Chapter 1
I'd just celebrated my eleventh birthday with my dad. Which meant my letter would be here any day. I'd been waiting for this day since dad told me when I was three. I only wished my mum was still here with us. Mum died when I was a baby, so dad raised me all on his own.
As the days rolled by, I was worried they'd forgotten about me. Dad assured me that wasn't the case. I went down to the willow tree where my parents had met. I sat down on the grass and sighed. After a while I saw something flying towards me. As it got closer, I saw an owl. I slowly started to smile when I saw an envelope in its beak. It landed next to me and I took the letter. This was it! I ran all the way home.
"Dad! Dad its here!"
He came out of the library and smiled a little smile.
"You see? It came just as I said it would. And next week we'll go to Diagon Alley to get your things."
I smiled. It was going to feel like a month to me.
When next week finally came I was jumping with excitement. I'd only been to the alley a few times and this visit was different. We walked into the alley and I saw the ice cream shop. I looked at dad and he smiled a bit.
"After we get your things, maybe. IF you don't run off like you did last time."
I giggled and he shook his head.
"I hope I'm in Slytherin with you, daddy."
"Slytherin house will have gained a fine student if you are. But no matter what house you're in, it won't matter to me. Any house would be lucky to have you."
I smiled and he knelt down.
"However, we can only hope you're not in Huffelpuff." He whispered.
I laughed and he smiled. He took my hand and led me through the alley. He let me get a cat. She was black cat and I called her Gypsy. On my way into Ollivander's, a boy walked out and I bumped into him. His glasses fell off and I quickly picked them up.
"I'm sorry. Here,"
He took his glasses and smiled. He looked a little familiar, he had the same color eyes as me.
"I'm Harry. Harry Potter."
I smiled and held out my hand.
"Snape. Lily Snape."
He shook my hand with a smile.