Oracle Bones, What Is It, Really?

Emily returned the next day. Bonnie was surprised as Emily looked years younger than when she died. That was the perk of absorbing a body. Emily consumed everything that Sophie Devereux was. Then when everything merged, Sophie was no more, and only Emily was left. It was like Sophie was dismantled and reassembled, but Emily was the end product with bigger magic than she wielded during her first life.

Emily is a beautiful woman with long black curly hair that touched the bottom of her shoulder blades and brown eyes. She has a short stature and a slim build. Next to Bonnie, she was a bit taller by two inches, but Solomon towered over her all the same when he arrived.

The moment Solomon saw Emily, he dragged her upstairs and gave her the whipping she was begging for. A sloppy cunt, soaked sheet, and a tender blazing red ass later. Emily learned her lesson.

"I don't care who you have a thing for, no more creating artifacts and leaving them around for humans who don't know shit about shit."

"Yes, Sir," she spoke in a small voice.

"Get your ass downstairs. You're teaching the class today. Find me later on. I need your help with a few projects. "

Emily scurried off, and Solomon chuckled to himself.

"You know, you went a little overboard." Qetsiyah's soft voice was like medicine for the soul.

Solomon turned around with a smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better... Can we talk?"

"About anything."

Qetsiyah smiled, and the urge to feel him boiled inside of her, but she pushed it down.

"I want you to know that I'm doing this because I love you." she started, "I have to leave for a period of time. But the next time we see each other, I'll be alive, and we can--"

"Get married, have a family, run the school, whatever the hell you want to do," said Solomon.

'God, I love him.' she thought in her heart. " All of the above," she said aloud.

"I love you too, YahYah."

Qetsiyah smiled, "Stay safe and be easy on Em. She can be creepy, awkward, sneaky, and a bit clumsy at times. But she has a playful spirit, especially when she's with her bestfriend."

Solomon raised an eyebrow.

"Annabelle Zhu," Qetsiyah shrugged, "Be easy, my love."

Solomon sighed when she vanished, "Alive?" he said to himself, "Finally..."


On the 15th of February, the faction leaders returned with business plans which Solomon approved. By this time, John Gilbert was already in jail when Vicki's body was found in his trunk. While he was in a cell, Pearl made sure to flush him of Vervain before compelling him to commit suicide. While under compulsion, he also said the vampires were going to attack Mystic Falls. This confused everyone, especially when John said he got the information from Elena's biological and long-absent mother, Isobel.

Elena squabbles aside, The faction leaders also made their presence known to Mystic Falls during the Founder's Day Parade, and Richard Lockwood resigned as Mayor, giving the seat to Adonis Fell, who Meifeng had under a witch's compulsion since she arrived from China to live with the Fells for her exchange program.

Jenna and Gyda soon returned with a few more artifacts made by Emily and numerous journals written by the first Gilbert in Mystic Falls.

Everything seemed to be in order Until Isobel showed up in town making a scene. Pearl was going to handle it as Isobel was a Vampire, but Solomon wanted to see everything play out. He also forbade everyone from discussing the establishment of the factions. That's when everyone found out that Isobel is connected to Katherine. Solomon finally understood what was happening, but he didn't say anything as he wanted to catch the bitch himself. If she wanted to be diabolical in his town, then she could be diabolical for him. He also wanted to see how dark Emily could become when she tortured the backstabbing bitch.

February 15th was an eventful and very informative day. The day after, while witches were going through their daily training led by Emily, Solomon sat in the Headmaster's office with Vanessa and Meifeng.

Sheila took a vacation to gather more witch families that she felt would benefit the school, so she couldn't be apart of the meeting.

Inbetween the trio was the Oracle Bones -- a book containing all the spells of the Ancient World, including the spell for immortality used by the sorceress Zi Yuan on Emperor Han and his army. Or so it's commonly misinterpreted.

He and Sheila had yet to browse through the ancient tome but based on the explanations given by Meifeng, the spell is intended to manifest one's deepest desires only once in life.

"Vanessa, you do realize this spell may kill you or just turn you into a butterfly. In legends, Emperor Han became an immortal because the sorceress cast a spell that grants his deepest desire. For Meifeng, it was to become a Mystic. You say you want to become a witch, but is that what you truly desire?"

