Cursed Ones and Chance Harbor

Dear Diary,

Nature always finds a way to maintain balance. Nature's magic is so powerful it topples all witches who delude themselves with thoughts of greatness. I learned that there are no great witches, only those chosen by nature to wield slivers of its power.

Some witches are just more blessed than others, while some witches like Ayana just happened to cast the right spell that was exactly what nature needed at the right time. In all my time studying, I overlooked the flaws in the strongest magic ever performed.

When Vampires came about, nature gave the weakness. Because vampirism was created to combat lycanthropy, Werewolves acquired a toxic bit. But the question is was that toxin already there, or did it appear as a side-effect of vampiric magic.

That aside, What happens one another species emerges that further threatens the existence of werewolves? The answer is obvious: nature will grant werewolves another ability to ensure their survival or give them a fighting chance.

That's when Ayana stepped it at the right time with the right intentions. She created an immortal werewolf, Gyda Daughtry. Not only does Gyda feed 5 times the amount of a regular werewolf, but she also remains in her wolf form for three nights and three days. And for the first time ever, Gyda bit a person but failed to feast on their corps.

Granted, that was my fault, but I didn't know at the time that Carol Lockwood would become a werewolf. To replenish a dwindling species that had the ability to combat vampires, Nature gave Gyda Daughtry the power of turning.

I tried to hunt Gyda down after that, but Nature wasn't finished with me. She knew Qetsiyah and I were playing with time, so the right variables fell into place when Jenna got bit during Gyda's last night as a werewolf. At the time, Alaric was with her and had no idea it was a werewolf. But he manages to stab Gyda with a wooden stake and send her away.

Now I have two new werewolves and a raving Qetsiyah as she believes that timeline that she knew had probably completely collapsed as Jenna could no longer be sacrificed as she was originally fated to, which led to many of the events in the future. Qetsiyah called Jenna a lynchpin that could no longer be pulled for our benefit.

I now find myself placed in a bewilderment. Diary, I know you're probably asking yourself, why is my dear diarist in bewilderment?

I'll tell you diary because I like Jenna. She is a good person with a nice heart, but I must now think of a way to manage her. And the only way I can see how to do that is by giving Gyda free reign over the Lockwoods and pull Jenna into the pack, further dirtying the timeline. By doing this, I will also have to see the Salvatores and force them to fall in line under Pearl. From that point, the three faction treaty will have to be established years ahead of schedule, fucking every plan I made thus far.

Or I can leave Jenna be and hope she doesn't inherit the power to turn others. Yeah, obviously, that's not a risk I'm willing to take, especially when we're so close to the arrival of the Originals.

-End of Entry-

I had just gotten off the phone with Pearl and told her to pay a visit to the Salvatore and fill them in on the new Mystic Falls. They could accept, leave, or be put to the stake. However, before that, I had called the Lockwoods and Jenna over for a chat.

Grams and Bonnie naturally caught wind of everything, came to the lodge, chewed me up, and spit me out. They wanted to know why I was making big moves and why those moves had order-changing consequences. After all, Gyda would have probably been destroyed or chained for the rest of her years if I hadn't intervened.

"I want to show you something," I said before walking out of the lodge. Grams and Bonnie followed me out. In the middle of the field, I performed a series of gestures, uncloaking everything that was hidden.

The castle walls appeared, the hanging garden, the castle itself, along with the training field and the 150-yard pool I was working on. Besides that, more than one hundred slaves of various skin color, ethnicities, and nationalities appeared wearing identical uniforms and slave collars. The only difference was the numbers over their right chest.

The slaves were moving to and fro, maintaining the property. While Gyda was corralling horses and cattle, she stole from surrounding farms, zoos, and ranches.

Grams and Bonnie were speechless, but they both looked at the hanging garden with perplexing expressions.

"Baby boy, not that I don't like you've down with the place, but the hanging garden looks like Pandora from the new Avatar movie that just came out."

Bonnie nodded her head, agreeing with Grams.

"And how do we maintain a flying garden?" Bonnie asked.

"We fly, of course. But I'm still working out the details. Ancient witch technology is serious shit. But for now, there is an array that will allow you to levitate within the garden." Solomon explained.

"Your momma would have loved this," said Grams, without thought.

Bonnie and I both made our own expression of perplexing emotion towards the mention of their absent mother.

"Anyway, Bonnie-Bear, your lovely brother, has decided to shape the younger witch minds of the minds of the world."

Bonnie started busting up laughing, and Grams smacked her.

