few things, then we pulled up at, the old country in, got out of the car, walked in and order something to few things, then we pulled up at, the old country in, got out of the car, walked in and order something to eat, when Lacy saw at the table when she is making her election runs, she walks up to the , when Lacy saw at the table when she is making her election runs, she walks up to the few things, then we pulled up at, the old country in, got out of the car, walked in and order something to eat, when Lacy saw at the table when she is making her election runs, she walks up to the few things, then we pulled up at, the old country in, got out of the car, walked in
and order something to eat, when Lacy saw
at the table when she is making her election
runs, she walks up to the table and say hi
to us and reminding us about the coming
Election. then walked out down to the next
business, then she made her way back into
The office. she sat down at the desk, going over some paperwork, when the chef walked.
inside of the office, " how is everything is
going? asked, chef Reagan. " good sir,
answered. Lacy, " any new leads. he asks her,
" no not yet sir. said, Lacy. " keep up the good
work, and you are bound to win as captain, then he left out of the office. During the evening everyone gathers at the community center, the room is packed with people talking
to each other. we walked in and sat down in the back row, Lacey walked up to the
microphone, " thank you for coming everyone.
we are at a crisis right now. There is a
murderer among us, so the town police
department is telling you for your own safety, that is