Vanessa looked between the oracle bones and Solomon. She then nodded her head and said, "Yes, I want to be like the Bennetts. Your family created a supernatural afterlife, Immortality, Vampires, indirectly doppelgangers. You are supernatural royalty. "

"Well, okay... Meifeng, please take Vanessa and cast the spell," said Solomon. "Hurry, get out of my office."

Meifeng grabbed the Oracle Bones and led Vanessa away. Becoming a witch was Vanessa's contract with Sheila. And since it registered, Sheila and Solomon knew it was possible by current methods, but the only method they could think of was the Oracle Bones.

Solomon sighed and rubbed his tempos as Vanessa Monroe was the epitome of fangirls. He hoped that if she manages to become a witch, she will mellow out.

Moments later, Emily walked into his office and announced that some slaves returned with a couple hundred pounds of Black Kyanite gems or, more so, blackish-brown Kyanite gems.

"Have them move the gemstones into the castle, into the main hall. Send someone from group four, collect some steel and take it to the main hall as well," said Solomon.

"What is all of that for?" Emily asked curiously.

"To change the game, which is also the reason I wanted you back in the world of the living... I need your help creating a locator. If I can find witches, then I can invite them to the school, avert accidental magic, and stop lone witches from falling prey to the vampires in the like."

"That's... That's not possible."

"Yes, it is. With your help. But we can start when you return." said Solomon.

Solomon closed his eyes, and a moment later, Bonnie arrived.

"Bon, I need you and Emily to go to these locations. Kill any enemy you cross. When you find the right location, you'll find a trove of Grimoires. Bring them all to me. Emily, you need to hide from the spirits on this one. There's a witch tethered to our family, and she is very observant." Solomon instructed.

"Wouldn't she be watching us now?" Bonnie asked.

Emily laughed. "She isn't that bold. Spying on Solomon is like spying on Qetsiyah. All of her power will be stripped in an instant if she's caught. And that's if Qetsiyah is lenient. Besides, Solomon can see spirits. There is no spying on him."

"Ahh, right," said Bonnie, "So, are we leaving now?"

"Yes, now. This can't wait. Time is ticking," said Solomon.

When the two Bennett women left. Solomon locked the door behind them. He turned off the light and lit all of the candles in the room. The spirits of the one hundred dead witches on the land convened, led by a young witch, Beatrice Bennett.

"Solomon." said Beatrice, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"I have to. I'm forcefully separating the magics. Though they are augmenting each other. They are in a constant battle for dominance." said Solomon.

"Because it's demonic magic. You should cast it out," said Beatrice.

"No, that's why all of you are here. The same spell you used to stop hellfire is the spell you will use to beat the Demonic Balcoin magic into submission. Then I will use my magic to thoroughly consume it this time."

Falling to the lotus position, Solomon went deep inside of himself. Blackwell/ Balcoin magic was insanely hard to control and darker than anything Solomon ever dealt with. When he had first absorbed it, he recklessly tried to eat it in one gulp without chewing first.

After Qetsiyah saved him, whatever power she used allowed him to chain the dark magic. Solomon felt the magic trying to consume him like most dark magic when the curse was eradicated. But with the help of the spirits and the spell they have to warp the Hell Element, Solomon will slowly refine the magic and merging it with his own without losing himself in the process.

The only reason he wasn't consumed by this power was due to his sheer strength of mind keeping the cage locked tight. By dusk the next day, his magic was his again. No seals and horrible side effects. Dark Magic aside, it was pretty cool to know that the spirits had a spell that could control a Hell Element. He wondered what other applications the spell had.

Though he wished Qetsyiah was around to ask her why he felt Diana's magic. It felt like a small resonance. But not only Diana, Solomon felt surrounded by a cloud of Balcoin magic and had no idea why. He just made a mental note to study Demons and dig deeper into the Balcoin Family.

Pushing the thought aside, he went to check on everyone. Diana was in the reliquary where she lived, and Melissa was in the hanging Garden with her father. Everyone else seemed to have retired for the night, and Meifeng was still busy with Vanessa.

Remembering what Faye told him and reminded him every time they spoke, Solomon entered the Reliquary and dragged Diana out. He then went to the Hanging Garden and kidnapped Melissa.

About an hour later, the trio pulled up to Whittmore College, cruising down the sorority row. Each house labeled with greek letters was pack and blasting music.

"Sol, what are we doing here?" Diana asked as she looked constipated.

Melissa laughed. "Obviously, we're here to have fun."

"Yes, you need some dick. Faye said you haven't gotten laid since Adam." Solomon chimed in.

