Chapter 18
Peter Pettigrew
Harry's POV
I was sitting in bed, just looking at the map. Ron sat up very suddenly.
"Spiders! They want me to tap dance. I don't wanna tap dance!" he said.
"You tell those spiders, Ron."
"Oh yeah I'll… I'll tell 'em."
He immediately went back to sleep after that. I smiled and shook my head. When I looked down, I saw two things. The first was my sister's name. She was wandering around the halls for some reason. The second… was Peter Pettigrew. He was supposed to be dead. I slipped into my shoes and left the common room. I followed the map until I was in the same corridor as Pettigrew. The paintings were yelling at me because they were trying to sleep. Lily was right on top of me and Pettigrew was getting closer. I was looking everywhere but I couldn't see him. I thought I felt something crawling up my back but when I turned nothing was there. Pettigrew almost on me. I turned and jumped at my own reflection. I looked back at the map and saw Pettigrew round the corner. But I had another problem. Snape was coming!
"Mischief managed, nox."
The second I turned the light out, Snape lit his wand.
Lily's POV
"Potter. What are you doing wandering the corridors at night?" dad asked.
This wasn't going to end well.
"I was sleepwalking."
Really!? That's the best excuse you could come up with? Come on Harry!
"How remarkably like your father you are, he too was exceedingly arrogant. Strutting about the castle."
"My dad didn't strut. And nor do I. Now if you don't mind I would appreciate it if you could lower your wand." Harry said.
I poked my head out a bit.
"Turn out your pockets." Harry didn't move. "Turn out your pockets." Dad repeated.
Harry did as he asked. It sounded like parchment.
"What's this?" dad asked.
"Spare bit of parchment."
"Oh really? Open it." Dad said.
Harry did as he asked and dad pointed his wand at it.
"Reveal your secrets." He said.
I almost didn't see the words come to the paper.
"Read it."
"Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, off their compliments to Professor Snape and…"
"Go on."
"And request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people's business."
My little weasel eyes went wide.
"Why you insolent little…!"
Lupin had come.
"Well, well… Lupin. Out for a little walk in the moonlight, are we?"
I really needed to have a conversation with dad about this.
"Harry? Are you alright?"
"That remains to be seen." Dad grabbed the parchment. "I have just now confiscated a rather curious artifact from Mr. Potter. Take a look Lupin, this is supposed to be your area of expertise. Clearly it's full of dark magic." Dad said.
"I seriously doubt that Severus. It looks to me as if its merely a parchment designed to insult anyone who tries to read it. I suspect it's a Zonko's product?" Harry nodded. "Nevertheless, I shall pursue any hidden qualities it might possess. As you say it is my area of expertise. Harry would you come with me please? Good night professor." Lupin said.
Lupin was completely silent as he walked. He threw open the door to his classroom and I hid myself deep in Harry's hood.
"Now I haven't the faintest idea how this map came to be in your possession. But I am astounded that you did not hand it in! Did it ever occur to you that this in the hands of Sirius Black is a map to you? Now your father never set much store by the rules either but he and your mother gave their lives so that you and Lily could live yours. And gambling their sacrifice by running around the castle unprotected at night seems to be a pretty poor way to repay them! Now I will not cover up for you again, do you understand?" Harry nodded. "Now I want you to return to your dormitory and stay there. And don't take any detours because if you do, I shall know."
Harry nodded and I heard him start to walk away.
"Professor, just so you know I don't think that map always works. Earlier it showed someone in the castle. Someone I know to be dead."
I was curious as to where this was going.
"Really? Who might that be?"
I poked my head out.
"Peter Pettigrew."
The look on Lupin's face worried me.
"That's not possible."
"It's just what I saw. Goodnight professor."
Harry left the classroom and headed back to the tower. I climbed out of his hood and went back to bed.
The next morning, I went to dad's office. He wasn't there so I decided to wait. I saw the picture I gave him on his desk which made me smile. I didn't have to wait for very long. He came inside and stopped when he saw me.
"Lily? Is everything alright?"
"Honestly, no."
He walked to me and I crossed my arms.
"Look, I know that Lupin is a werewolf. You got what you wanted, someone knows. Can't you stop dropping hints now?"
He sighed in frustration.
"You don't understand, Lily."
"Then why don't you explain it to me?" I asked.
"Because you don't need to understand. You don't need to know." He said.
The tone of his voice told me to drop the subject. I slowly shook my head and stood up.
"I don't know why you're so afraid to tell me. You're my father. If think that I would think differently of you, then you're wrong. You're my father. I've always looked up to you and I always will. I love you dad."
I left without another word. I decided to go to Lupin.
"Professor? Are you here?"
"Lily, come in."
I walked into his office and took a deep breath.
"Professor I need to ask you something. And, I mean no disrespect by it."
He seemed concerned and confused.
"Is everything alright?"
"Did you bully my dad when you were in school?"
A very uncomfortable silence followed my question.
"Why are you asking me this?"
"Do you not know?" I asked.
He sighed and shook his head.
"No. But yes, I did take part in some of the bullying your father and our friends pulled on Snape."
"James Potter is NOT my father. Severus Snape is. Why did you do it?"
"Looking back on it now, I truly don't know. And I do regret it."
"Is that why he keeps dropping hints?"
His face paled.
"What do you mean?"
I smiled sadly.
"I know what you are professor. I don't plan on telling anyone and I'm truly sorry that my dad has been doing this to you." I confessed.
He just stared at me.
"Well, thank you professor. And once again, I'm sorry. No one will it from me."
I turned to go but he stopped me.
I stopped and turned.
"How long have you known?"
"A while. Your absences were what really told me."
"You're just like your mother, you know. So kind and understanding. Thank you, Lily."
I smiled softly and nodded before leaving.