Chapter 16

Gift of the Year

Harry still had no idea that I knew about Sirius. I wanted it to stay that way. My mood lightened as Christmas came closer. The castle was decorated and people were heading home. As always, I stayed here with my dad and Harry.

I sat in the great hall with Draco before he was to leave. He smiled and pulled out a large, heavy looking parcel.

"Oh my god, Draco."

"Go on."

I smiled and unwrapped it. Inside was a leather-bound book with blank pages.

"I know how much you like to write. And you can sketch too."

"I love it! It's perfect. Thank you so much, Draco."

He smiled and I hugged him.

"Okay well, my gift to you is the Patronus Charm. I'm going to teach you. Come with me."

I saw the excitement and happiness in his eyes as I led him to the Astronomy tower.

"Alright, you need a really happy memory. Something that makes you smile no matter what you feel."

He thought about it for a moment before nodding. I took out my wand and closed my eyes. I remembered the day my dad and I celebrated my Hogwarts letter. I smiled and then held out my wand.

"Expecto Patronum!"

The silver shield burst from my wand and I smiled. When I let it go, I looked at Draco.

"Give it a go. Don't worry if you don't get it on your first try. I didn't."

He nodded and took a deep breath.

"Expecto Patronum!"

Nothing happened, but I encouraged him to keep going. Eventually, he did manage something. I smiled and clapped my hands. He seemed very pleased with himself.

"You did it!"

I hugged him and then looked into his eyes. Neither of us could look away. I smiled at him and quickly kissed him. He looked shocked but I knew he wasn't upset. I knew I was turning red and my face felt hot. He smiled a bit which made me smile. I hugged him tightly.

"I'll miss you." I said

"I'll miss you too. But you're dad's here. So, get going."

I looked at him and he winked.

Draco's POV

Literally it was the best gift I'd ever gotten. She said it was advanced magic which made me feel proud of myself. Not to mention it would definitely come in handy with all the dementors around the castle. I found myself actually hoping they tried to stop the train again so I could try the spell for real.

Lily's POV

On Christmas morning, I went down to the common room and smiled. Harry hugged me and so did Ron. Mrs. Weasley had sent me a new sweater with an L on it. I'd bought Harry a compass he could attach to his broom and Ron a bag of tricks from Zonko's. I could tell by the look in his eyes he was planning how to use them. I went down to dad's office and knocked on the door. I went inside and he smiled at me. I smiled as I ran to hug him.

"Merry Christmas, dad."

"Merry Christmas, Lily."

I smiled at him and then held out my gift. He opened it and he smiled more than I'd ever seen.

"I remember this. You always did love flying. Which is why, I got you this."

I moved aside and I gasped. A Firebolt was on his desk. I couldn't believe it! I smiled at him and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

He chuckled and nodded.

"I thought you'd like it. Now, how about you give it a try?"

I smiled even more and we went outside.

"Just be careful." He said.

I nodded and took off. I screamed with excitement. It was the fastest broom in the world. When I touched back down, dad smiled at me.

"How does it feel?"

"Perfect! Absolutely brilliant! Thanks so much, daddy."

"You're welcome. And thank you. This was one of the best days of my life. You've always loved making snow angels. I wanted you to be your own little angel."

I smiled and hugged him again.

"I expect you to try out for the Quidditch team next year. I know you've always wanted to. I think with a broom like this you'll make a fine addition to the team."

"You really are the best father in the world. I love you dad. I can't wait to show Harry and Draco."

He smiled a bit and nodded.

"I love you too. Now go on, I know you're excited to show them. But like I said, please be careful."

"I promise."

I hugged him one more time before running off. The second the boys saw what I was holding their jaws dropped.

"W-Where did you get that?" Ron asked.

"My dad got it for me for Christmas." I said happily.

"Can Snape be my dad?" Ron said.

Harry and I looked at him in disbelief.

"Right…. Who wants to go for a ride?"

They both bolted for their dormitory and then came back dressed and ready to go. I smiled and we all ran outside. Harry was up first, he mounted the broom behind me and we took off. I'd never seen Harry smile so much.

"This is great!"

I laughed and flew all around the castle. Ron was next and he was laughing his head off he was having so much fun. When we eventually went inside I passed my dad in the hall. He smiled small to me and I smiled broadly back. He kept going and so did we. I knew Harry and Ron hated him, but I was glad they didn't say anything in front of me. Either way, this was definitely one of the best gifts I'd ever received in my life.