Melissa fell back with laughter.

"Don't know why you're laughing. Faye said you haven't got laid since Nick." Solomon spoke, and Melissa stopped laughing.

"The past is the past. It's a new day, a new life. Experience will help you grow as witches and make you feel better, so let's go have fun."

Sometime later, Melissa was drunk of her ass and turned into a party animal. The guys loved her, and she loved the guys.

Diana, on the other hand, was a stick in the mud. Solomon shook his head and pulled her from the wall onto the dance floor. Melissa cheered for Diana as she danced in the middle of four guys who were all feeling her up.

Solomon grabbed Diana from behind and began to sway with the music until Diana could feel it. Once she started the move on her own, Solomon then put his lips to her ear and whispered, "We are witches. We are superior to humans, those lunar enslaved mutts, and we created the vampires. This world is ours. All you have to do is claim it!"

Diana ground her ass against his cock as she falls deeper into the moment. They picked up the tempo, and Melissa grew higher in spirit as Solomon noticed that she was actually bewitching all four of the guys she danced with. Inspired, Solomon cast an emotion intensifying incantation on Diana and pushed her into the crowd, out of her cage.

Solomon smiled as he watched her emotions take over, and she flew free. Solomon also wanted to have fun as he founded a pretty Latina and her sexy Lebanese friend.

The night only went up from there as Melissa spiked the entire party when she threw some kind of power in the air.

Melissa was first to get laid as her four playthings took her to a room and stuffed her full. Solomon followed her lead and took his to beauty's and gave them a fucking they would never forget. But Melissa and Solomon were insatiable. Her powder made the humans high, but it took them to the moon.

Solomon fucked one girl after the other into a cum induced coma while Melissa took one guy after the other until their cocks couldn't get hard anymore. That's when the screams of a co-ed woke Solomon and Melissa from their sex-crazed stupor.

The party had long been over except for the people in the small orgies hosted by Melissa and Solomon. When the two witches looked out of their rooms and at each other, four rooms apart, both of them were soaked in cum and still hot for more. Melissa took one look at Solomon's erect member and smiled.

"You definitely won," she giggled.

"Really?" Solomon asked, "I always thought I was just decent. I knew a guy who was a whole two inches bigger."

Melissa squinted in disbelief. "So you're like a what? Nine and a half...Ten?"

"Sort of when I'm really into."

"I think I can take you," she cooed.

Solomon looked at the mocha-skinned beauty covered in globs of pearly white cum. She has a hairy pussy and tits no more than a handful with small button nipples.

"I'm sure you can, sweetnesses."

That's when a naked Diana walked out of the room with blood-stained skin. "Wow! I like your cock, Sol. Do me next?"

Solomon and Melissa sighed.

"Melissa, get cleaned up," Sol ordered as he walked by her. When he made it to Diana, he slapped the spit from her mouth then grabbed her by the throat.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

Diana laughed and was turned on by his aggression. "We're superior, remember? We were fucking, and then his two friends came, but none of them were big like, and they had no self-control. They came just before I was about to cum every time. So I punished them. I'm sorry for making a mess, Sol."

Solomon let her go and brushed the hair out of her face with care. "Fuck it. Did you get the girl who screamed?"

Diana nodding with a cute smile.

"Good girl. Are your clothes any good?"

Diana shook her head. Solomon told her to grab them anyway. He then took a dress from one of the girls he fucked and put it on Diana. When the trio was ready, Solomon bleached the room before leaving.

They then drive back to Mystic Falls as the girls exchanged stories in the back seat. Solomon occasionally glances in the rearview mirror with a satisfied smile.

Free and uninhabited witches. That's the school he wanted. That's what he wanted for his species. Solomon didn't care that Diana lost it and killed a few humans. He cared that she could have been caught.

When the trio returned to Mystic Falls, Solomon dropped Melissa at home, and Diana returned to the Bennett estate with him. She was alone and admitted that she didn't like it much.

After showing Diana to a guest room in the lodge, Solomon went to get some rest and found Meifeng waiting on him.

"You're still up?" he asked.

"Yes. I was waiting on you until Marina told me you left with Melissa and Diana," she replied.

"I was just taking them out. We went to a sorority party, and things got abit messy."

"You fucked them?" she asked.

"No, I fucked some sorority girls. Melissa and Diana are just friends. They even got laid. I found out Melissa likes getting gangbanged, and Diana gets a bit cranky if she isn't satisfied."