"Oh, you're serious?!" Bonnie exclaimed, "Ahh, Sol! I thought you would be set on world domination or something."

Bonnie joked, and I put her smart ass in a headlock.

"Okay, okay! You're actually a good teacher, Sol. I think your school will be great." she spoke with her face squished against my body. I then released her and fixed her hair.

"Thank you, Bonnie-Bear. After you go to all those places hanging on your wall, maybe you can come back and help me," I spoke, hoping she would agree.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea." said Grams, "So have you thought of a name."

"I have. For the....muggle world."

Bonnie giggled

" It will be Qetsiyah's Academy of the Arts and Sciences. For the supernatural community, the Benedictus and Maledicti School of Arcana Doctrina,"

"Who is Qetsiyah?" Bonnie asked

"The woman who started us all. Her history will be taught in the school as well. Only witches will be accepted, by invitation, of course. This institution will save our species and take us to the next level. But for it to survive and properly provide, Mystic Falls needs to be safe. That's why the other two species need to be brought to heel. Even if that means I have to build a faction for each of them and drag them to the top."

Bonnie and Grams shared a look.

"You're going to need help." said Bonnie, " What kind of twin would I be if I let you do this alone."

"A horrible one."

Bonnie rolled her eyes then hugged me.

Sometime later, Jenna and the Lockwoods arrived, and Gyda was summoned to introduce herself and told her story as an Immortal Werewolf. However, she kept out the part that she was betrayed and a slave to Bennett Family. Gyda then apologized to Jenna and Mrs.Lockwood for the attacks.

"Both of you healed naturally, and Gyda tells me that you both smell like a wolf, even more so now that the full moon is approaching. Never before has this happened. As such, you all have two options." I said.

"What are they?" Jenna asked, wracked with anxiety.

"Death or accept Gyda as your Alpha."

Jenna and the Lockwoods were speechless. Richard, being the alpha male douchebag of the bunch, naturally protested. I gave Gyda a nod, and she kicked him like he was bitch boy feigning for it.

"Welcome to the Supernatural world, Mayor Lockwood," Gyda spoke with aggression she once radiated as an Alpha of her birth pack. "This is how it works in our world. If not me, then another wolf. You accept the wolf or die trying to live two lives. I'm your best bet, hotshot. And like it or not, Rex Benedictus just gave reign over any werewolf that crosses into Mystic Falls."

"Jenna, sweetheart, just accept it. You have a lot to learn, and only she can teach you." I told her.

"W-what about Elena? And Jeremy?!" she was panicking.

"Elena can stay with Grams and Bonnie. Jeremy can stay with Pearl and Anna. Right now, you need to go with Gyda and learn about what you are."


Next, I left the estate and went to the Salvatore Boarding House. When I arrived, an arc of lightning blew out a wall, and the sky began to churn. Thunderstruck and rain began to fall.

I smiled to myself as I just realized how the mother-daughter duo was a devastating one. Pearl controlled the rain and skewered Damon, who barely had control over his power. Stefan was then placed in a water prison forced to drown, and when he woke up, he drowned again.

"Enough, Pearl!" I called out, and she let the boys go. Then a blur crossed my vision as Elena dived to Stefan's side in tears. It was a very odd scene, one I thought I would never see.

Pearl must have seen my confusion as she spoke one name, "Damon."

"Ahh, the brother with skill. So young and already has an ability. Oh well, I warned her, and she didn't listen. On to the next. Salvatore Family, I'm sure Lady Zhu has already filled you in. Unfortunately, time is sensitive, so I need your answers now. Leave, Stay under Pearl's control, or get put to the stake."

Damon growled, and lightning crackled at his fingertips.


With the movement of three fingers, I blew his arm off. "You are way too inexperienced to fight me. Now choose!"

"We stay! We stay and join Pearl's Coven," Stefan shouted from the sideline.

I could help but chuckle. "That pussy must be the best you ever had. And it's only gotten better over the months, huh? Too bad she won't be learning any new tricks."

That's right, I kicked him while he was down. So what? These little bastards irritate me.

"Pearl, sweetness, I'll leave them to you. And round up any stragglers while you're at it. Any sloppy vampire attacks that happen in or around this town falls on you. I hope you can handle the responsibility. Oh, and Jeremey will b staying with you for a while. Elena, you will be staying with Bonnie or with him. whatever you want."

I turn to leave but stop when I remembered something important. "Pearl, you and Annabelle will be expected at my estate on the first of February. Treaties and all, real tedious work."

