The reason revealed


"Of course, she's my murderer daughter."

I froze upon hearing the woman in front of us. She called me murderer in front of everyone, this is what I'm afraid of, this is the reason why I don't want to face her after she vanished that night.

"Ey, Lis. She knew you killed Jonny and his minions, words are spreading quickly huh?" Jisoo giggles on my back but I didn't even tear my gaze away from the woman in front of me.

"Oh, what a silly new commander, that's not what I'm talking –."

"Shut up!" I shouted as loud as my throat could take to cut her off. Everyone, including Jennie who's holding my hand tightly, got startled by my loud voice.

My body started to shakes as I could feel the burning anger in my chest started to rose up, Jennie kept trying to calm me down but it's not working, my body is shaking uncontrollably due for too much rage.

"You really grew up a monster, my daughter." The woman said with a disgusting look on her eyes. "And you still don't know how to respect me."

"You don't deserve any respect coming from me! And you're the monster between us!" I can feel the veins on my neck near from bursting out as I continued yelling from the top of my lungs.

"Am I? Really, my daughter?"

"Stop calling me daughter, I'm not your daughter!"

"What? She's not your mom? Damn! We got the wrong place, let's all look for anoth–." Naian's word were cut off when the woman in front of us laugh loudly.

"Aside from this scary place and that woman's face, her laugh was scary too, it's too dry and obviously fake." Happy whispered to Sydney but the latter ignores her and it's Saddy who pulled Happy to stopped her from commenting.

"Oh c'mon, how dare you to hurt your mom's feelings?" She asked with full of sarcasm on her voice.

"Just stop, stop with all of your bullshit! This is wrong, I shouldn't have decided to face you! Fuck!" I shook my head furiously and turned my heels. "Let's go girls, we're just wasting our time here." I said, Jennie was staring at me but I couldn't decipher what's running inside her mind.

I don't know why of all possible times, why I couldn't hear her thoughts? Why now that I'm dying to know what she was thinking?! I was so consumed with anger that I couldn't think properly and couldn't hear anything.

"Great! Let's all go home and have some cold beers!" Naian cheered while clapping her hands and they all turned around, we're all about to walk but the woman behind us spoke again.

"Pran." She called.

All of them exchanged glances before looking behind us.

"I'm sorry, but there's no such Pran among us." Jisoo said and her gaze looking at everyone then it landed on me. "Naian was right, we came to a wrong place–."

"No, I'm Pran." I said to cut her off.

"But you're Lisa, Lisa Mckl–."

"So you changed your name huh? Who gave it to you? Lina? Marco? Tell me, Pran, I want us to catch up. I've missed a lot of happenings on your life since that day."

I heaved a deep breath and exhales before turning to Jennie. "Let's go, Princess." I said and forced myself to show her a wide smile but its barely reaches my eyes, I tugged Jennie so we could start walking but she didn't even moved.

"You're escaping again, is that all you can do? To run? To hide? So no one would know what you did?!" The woman yelled but I ignore her again and focus my eyes on Jennie.

"Jennie, let's go." I insist but she's still not moving. "Ruby Jane." I called her softly while trying to not exhaust my patience.

"Go on Pran, go away, run away but I want you to know that no matter where you hide, no matter what you do, you cannot hide the fact that you killed your own father!"

A loud and exaggerated gasp echoed throughout the castle from my friends, from Aira and the man who attempt to attack me earlier. They all are really in shocked, but Sydney didn't react, the only one who didn't whipped her head at me, the only one who knows everything about me since the start, because she was assigned to be my guardian. So it's not really surprising that she knows everything about me.

I clenched my eyes and slowly removed Jennie's hand from mine. I dig my nails on my palm, formed my fists into tight balls and I slowly turned around to face the woman behind me and took three steps forward before looking up to her.

"You're right, I killed him, it's not a suicide because I killed him, you were there, you were fucking there! And you're the one who told me to kill him because he's not a vampire!"

"Just admit that you're a monster! You killed my husband!" She yelled, tears are starting to stream down from her eyes. "You're a monster since you were a kid!"

What a great actress.

I chuckled dryly and bit my lower lip as I tried to hold back my own tears. "I already told you, stop bullshitting me! You made me believe that he's an enemy, I was just literally five years old that time and I was still naive! But y-you, you brainwashed m-me!"

"Don't put the blame on me now!"

"I'm not putting the blame on you because it is really your fault!" I shouted back and I was about to charge towards her but a pair of hands stopped me from doing so.

"Lisa no! She's just provoking you!" Sydney yelled while pulling my arms. "Don't let your anger dominate you!"

