
Waking up I start thinking about where to start, after a hefty dose of milk and diaper changes remember something essential something every Harry Potter fan would know Occulmency I can't practice Oculmency per see but I think I can use its principles to build my own mind palace as giddy as I'm to start practicing Chakra I need to sort and organize my mind first.

Practically entering a deep meditation I swiftly enter my own mindscape there I'm surprised, expecting something of a sewer system or maybe, even some kind of hellscape but what appears before me is a heavenly visage, lush green plains with lots of tress and rives flowing through overcoming my initial surprise I start looking around and the only thing I can say is a really beautiful and calming visage.

Following a river, the calmness sensation continues to rise until I reach a log house localized between a mountain and a lake where all the rivers converge observing everything I have a sudden realization the rivers, the mountains, the trees and finally the house they are a representation of my Chakra you can say the rivers are my pathway system plus water affinity, the mountains and terrain my body and earth affinity, the trees my Mokuton affinity, and finally, the log house in the center of everything is my being my will my mind and memories.

Entering the house the first thing I repare is that everything is bigger than outside looking around what appears to be an endless library, I start looking around the and I see are two huge pillars forming some sort of entrance to the library coming closer to these pillars I verify that they are made of some sort of ebony-colored wood and on these woods is carved myself surrounded by a sea of flames seeing this I immediately know what are those pillars they are representing my will looking more int the depths of the library I see that every bookcase use 2 pillars and a bunch o shelves everything is made by ebony-colored wood the floor is made by shining white-colored birchwood looking through the library I see that every book is disorganized and tossed around so I started organizing them.

Books being the representation of my memories are very numerous albeit dying at the start of my adult life 20+ years of content is a lot of content.

Weeks later I have already organized everything the sheer volume something that I truly never expected, but after organizing everything the sheer improvement of my thought process makes it totally worth it, I can think faster and clearer besides having better hardware I now have upgraded my software from a windows97 to a WindowsXP is not the best my hardware can handle yes but with time I will continuing to upgrade both.

Now giving a rundown of my library I separated everything In categories the first one is history in there I put every bit of history I can remember going from earth(prime) history to every manga, anime, movie, TV-series, book, novel, fics everything that I watched read heard or overheard.

The second is the characters, every character I can remember, and their complete profile going from techniques to personalities, tastes, etc.

Third geography and terrain every bit of something related to space where the character resides is there.

Fourth other useful information that subdivides on their respective es disciplines going from math to science even physics chemistry Filosofy and much more.

The fifth is where everything related to combat resides from simple martial arts that I've seen in a movie to possible theories of making a Kamehameha even ninja arts fully subdivided on its disciplines.

Sixth is everything related to the mind from ways to meditate to way to hypnotize yourself and your foes.

Seventh is where everything related to travel and movement is.

Mind that every bit of this is organized such as when new info arrives It goes immediately where it's should go.

Now with my mind very organized, I can finally start my chakra training.