"Oh god. What happened?"

"A blood bath. But I took care of it. How did everything go with Vanessa?" Solomon asked.

Meifeng looked a bit distant. "It went well. And I think you should keep her close from now on."

"So she's a witch now?"

"Not just any witch, a Bennett witch," Meifeng replied, and Solomon frowned as he suddenly felt threatened and a primal urge swelled within him.

"Where is the Oracle Bones now?" Solomon asked.

After Meifeng handed the large tome to Solomon, he looked through it for the first time. He knew right away that the Oracle Bones was dangerous. The sheer imbalance of the spells made him shiver.

"This... Meifeng, most of these spells shouldn't exist. At the very least, their complexity should be otherworldly. I don't know why I assumed the spells would be more taxing." Solomon continued to flip through the tome in awe.

When he closed it, he took a deep breath and called for Ayana. He then left the room and went to the basement.

"Ayana, I need you to bring Qetsiyah to me. I know she's off somewhere, but this is important," said Solomon.

Ayana sighed. "If I could, I would. But there is no way to bring her back, let alone speak to her."

Solomon rubbed his tempos. "Did Qetsiyah tell you anything...miraculous, about herself?"

Ayana squinted. "Before she left, yes."

"So you know about "Events"?" Solomon asked, and Ayana nodded.

"I think the Oracle Bones is an event within itself. Qetsiyah said that Xiao Meifeng was supposed to come to Mystic Falls and leave like a momentary breeze. She was never apart of the story. But the Meifeng that I know was doing magic with humans and interested in vampires. There's no way she wouldn't have been in the middle of the shit happening here during Tess's first life." Solomon explained, and Ayana enlightening frown.

"You're right..." said Ayana, "And she happens to find the Oracle Bones. Even witches think the book is a myth. Mystics have been extinct since the age of heroes. The more I think of it, Meifeng is becoming an enigma."

"What do you know about the Oracle Bones?" Solomon asked.

"It was myth even in my time. Created before Qetsiyah was even born." Ayana replied.

"This book has a spell to open a portal to an Evil God," Solomon explained, and Ayana looked frightened.

"What the hell is Evil God?" Ayana asked.

"I don't know. But this tome is beyond what a Grimoire is supposed to be. I can't let anyone have this." Solomon's mind was going a thousand miles per hour, and Ayana recognized a look in Solomon's eyes that Qetsiyah had warned her about.

"Hey, Solomon. You're letting the Bennett madness take you places. You need to relax. And as far as we know, the Oracle Bones is just an old grimoire."

"Grimoires are talismans of their creators. A witch who could make a book this dangerous is an enemy I don't want in these walls." Solomon argued. He then marched back upstairs, and Meifeng was sitting in bed on her laptop.

"Meifeng, besides us, who else knows that you have this?" Solomon asked. He wanted to punch himself for neglecting the safety of his family. Qetsiyah said a string of events would happen after Hybrid emerges. That meant that Solomon had to handle as much as he could before the dominos began to fall. He hated to admit it, but Meifeng appeared liability left unchecked because of his feelings.

"No one. Is something wrong?" Meifeng asked.

"Did you know there is a spell in here that can rip through the veil to the other side? There's another spell for necromancy, soul branding, the fucking incantation that turned Sodom and Gomorrah to salt is in here. This tome is a magical nuclear weapon."

Solomon pushed down all of his emotions and acted purely on instinct. If he had between the safety of his blood and Meifeng, it was no brainer.

Solomon quickly cast a full body binding spell, and Meifeng went stiff. He then placed a hand on Meifeng's forehead and chanted an incantation that ripped through Meifeng's mind. Ayana appeared and helped him as Solomon saw every memory from the day Meifeng was born to the present.

He saw the day that she found the Oracle Bones with her two friends. He saw Meifeng murder her friends and run off with the tome. He also saw every spell that she learned or saw in the Oracle Bones. Solomon then purged them all.

Solomon then purged every memory she had of him and his family, along with anything associated with them.

"So what are you going to do. You've already mind fucked a girl that you love." Ayana asked.

"Who's to say that this Tome won't bring those memories back. They could have a connection. The world is changing. What if Meifeng is another link in the ladder leading to our destruction." Said Solomon, "I know she wouldn't be willingly hurt us. But we both know what a powerful witch is capable of."

"Anything," said Ayana.

