chapter 12

At her and answer her phone. " (yeah, Brody.)

"(where are you.) Asked, Brody, " (with

someone, what do you need?) Asked. Lacy, " (yes could you meet me for lunch.) asked

Brody, so she left to meet him at the restaurant, they just order lunch, and got their .food. Her partner tells Lacy right before he takes a drink of his southern sweet tea that he has doubts about the way she is handling things and he feels that she is way too close to the case like she is trying to hide the truth

forom him and he thinks she should remove herself from the case and let him take over as lead detective. She tells him she's not covering anything up and everything that she knows she has shared with him so there was no reason for her to remove herself from the case. He looks her dead in the face and tells

her she's lying and he's gonna prove it and turn her in when he reaches for his southern

sweet tea and just as he takes a drink a bee stings him on the lip and unbeknownst to

Brody, he is very highly allergic to bees, He falls