"Are you going to kill me too? Go on! Kill me, kill your mom, I'm not even surprised, after all, you killed your own Dad."

"Shut up! If you hadn't poisoned my mind, my father would still be alive! You used me because you know that he's an Alpha and you will never win against him!"

The woman starts chuckling, then her chuckles turn into giggles and ended into loud and obnoxious laugh, that adds up to my anger.

"Hays.. poor Thrany, he let his daughter to kill him. What a stupid man, he should know better, a vampire will never love his breed, they are vampire's enemy so they all need to die!"


"Does he really think that I marry him out of love? What a fool!"

"Stop it, d-don't call him l-like that." I said lowly, I can barely hear my own voice as I can feel my body shaking too much against Sydney's hold. "If y-you didn't love him, why was I b-born?"

"Lisa! Calm down, please, don't listen to her!" Sydney keeps preventing me to not loose my control, but I think it's too late as the anger inside me taking control over my body.

"I had to bring you inside my womb for two weeks and wait another five years for you to developed your ability so I can use you to execute my plan!"

"Y-you're lying.."

"And I actually succeed! Do you can still remember the night you killed him with your own hands? Because I do! I was watching you, I was there and he was looking at me while you were killing him!"

"S-stop! Just f-fucking stop you fucking witch! Stop!"

"He even smiled at you and he told you how much he loves you before he shut his eyes! You are a murderer, Pran!"

"I said stop!" I shouted and pushed Sydny away and I charged forward at her, when I was halfway through towards her, I transformed into a wolf and tried to attack her but she was saved by a man that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Lisa!" They all shouted when I attacked my mother for the second time, but the man who saved my mom successfully landed a strong blow on my jaw and my body was thrown away.

"Oh my God! Lisa, are you okay?!" Sydney asked worriedly, I saw her struggling from Jisoo and Saddy's hands and she seems wanted to go near me, but I guess they are still afraid that I might hurt them just like what I did to Jennie, that's why they're preventing Sydney.

I shook my head and body to shrugged off my dizziness from that blow and I howled before charging again and it happens for the second time, the man hit my chin and I whimpered when I fell down on the ground and slides towards my comrades.

I did it over and over again, but the man kept succeeding to land a hit on me whenever I'm trying to bite his head or any part of his body.

Who is this man?! Why he's so strong?

"Lisa, stop it! Can you hear me?! Stop it!" Sydney yelled again and I can see how all of them are starting to get worried because I've been receiving a lot of blow. But this is nothing, Jisoo trained me for, they all trained me to make my body stiffed and any blow against me was really nothing for me.

I pushed myself up from the floor and shrugged my fur furiously, I growled lowly, scratching my back paws on the ground and was about to charged towards the man but I immediately stopped when Jennie stood in front of me.

"Stop it, Lisa." She said with her authoritative voice. "Stop it already! You have nothing against him, so you need to stop before you get beaten too much."

"Goddamn it! Jennie! Would you stop sacrificing yourself just to save her?!" Jisoo shouted worriedly and tries to pulled Jennie away but the latter stayed and still looking at me. "Jen–!"

"I'm sorry." I said and Jisoo's widened eyes darts up on me.

"Oh my God! You can recognize?!" Jisoo gasped.

"Yeah and please, bring Jennie with you, I need to finish–."

"Nerd, stop it, please?" Jennie said, but this time, she's not being authoritative, her voice laced with full of pleading to stop me from taking another step, her eyes glisten with tears while staring at me worriedly.

I felt a sudden guilt while looking back at her and I whimper. "I'm really sorry." I said and pushed her on the side carefully using my head before I continued my walk towards the man. I was ready to charge again but I felt my body became heavy and when I looked down. I saw all of them clinging in every part of my body. Jisoo and Sydney jumped above me, meanwhile Saddy, Happy, small and tall Chaeyoung pulled my legs simultaneously causing my body to stumble on the ground.

"Yah! I'm stuck and getting squeezed here!" Naian shouted with her muffled voice under me.

"Oh my God! My wife! Lisa my wife!" Jory shouted in panic while trying to pull out Naian. As much as I want to move so Naian will be free, I can't, because Jisoo, Sydney and Chewy using their strength restraining me down.

"What are you even doing underneath her?!" Mara groans and helped Jory to pull out Naian.

When they succeeded pulling her out, Naian immediately throws punch on my body continuously. "You big damn furry dog! I almost die there! You're heavy as fuck! You fucki– cute and fluffy puppy." Naian suddenly begun stroking me when she saw Jennie glaring at her and from hitting my body, she changed to stroking my furs real quick while laughing awkwardly.

