Chapter 4


I went down into the common room and sat by a window. Gypsy jumped onto my lap and I stroked her fur.


I looked over to Harry. He walked towards me and then sat down.

"You alright?"

"I suppose. I really wanted to be in Slytherin with my dad and Draco, but my mum was a Gryffindor. So this is good too."

He smiled a bit.

"Do you remember anything about your mum?"

"I have a picture. She was beautiful, dad says that I look just like her. Well, except my hair isn't red."

We laughed a bit.

"What about you?"

"Me? I don't really remember anything. I was only a baby. You're lucky you had a dad."

I nodded.

"I know I am. But you must have some family. I heard you had a twin."

"If I do I don't where. And I wouldn't call my aunt and uncle the kind of family you'd want. They're horrible. Although, when Hagrid found me, he gave my cousin Dudley a pig tail."

"Why would he do that?"

Harry smiled.

"Well, he's really fat to begin with, and he was eating the birthday cake Hagrid made for me."

I started laughing with him.

"I would have loved to see that." I said.

"I wish I'd taken a picture. I wonder if they'll ever be able to remove it?"

We laughed again.

"Hey, does your dad have something against me?" he asked.

"He shouldn't. He's never even met you. I saw the look on his face. He probably wasn't looking at you, just someone right behind you."

"Maybe. Everyone says he's scary."

"He can be sometimes. When I did something I wasn't supposed to growing up, let's just say I never did it again. Don't mistake me, my dad isn't cruel. He just wants me safe, he doesn't want to lose me when he already lost mum."

"He sounds like a good parent."

"He is. He's the best."

Harry smiled. We stayed up talking for a little while longer. I felt as though I'd been around Harry before. I just didn't know when or why. Gypsy curled up on my bed and I fell asleep.

We had defense against the dark arts with Quirell. He was a little twitchy. Every time he turned his head, Harry winced in pain. I frowned but there was really nothing I could do. Apparently, Quirell had gone on a trip and never came back the same. At least that's what dad told me. He was pretty good at his job though.

I wasn't as interested in Herbology as I was with the other classes. Especially Transfiguration. Professor McGonagall said I had a real talent for it. I didn't have potions until later in the week but I was excited all the same. We were already in the classroom when dad walked in.

"There will be no foolish wand waving, or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the divine art that is potion making, however for those select few, who possess the talent."

He looked over in my direction and I smiled.

"I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can teach you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death."

His eyes fell in Harry. My eyes went wide when I saw he wasn't paying attention.

"Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts with abilities so grand you feel confident enough to not pay attention!"

Hermione nudged Harry and he put his quill down. Dad took a step forward.

"Mr. Potter, our new celebrity."

I bit my lip, knowing this was going to be bad. He started to ask question after question, things Harry didn't know. Hermione had her hand straight up in the air the entire time. It was a little annoying.

"Pity, clearly fame isn't everything."

I frowned, that was uncalled for.

"Pity not to ask Hermione when she seems to know."

My heart almost stopped beating. My father did NOT tolerate smart mouthing. I only mouthed off to him once in my life, and once was all it took for me to never do it again. He walked down and sat down in front of Harry. He told him all the answers and then took ten points from Gryffindor. I sighed and shook my head. Several of the Gryffindors scowled at me and I just kept my head down. When class was over, I left as quickly as possible. No one said anything to me but I knew they all blamed me.

I laid awake in bed that night. I'd never seen my father act that way my whole life. There was something about Harry that rubbed him the wrong way.

Draco's POV

I thought it was kind of funny, what Snape did to Potter. But I didn't like the way people looked at Lily afterwards. Almost as though they blamed her for what her dad had done. I got up and went down to the common room. I wanted to make sure she was alright.

Lily's POV

I was on the sofa in the common room, Gypsy was curled up on my lap. Something tapped on the window and I looked up. There was a great horned owl outside. I opened the window and he hopped in. In his beak, was a letter with my name on it. I smiled and stroked his feathers before taking the letter. He flew away and I closed the window.


I'll be honest, I thought what your dad did was funny. I just want to have that known. But most importantly, I want to know if you're alright. I saw the other Gryffindors looking at you. Like they were blaming you or something. I just wanted to make sure you were alright.


I smiled. Draco was a good friend. Gypsy purred and rubbed against my hand. I smiled and scratched between her ears.