--2 hours later in the residence of Archisorte family-------
Inside of luxurious room that was decorated in the best traditions of Victorian-era English nobles a boy of 11-12 years of age was unconsciously sitting on the chair tied down to it with silver chains full of runes engraved into it. On top of that, the chair itself was in the middle of the circle of runes that any knowledgeable magus would have identified as a barrier used to restrain dangerous magus criminals. There were 5 grown men in black suits encircling the boy and a small girl in a blue dress sitting on the sofa opposite to him.
Reines: "Hm, he does have more od that he is letting out. How interesting. It is really strange is he really not the heir of Matou? As far as I was able to find out he is an only direct descendent of their bloodline, and he has a great talent. So why send him to another end of the world without protection instead of cultivating his talent. Furthermore, they even adopted a child from another magus family and made her the heir claiming that the boy is useless. For any other magus bloodline even if their descendent had a trash talent just like my new brothers, they still would prefer to pass their crest on though him instead of finding the replacement. It does not make any sense. Unless, the boy has hidden his talent even from his family, but that is even more unlikely the magus families test the talent of their children from the moment they were born. So, unless he was born useless but then somehow increased his magical potential. But that is impossible! no, it is improbable but possible."
Reines: Wake him up.
David: Yes!
At the next moment, one of the guards that were encircling the boy lifted a basket full of cold water and unceremoniously spilled on the boy's face.
-----Shinji's pov-------
Shinji:-Kha, Kha that is a quite rude way to wake someone up.
Reines: And you are quite calm for someone in your position.
Shinji: And you are too ruthless for a little girl, an evil loli.
Reines: An evil loli, what it is an insult?
Shinji: No, a code word. Pneu werth(spirit wander)
At the next moment, all of the five guards that were supposed to be loyal to the girl turned towards her lifting their hands or guns and pointing them towards their little lady. At the same time, the boy's body disassembled into thousands of eyeless flies that started to fly out of the chains and reassembled back into the boy outside of the barrier that was supposed to stop him.
Shinji: You see I don't like it when someone speaks to me from the position of power~.
"Well that was quite a difficult trick to pull out. The spell that I used is something that I developed on the basis of ancient Minion language and ritual that lets my spirit body to enter the Sefira Castle of the Lord of the Mysteries. Basically, it allows my spirit to freely wander in both spirit and real-world, albeit on short distances only. After that I used some of Matou magic to divide my body into thousands of small pieces without killing myself and then projected a fly's wings on them in order to let them move and assemble back at the place were my spirit body was waiting for them. The highly unpractical trick, too complex to ever be of any use in a real battle. So why did I use it? Simple, I like to show off! And the barrier, well it was set up by the very same guards that were under my control all along."
Then with an unimpressed look on her face, the lilt girl said.
Reines: So, do I.
And at the net moment, the liquid metal came out from the ground from the to sides of the sofa on which Reines was siting and turned into two metal golems, whose hands took the shape of machine guns.
Shinji: Ha-ha-ha-ha. I am impressed. "She is even more ruthless that I thought, well it is not like I did not expect it. After all residence of any magus is bound to have several built-in defense measures. So, my confidence does not come from my ability to harm her in any way but In my ability to run away if things go to far south. Plus, Bast is hiding in the shadow"
Shinji: Then let's speak as equals.
And after those words, the boy turned back and sat down to the same chair to which he was tied to just recently. But now he was free.
Reines: I will tolerate it.
Shinji: So, how did I catch the attention of the younger sister of Lord El-Meloi himself?
Reines: You have bigger magic potential than you let out why?
Shinji: Simple I have magic core instead of circuits.
Reines: Now I am even more perplexed. What does your family think about sending someone so valuable to study abroad instead of grooming you as a proper heir? And why did they take someone from outside as an heir?
Shinji: I suppose you already familiar with the holy grail war in detail. Matou is one of the 3 families that started it and always participate in it. But this time we are cheating. You see the next war is going to be sooner then it is supposed, it will take place in 2004. And they're going to be two masters from our family. And top of that I am really not heir after all my talent is still worse than that of my younger sister's. And frankly, It does not really matter which one of us inherits the title of the head of the family, the person that will inherit that position after us, will be our descendant. After all, we are not related by blood in any way.
Reines: Sounds logical.
Shinji: "Obliviously, I spent quite a lot of time coming up with this lie!"
Reines: Then why do you tell me about all of that?
Shinji: Simple I have a deal for you. I think it is pretty apparent that my magic core is not something that came naturally to me. My grandfather and I come up with a ritual that increases the quality and amount of magic circuits in the human body with little chance of magic core forming.
"It is true, myself and Zouken really created such ritual after as a result of our study of beyonder potion. Unfortunately, its effects are miniscule when compared to the original, but it does not have madness as a possible side effect and does not affect your origin. As it turns out potions slowly change the origin of a person that drunk it, depending on the magical proficiency of the person that drinks it. For experienced magus that constantly uses his origin the changes bough by sequence 9 potion are virtually nonexistent but for me, they were quite eye-catching, changing it completely. Now I have 'Awareness' as my origin. Quite fitting for the pathway that represents Omniscience."
Reines: And what is the deal?
Shinji: Simple I will give you knowledge about the ritual in exchange for three things.
-First, I want the position of assistant of the professor of Modern Magecraft Theories.
-Second, if magus from your family decides to participate in the upcoming holy grail war I want to form an alliance with them.
-Third, I want to be able to purchase a magicraft knowledge of your family with money. Nothing that involves too much of your secrets but anything that not an heir member of your family has access to.
Reines: Even though I don't know why do you need 1st one of your demands it is quite easy to fulfill it and the second one, but the third one is impossible.
Shinji: Think about it, by agreeing to my terms you forever secure your house from the possibility of having a worthless heir or family head, plus it is not like I am asking for the knowledge to be given for free I will pay for it and considering your house's current financial situation. Where you are riddled by debt. It is quite a generous offer, furthermore, I am not asking for anything too valuable.
Reines: Fine, but you will be unable to share that knowledge with anyone except your direct heir.
Shinji: Then we have an agreement. I will come to your brother's office in the Clock Tower tomorrow morning. Prepare Geis scroll for it, and I will give you my notes on the ritual containing all the information that you need to perform it.
And then he disappeared. It took the young mistress about 2 hours to figure out that approximately half of their conversation has happened in her head only. And that Matou boy has left her manor long time ago. Fortunately, she did not know that the person that hypnotized her was not the boy himself but his cat, or else she would have suffered an immense blow to her pride.