Jennie shifted her gaze at me and pad near me, she scratched my muzzle while Sana kept petting me. Damn these women! They really made me look like a dog!

"C'mon Lisa, just turn back to your human form." Jennie cooed while keep scratching my chin.

I was still hesitating if I should return to my human form or continue my fight against that man, I stared at Jennie's cat-like eyes using my werewolf red eyes and I chuckled lightly but it came out as whimpers. Jennie has cat eyes and I'm literally a dog, no wonder we're always fighting.

I breathed through my nose before deciding to turn back into my human form but I froze when I saw the man ran towards me with a silver sword. I immediately pushed all of them and I jumped to dodge the attack but he still succeeds to cut me on my left leg.

Silver? Really? He's was really determined to kill me?!

"Jillion asked me to accept all of you here without killing anyone, but you started charging on my wife and he didn't told me that you're a werewolf, so I have no choice but to kill you." The man said before he ran towards me.

I tried to dodge it but he's too fast and he even merely swung his sword but the cut on my side was too deep. He then charged again but this time, another sword blocked the attack and I saw Jennie.

Just where the hell did she get that Katana?!

"Lisa! Run!"

"Stay out of this, Princess! That werewolf needs to die!" The man yelled but Jennie just scoffed and she kicked the man's stomach and he was thrown away and he intersect on the wall.

"That werewolf you were talking about is my girl!"

"Your girl? Is Jillion had gone crazy to let the princess be with a werewolf?" The man laughs while stepping out from the wall where he collided and shakes his head in disbelief. "Didn't you heard what my wife had said? Vampires will never love a werewolf, because they are all enemies!"

"Shut the fuck up, Leehun! Vampires can love whoever they want! Your wife is the reason why Lisa holding back her feelings and I can't believe that I am the one suffering from that!" Jennie was about to attack that Leehun guy, but the woman behind us laugh and we both whipped our heads towards her.

"What lies have you tell her, Pran?"

"Lie?" Jennie asked confusedly while looking at my mom. My eyes widened and I immediately return into my human form and ran towards Jennie.

"Jennie, don't listen to her!"

"I can't believe that you forgot–."

"Stop! Don't tell her!" I shouted while covering Jennie's ears but I know that it's no use as Jennie have sharp ears.

"..that you and Charmaine are the ones behind that plan?" I felt Jennie's body stiffened against mine upon hearing what my mom said, she froze and the sword she was holding fell down on the floor. "Charmaine ven promised me that if I succeed from killing the Alpha, she will give me wealth, but Charmaine, that damn witch deceived me!"

"Stop! Goddamn it! Stop talking!" I shouted before cupping Jennie's face and turned it to me. "Jennie, listen to me, that was all in the past and I already forgave you, please don't blame yourself! You have no fault!"

It's true that I already forgave Jennie, because as a vampires who rules a kingdom, it is only natural for them to command their men to kill the enemy, I understand that. And the only reason that's why I want to face my mom, is to remove the weight off of my chest that I've been carrying for so long and I can only do that if I see her for the last time even if she does not apologize for what she has done.

And if I ever did that, I would be able to forgive myself, too, for killing my own Dad.

But I didn't expect all of this to happen. If only I had control my anger, it wouldn't have happened and Jennie wouldn't have known why I was holding back my feelings towards her, before.

I was holding back before, until I gradually fallen for her hardly and I've decided to face my mom so I can finally let go of my past and I can love Jennie without holding back anymore. But shit happens, my mom is really the biggest villain in my life since I was kid.

"Is that the reason why you can't love me?" Jennie asked emotionless.


"Answer me, Lisa." She demands.

"Yes..half of it." I said weakly and my hands slides down on her hands and tries to hold them but Jennie took it back. "But that was bef–!" My words were cut off when Jennie pushed me sideways and I was thrown away towards the others.

"Lisa, are you okay?!" Jisoo asked when she catches me. "Sana, heal her!" Jisoo called her and she immediately ran towards me and starts healing my wound that I've completely forgotten that I have them.

My gaze went back to Jennie and my eyes slowly widens when I saw Leehun's sword pierced on Jennie's side and they both aren't moving.

"Jennie!" I called her and pushed everyone in front of me trying to stop me from approaching Jennie but Jisoo and Chaeyoung was already enough to stopped me from moving and Sana continues to heal me.

"Lisa! You're seriously injured, stop–."

"Jennie!" I called again and ignored Sydney, but Jennie isn't responding at all. "Why is no one helping her?!"

"Lisa, relax! That's Jennie." Chaeyoung said.

