
Finishing the negotiation with the elders didn't take to much time, but it was relatively bothersome, these old animals are too stubborn for their own good.

After that the preparations for the attack where made, almost everything was ready, both Blazing Salamanders and Ocelot clan, where prepared for the attack.

the Elder from the ocelot clan go to a higher ground and coughs loudly to catch the attention of everyone ''Today, precious members of our clan, we will finally attack, today is the day that Bunch of poisonous bastards will drink their own bitter poison to the end. Remember, Today we will end this incessant war''


With the final shout everyone started charging at the spacial summoning circle, and them...


When I can see again, I am on a battlefield poisonous fogs and miasmas of different colors are scattered through the battlefield. Some giant purple balls are flying on the air and hitting our charging force. Some Giant salamanders on the background are spitting poison and acids. (right now I will refer to the allies as Blazers and the enemies as Venoms)

After some more moments of change we finally collide against the enemy I immediately activate the [Asura Paws Method], [Armament Haki] and [Observation Haki], my punches, swipes, and claws are making an enormous damage to my enemies, pretty much everyone dies in one hit, at max two.

This continued for some time, we advanced and the Venoms retreating, I gained a lot of experience using the [Asura Paws Method], [Armament Haki] and [Observation Haki], in this battle, I was even poisoned a lot of times, but thanks to my [Sage Body] I healed of them pretty quickly, I even gained resistance to these poison after being poisoned so many times its kinda impossible not to.

After some time a Titanic salamander burst through the floor, it was Ibuze Hanzo salamander, so as I was preparing to go there and fight with it, but I herd the Elder Ocelot ''Let this one to me focus on Izube their chief elder, I don't wanna excuses of not being able to win because you are exhausted''.

The same happened when Inoibez burst through the floor too, but this time it was the Blazers elder, he took care o him. Right now both the right and left arm of Izube are being occupied, he shouldn't waste any more time before appearing.

No sooner said than done, a Thing burs the mountain I was looking at into pieces something if I described Titanic would be the understatement of the century, if the Venoms salamanders before where big This one look at them like they are little kittens, I risk saying that Izube is bigger than a tailed beast, but not as big as The Juubi.

His appearance is nothing like the other salamanders, he looks more like a wingless Dragon, His hideous deep purple scales are shining with an evil light, his semicircular mouth is filled with sharpest of teeth, he is carrying two pairs of eyes, which only adds to his hideous appearance, His legs and arms are as muscled as they can be, it is so noticeable that you can see it thought his scales. His quadrupled gaze focus on me, as a forme to acknowledge his adversary.

That moment I know, that words aren't necessary anymore, we both know that we will fight to the death. So I deactivate my [Asura Paws Method] and concentrate on sending a punch.

My blackened hand is holding immeasurable strength, even some veins started to become visible, and with a shout, I jump hight. The same can be said about Izube seeing me jumping he does the same thing.

We both punch at each other, our fists containing all of our destructive strength collide. The impact seems to crack the air. A huge shockwave washes over everyone dissipating the numerous fogs on the battlefield. And for those that looked at the sky, they will be able to see that there are no more clouds in the vicinity.