are. Here, we have both."

Solomon nodded. " A well-spoken, learned woman. Tell me, how did you ever get caught all those years ago?"

Pearl sighed. "The Salvatores. Katherine Peirce enjoyed playing with both brothers, and it got us caught. She sired most of us, naturally putting her in charge."

"Hmmm, I know someone like that." said Solomon, " How desperate are you to stay here, in Mystic Falls."

Anna was about to speak, and Pearl quickly clutched her thigh.

"Whatever you need, I'll take care of it." said Pearl, " I already began my plans, and I would like to see them through."

Solomon smiled, "You're a good mother," he said, "Follow me. I want to show you something."

Solomon then walked the mother-daughter duo through the cloaking spell and through another, revealing the grand seventy-two-story castle. Though it displayed much more of the Bennett Family's hidden power, Solomon just wanted to show them the school.

"This school will be filled with male and female witches one day—witches of all ages." said Solomon, "It's not my place to reveal people's secrets, but one day, this town will have all three supernatural factions living here. I need to make sure the most powerful people of those factions understand that we will be at peace. No one cares about the humans, but we will be at peace with each other."

"How do you expect to make something like that happen. Werewolves can't control their need to hunt us on the full moon. Witches are hardwired to protect humans and order. That means the vampires will be forced to leave to find another food source." Pearl explained.

"Mother nature can take care of herself. And I will teach my power how not to be egotistical when it comes to their role in the universe. This will work. But when I call, you answer. And you can start helping me by getting your land back. Grams also told me about your apothecary idea. I will supply the herbs and supplies at a reasonable price."

Pearl thought for a moment. " Mutual interests..."

"Yes, we aid each other and grow with each other. This will breed the respect and decrease conflict when the time comes. Now, have either of you manifested abilities yet?" Solomon asked.

Pearl looked hesitant, and Anna took a step back.

"Relax! It's not my place to police the supernatural. Unlike my ancestors, I don't have time to kill gifted vampires. If you have abilities, it's because nature wants you to have them."

Pearl relax. "Annabelle and I can shift to spiders. She controls the weather while I have control of water." Pearl explained.

Solomon smiled exactly as he had something new to study. Most of the vampire entries were slim when it came to their abilities. "Fantastic. I look for to living and learning with you both."

Anna exhaled with great relief, and Solomon laughed. "did they tell you I was crazy?" he asked her.

Anna nodded her head.

"Well, I am. But I have a reasonable side as well. As long as you behave, I don't see why we can't be friends." Solomon smiled, and he had yet to figure out that he produced the most bone-chilling smile.

" I will peak with Mayor promptly. Thank you, Lord Bennett," said Pearl.

"Well, you may leave, go enjoy the party."

When Solomon was alone, Qetsiyah said, "That wasn't part of the plan."

"Think of it as an audible. Pearl is old. She deserves to start a coven of her own. Also, she was a victim of the founding families, as were our family. This town is ours, and the land I'm standing on is all I need. She can have a piece and become an ally in the process."

Qetsiyah sighed. "I expected unpredictable change from the start. Oh well, it is what it's. We'll adjust accordingly when the time comes."

Solomon smirked, "I knew you would understand. Come on, before Meifeng comes to hunt me down."