"Exactly! That's Jennie and y'all are standing here and doing nothing!"

Jisoo faced-palmed herself and she groans. "Jennie! Your girl are worried, stop being dramatic!" She said and I whipped my head at her and stared at her in disbelief.

"Oh please! I was still scolding this old man!" My eyes widened when I heard Jennie spoke and then Leehun's loud snapping sword that's slipped between Jennie's palm and not piercing on her side. "Y'all are really a pain in the ass!" Jennie frowned before grabbing the man's collar and she throw him easily.

When Leehun hit the wall with loud impact, it broke down and the bricks fell on his body and burying him.

"See? There's nothing to worry about with that bitch!" Jisoo scoffed and they both let go of me when Jennie ran towards me.

"Lisa, I'm really sorry for throwing you, are you hurt?!" She asked worriedly while scanning my face and I stared at her dumbfounded. She looked down between us and saw Sana looking up at her shooting her a dagger look. "What are you doing down there?"

"I'm healing her and you just hit my head with your knees!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't saw you." Jennie said and smiled at her apologetically before shifting back her gaze at me. "Seriously, Lisa. I'm really sorry."

"What the hell just happened?" I asked still in a state of stunned surprised.

"About what?"

"How did you beat him just like that?" I asked.

"I used my strength, duh? What else?" She huffed and rolled her eyes.


"You know what? Let's continue this talk later, we need to get out of here and yeah, we still need to talk about what happened with your Dad." She said before grabbing my arms and we all ran outside the castle.

"Pran, you're not getting away with this!" My mom shouted.

Jennie stopped on her tracks and I did too, because she was holding me, she turned around and held her middle finger in the air.

"You're not invited to our wedding!" Jennie said and she stuck her tongue out. I couldn't help but laugh at what she did. This is the first time I've seen Jennie's childish side and it's hella cute. "And I'm telling mom you called her damn witch!"

I bit my lower lip to suppress another smile to break out and steal one last glance at my mom, then to Aira, my little sister. That silly girl, why does she even tried to hit on me before if she knew that she's my little sister? Does my mom also using her so Aira will do the same mistake I've done? She's really a witch!

"Werewolves and vampires aren't made for each other, Pran! She'll kill you too!"

"Oh please! This bitch is getting on my nerves!" Jennie hissed and she let go of my arm. She travel in hazy, mist like form back to my mom.

"Lisa, your mom is really stupid." Jisoo said and shook her head while we're all looking at Jennie.

"Listen to me, Jessie. You don't get brainwashing Lisa in front of me, understand? Because I want to make it clear, you, that jerk step-son of yours, your husband and that–."

"You should stop with that, Aira is innocent." I said via telepathy.

"Whatever!" Jennie scoffed and even if she was turning her back against us, I'm sure that she rolled her eyes. "If ever any of you, bothered her again, that means war and I'm going to kill all of you and I don't fucking care even if you're my mother-in-law."

"Stop threatening my mom! You bitc–." Aira's word were cut off when my mom stopped her and I'm glad she did that or else Jennie would probably hit my sister.

"Jennie, that's enough!" Chaeyoung called and she ran towards her and tugged her away. "We need to get out of here as soon as possible, they're coming."

Jennie nodded and grabbed my hand again before we all ran in haste back to the plane that we used earlier.

"Who's coming?" Sydney asked as soon as we all settled ourselves inside the plane and it had started to operate.

"The strong ones." Chaeyoung shrugs.

"Stronger than Jennie?" Saddy asked.

"I won't say they are stronger than her when it comes to strength because heck, Jennie's strength in combat are unmatchable,but when it comes to powers, they can match her." Chaeyoung explained and all of us nodded our heads for the new information we learned.

"But wait, why did Jennie let Lisa got beat up if she can kick that man's ass easily?!" We all whipped our heads at Jennie who's raising her left eyebrow with her arms crossed on her chest.

"What?" Jennie asked when she noticed all of us looking at her and waiting for explanation. She sighed in defeat and uncrossed her arms abruptly. "I'm sorry ok? I was just shocked on that revelation–."

"We all are." Naian cut her off and Jennie shoot her a glare before rolling her eyes.

"And you're being unfair, Jennie." Jisoo scoffs at her. "You were mad when we trained her but when it comes to other, you're letting them hurt Lisa just like that?"

"I just want her to release all of her anger, because that's her real reason why she wants to see her mom, right?"

"Yeah, right." I sighed and rest my head on Sydney's shoulder and shut my eyes. "Thank you, Jen."