"That's right. Who's to say that finding this book wasn't nature's scheme to combat Qetsiyah and I. Jenna and Carol Lockwood have been turned into werewolves. And they were key pieces in Qetsiyah's timeline. Meifeng is a nobody. Purging her mind and sending her may save her and protect us." Solomon explained with a little hurt.

"Marina!" Solomon called out.

Ayana watches with just as sad as Solomon was. Many of the Bennett ancestors had watched Solomon grow. To watch him carve a piece of his heart out was painful.

"Ayana, have spirits watch over her," Solomon ordered.

When Marina arrived, Solomon had her take Meifeng back to the Fell Family and arrange for her to be sent back to China.

"Are you sure about this?" Ayana asked, "Sending her away may cause you to... regress."

Solomon looked at her with hardened eyes, "I will send her away. You will have spirits watch her. And if she ever regains her memories or searches for this book, then we know it's dangerous. End of discussion."

When everything was said and done. Solomon sat alone in the dark. Magic is a dangerous thing. With spells of a biblical nature, one had to use reason over emotions. Meifeng had a connection to the Tome, the first to use it in centuries. He nor Qetsiyah were at the level of the spells it held. So if it had hidden power to it, neither would be able to detect it. Therefore Meifeng had to be the guinea pig. Solomon just hoped Meifeng would disappear and the book would remain a book. Either it reaches out for a new holder, brings Meifeng back somehow, or does nothing. Either way, Meifeng had a high chance of remaining safe.

Some would call it Paranoia, but Solomon calls it vigilance. Leaving his room in the dead of night, Solomon went to Vanessa's. When she opened the door, Solomon used the same spell to wipe Vanessa's memories of Meifeng and the Oracle Bones. All she knew is that she visited Solomon, and he turned her into a witch with a secret Bennett ritual. They created immortality; why can't they create more witches?

By morning, Meifeng was on a plane to China, and Solomon was conducting a respondeo incantation --A spell that alters the memories of a large number of individuals. The incantation also changes any record of the true memories, including social media posts, pictures, and journals. However, its effectiveness decreases the longer you wait to do it.

Slowly, everyone in town forgot about Xiao Meifeng, even the school records on her vanished. Everything she purchased was then taken by Solomon and repurposed. Her forged documents were destroyed. An easy task considering the Respondeo incantation took care of almost everything.

Solomon was quiet and reclusive for two days before Bonnie and Emily returned. When they saw him, they wondered if he had his heartbroken, but they didn't ask as they believed Bonnie was the only living woman he was having relations with or even capable of loving since Qetsiyah is a spirit.

Solomon quickly got his shit together as dwelling on a girl only he remembered wouldn't go well. Focusing on what is, Solomon followed Emily and Bonnie to a truck full of stuff.

"I said Grimoires. What is all of this junk?" Solomon asked.

"High valued shit lost to time because the Mikaelson Family stole it and hid it away. We figured the castle could use some lost antiques and precious art. And that there, that's the 'Arc of the Covenant,' totally bogus, I opened it. But, it was taken from Jeruselum during the crusades." Emily explained.

Solomon laughed as he noticed Emily's playful spirit.

"Alright, move the grimoires and magical artifacts to the reliquary and have the slave decorate the castle. Did you two run into any trouble?" Solomon asked.

"Nope! It seems Elijah Mikaelson had a falling out with his brother, and Klaus is off probably feeding on babies. Either way, a few vampires and a witch weren't enough to stop us." Bonnie bragged. And Solomon rolled his eyes.

"Hey, Emily? Have been by the Zhu Covenant yet?" Solomon asked.

Emily's eyes lit up. "No," she replied.

"How about you go and check on their progress for me," When Solomon was finished speaking, Emily was already on the move.

"Hey! Wear a cloak. You're supposed to be dead!" Solomon shouted after her.

"What was that about?" Bonnie asked.

"We all have our special people, Bonnie-Bear. Emily is going to see hers."

"By the way... Why are you so sad today?" Bonnie asked with concern.

"If you love someone, let them go," Solomon spoke distantly, and Bonnie stared at him with a worried expression, "Profound words if I ever heard any. If my inaction comes back to haunt us. I am sorry, Bonnie-Bear. Sometimes things should just be killed, and the heart gets in the way."

"Sol... What happened?"

Solomon took a deep breath. "It's done... If I had to choose between you the world, I would choose you every time. Come on, let's get this stuff to the Reliquary."