"Solomon, wait. You need to feed him," said Qetsiyah.

"Who?" I ask.

"Stefan. Feed him blood. You need to be the bad guy at some point, do it." said Qetsiyah.

I figured she was trying to salvage every advantage we could from the timeline she knew. So I used my magic to paralyze Damon. I then walked over to Stefan and used a Nailing incantation to take him to the ground.

Grabbing Elena by the hair, I cut her neck and feed her to Stefan. He fought it at first, but in the end, he fed on her like a glutton. When Elena passed out, I pulled her away and used a healing spell on her.

I then left them in confusion.

"So what's so special about feeding a vampire?" I asked Qetsiyah.

"He's a ripper. He can't control the hunger. But since they compelled Elena, she might not find the ripper as amusing as she would have before the compulsion. This change in her personality leaves everything up in the air."

I chuckle and remember the nights Elena would go on about her fun days and twisted antics. She loved pretending and subtle manipulations of the people around her. Honestly, I think I'm going to miss the crazy bitch. Oh, well. I warned her, and she didn't listen.

"They can't scrub her completely. What she is, is genetic. It will find its way to the surface in one form or another. I promise you that." I said. "Alright, Love. Tell me what you're planing in the pretty head of yours."

I watched Tess blush as she rolled her eyes. It was easier to flirt and sweet to her than to confront feelings head-on. I learn that this is how she and Meifeng differ. Meifeng wanted uncut, while Qetsiyah was a hundred percent Lover, and under all of that crazy witch, she wanted to be romanced. Slowly but surely, I was learning. Tess always said that I would. I just don't think she ever planned to be part of the lessons.

"I'm planning to orchestrate a few openings for chaos. But for now, let's just let things play out. How about you take Meifeng on a trip to Washington. And a Two witch who will be perfect teach at the school, given the right environment to develop in."

"And how do you know about them?" I asked.

"Because they're part of a major event that will wipe us in the future. Actually, they're part of the first event that leads to that event," she explained.

"I thought Klaus triggered the big event?"

"He does. But these witches are like fuel to the fire. They aren't the only ones either. Many events are happening right now, pushing us to one inevitable end. Unless we do something."

"What are their names, and where do we find them?"

"Diana Meade and Mellisa Glaser in Chance Harbor, Washington. You have to leave tonight to remove the person that will take Diana away. Also, be ready to purge. And leave no evidence behind." Said Qetsiyah.


Late that evening, Meifeng and I land at the Seattle Airport. After a two-hour drive to Chance Harbor. Qetsiyah led us to the docks, where we killed a man named Grant MaCormic and sunk his boat.

The next day we saw the Girl named Diana Meade appear at the docks with bags and a depressed expression that only worsened when Grant was nowhere to be found.

Afterward, Qetsiyah told us to astral project to spy on a young man named Adam Conant. The young man was sitting in his room staring at a black crystal skull that emitted insane power.

"That's the first Skull to appear in centuries --there are three. This power will seduce him and advance the world's path towards an infernal plaque. We will stop it here. And when the other two Skulls emerge. We will hunt those down too. Incapacitate him, steal the skull and move on." Qetsiyah explained.

We then returned to our bodies and ended the astral projection incantation.

"Spend some time, recruit the two witches, then head home. Oh, and they just got finished battling Demons, so I would tread carefully." Qetsiyah then finished, and I couldn't help but massage my head.

"So, I'll watch the Diana girl, and you get the Crystal Skull." Said Meifeng.

"Qetsiyah said tread carefully, there are demons here."

"Real demons?!" Meifeng was shocked.

"Yeah. Let's just gather information before we dive in. Obviously, Qetsiyah doesn't want to tell us too much."


3rd POV, Three Days Later.

Diana Meade, Adam Conant, Faye Chamberlain, Jake Armstrong, Melissa Glaser, and Cassie Blake. Six witches from six extant witch families. Each of their faces was pent to a whiteboard.

Their address, surviving families, and all the information that Meifeng and Solomon dug up were also pent up, along with newspaper clips from the past six months and a single article from 17 years ago about a boat fire that left six witches orphans or down a parent.

On the nightstand was the black Crystal skull. In bed, Meifeng and Solomon watched TV together. It was a live channel in Cassie Blake's house. All six witches were there trying to figure out who would have enough power to still the Crystal Skull. At the same time, another TV was a live stream from within a house of Four unknown Witches that also seemed interested in Diana Meade.