"You need that, you don't have to thank me and we still need to talk later..." Her voice suddenly weakened.

"About what?" My eyes shot open and side glanced her.

"What the fuck in later you don't understand?" Then she's now mad again.

"Why are you mad? I'm just asking you."

"Just shut up and take a goddamn rest!"

"Ok fine, Jeez! You don't have to yell at me, I'm still in pain in case you forgot." I huffed an annoyed sigh and wrapped my arms on Sydney's waist before closing my eyes for the second time.

"I should've let you die earlier." Jennie mumbles before standing up abruptly and she moved on the seat far from us.

"What the fuck is her problem?!" I hissed.

"She's a child and you're oblivious, what do you think is the problem?" Sydney said while chuckling, I lift my head up and looked at her in confused. "She's Jealous."

"Jealous? What–."

"Oh for Pete's sake, you're so insensitive." Jisoo scowled and smacked my head. "You know what? As much as I want to see this Jennie's side, I'm much more concern about you and your obliviousness."


"Let me make things more easier for you to understand, Lisa." Chaeyoung stood up from her seat and leaned her body forward. "You need to stop hugging everyone because Jennie hates it."

"Why would she hate it? It's just a hug?" I asked, head tilting sideways and stared at her confusedly.

I saw Chewy stood up from her seat and pad towards Jennie and then she suddenly hugged Jennie, which make me to rose up from my seat abruptly and all of them gasped.

"Hey! What the hell?!" I exclaimed. "Why did you–!"

"And that's what you call jealousy, stupid." Chewy said with her flat face and rolled her eyes before sitting back beside Sana who's glaring at her, meanwhile Jennie was left dumbstruck on her seat. "Sorry about that, but she's so stupid."

"I'm not jealous, I'm just shock that she suddenly hugged Jennie out of nowhere." I shrugs. All of them faced palmed while shaking their heads. "What?"

"So you were still in denial, huh?" Naian snort while nodding her head and rubbing her chin.

In denial? Am I being in denial about my feelings? I know that I liked her, but I just don't know how to say it, especially now that she knows that I killed my father and the reason I hate vampires is because I'm afraid that just like my mom, Jennie might do the same to me.

I pad towards Jennie who's still in shocked state because of Chewy's hug. I sat beside her and reaches for her hands, Jennie flinched and when she saw me, she took back her hands hastily.

"Go away, nerd! I don't want to talk to you." She hissed and turn her back against me.



"Are you mad at me?"

"What do you think?!"

"I don't know, you tell me." I shrugs my shoulders and crossed my arms and stares at her back.

"Don't talk to me coz I'm never going to talk to you!" I chew my inside cheeks to stopped me from smiling as Jennie keep telling me that she doesn't want to talk to me but she kept talking back.


"What is it, Lisa?!"

"Do you still like me even after all you've learned about me?" I asked her in my most gentle voice.

"Ye–!" Jennie paused and she turn around to hit me on my shoulder. "I told you! I don't want to talk to you! Now get out of my face and go back to your best friend!"

"Why do you seem angry to me? I'm just the victim!" Sydney asked from her seat and they all laugh when Jennie scowled at her.

"So you still like me?" I asked and Jennie shifts back her gaze at me and raised her brow.

"Excuse me? I never admitted that I liked you, stop assuming things, Lisa." She said and rolled her eyes.

"You called me love when I was in my werewolf form." I reminds her. "Twice." I added when she was about to open her mouth. "And you called me 'my girl' earlier."

Jennie cleared her throat and swallowed hard before looking away. "You misheard everything. I called you log not love."

"You were always protective and possessive over me."

"B-because you're weak!"

"You're always excited to see her back in our college day!" Jisoo adds and I pointed at her, as if I was telling her that she's right and shrugged my shoulders when I shifted back my eyes on Jennie.

"I d-did not! I was just excited to learn something from school!"

"Jennie, you're living hundred years old, you already know from the back of your hand all of the lessons." Chaeyoung said and they all laugh.

"Stop!" Jennie yelled but they all laugh even louder.

"You were even watching her all night just to make sure that she's safe." Sydney adds.

"And you were mad because we tortured her!" Naian said and she stood up. "You were just jealous awhile ago!"

"You all better to shut your goddamn mouth before I throw all of you outside this plane" Jennie threatens but they didn't even feel afraid and continued their laughter, her face was red and I don't know if it was because of anger or shame.

Jennie suddenly stood up from her seat but I quickly tugged her arm so she lost her balance and her body fell on me, her face on my face, her nose against mine and her lips crashed on my lips.

"Jisoos fucking Christ!" Jisoo blurted out.
