Chapter 21

Her Worst Fear

Draco's POV

I'd never been so worried in my entire life. I had to find a way out of the castle.

Lily's POV

We had to leave my dad when we left. Lupin assured me he would be fine, but I didn't exactly believe him. But I had no other choice.

"Sorry about the bite. I reckon that twinges a bit." Black said.

"A bit!? You almost tore my leg off!" Ron snapped.

"Well I was going for the rat. Normally, I have a very sweet disposition as a dog. In fact, more than once, James suggested that I make the change permanent. The tail I can live with, but the fleas… they murder."

I laughed a bit and Black smiled.

"The tail feels weird." I said.

"I'm very impressed that you managed becoming an Animagus at your age."

I smiled, pleased with myself. When we reached the end of the tunnel, I expected the tree to be thrashing about. It was completely still. Harry and Black set Ron down and Hermione and I took a look at his leg. It wasn't too bad. Black walked towards the castle and stared at it.

"You two should go." Ron said.

I looked at him in bewilderment.


"He's your godfather too." Hermione said.

"Yeah, the godfather that bullied my actual father."

"Not really." Ron muttered under his breath.

I glared at him.

"If you weren't already injured, I'd hit you." I said.

"Will you come with me? Please, Lily?"

I looked at Harry and took a deep breath. I nodded and he smiled a bit. We walked over to Black.

"It's beautiful, isn't it? I'll never forget the first time I walked through those doors. It'll be nice to do it again as a free man."

Putting everything else aside, I was happy for him. He'd been locked up for a crime he didn't commit. Now he was finally free.

"The was a noble thing you two did. He doesn't deserve it."

"And you don't deserve to be locked up again." I said.

"And our dad wouldn't have wanted his two best friends to become killers."

"Dead the truth dies with him, alive you're free." I said.

He smiled a bit.

"I don't know if you know this, but when the two of you were born, James and Lily made me your godfather."

"We know."

"As much as I hate to admit it, I can see that Lily is happy where she is. So, Harry I will understand if you choose to stay with your aunt and uncle. But if you ever wanted a different home…"

I smiled and looked at Harry.

"What? Come and live with you?"

"Well it's only a suggestion-"

"Harry! Lily!"

All three of us turned to see what was wrong. The full moon was coming out. My eyes widened and Black ran forward.

"My old friend, have you taken your potion tonight?!"

Lupin's body started to twist and reform itself.

"You know the man you truly are, Remus! This heart is where you truly live. This heart here!"

I knew this wasn't going to do any good. I saw Pettigrew with Lupin's wand.

"Expelliarmus!" Harry shouted.

He had his wand aimed at Pettigrew. Pettigrew gave a creepy smile and waved as he turned into a rat. I was not going to let Harry lose a chance to have a better home.

Harry's POV

Lily turned into a weasel and ran after Pettigrew.

"Lily no!"

Hermione kept me from going after her. Lupin was shouting in pain and Sirius had his arms around him.

"Run! Run!"

Lupin threw Sirius off him. He was a werewolf now. He stood there, whimpering in pain.



She started to inch towards Lupin.

"Professor? Professor Lupin?"

He howled and Hermione jumped back. He slowly started to come towards us and then Snape came out of the tunnel.

"There you are, Potter! Where's Lily! Where's my-"

He was cut off my Lupin's roar. He turned and then held his arms out, blocking us. He was prepared to get hurt so we wouldn't.

Lily's POV

I'd lost Pettigrew! I turned back and froze when I got there. The gangly dog creature I'd always feared was a werewolf. My dad had Harry, Ron and Hermione behind him. Lupin walked forward and tried to claw him. Dad fell to the ground. I realized I wasn't afraid of the werewolf, I was afraid of losing my father and brother. I was afraid of losing someone I loved! I ran forward and bit Lupin's leg. I bit as hard as I could.

Harry's POV

Lupin howled in pain but I couldn't see what was hurting him. Then I saw something crawl up his leg. It was Lily!

"NO!" I shouted.

Of course, there was nothing I could do. My sister bit and scratched Lupin wherever she could. Eventually she jumped off and ran. Lupin turned his attention back to us, until someone fired a spell at him. Lily was back and in human form.

"LILY! RUN!" Snape said.

Lupin started to go towards her but then Sirius jumped out. Lily looked at us.

"Get out of here! Go Lily!" I shouted.

She shook her head and looked at Lupin and Sirius.

"Lillian don't you dare!"

When they ran off she followed. I ran after her and then heard a howl. Lupin ran off and Lily and I ran after Sirius. He had Sirius and he threw him to the ground. I picked up a rock and threw it directly at his head. Now he was looking at us. I took Lily's hand as he came at us, paw raised. We heard a howl and Lupin stopped. He looked out towards the forest and then ran off in direction of the howl. I let out a breath of relief and then heard a dog whine.


Harry ran and I followed him.



I stopped and found him running to me. I took his hand and I ran after Harry again. I found him alright, and about two dozen dementors. I looked at Draco.

"Go back and tell my dad where I am! Go!"

"I'm not leaving you here!"

"Draco I can do this. Please go!"

He kissed me quickly before running back. I turned and drew my wand. I remembered Christmas. Dad had been so happy with the picture and he'd gotten me a Firebolt.


Something very large burst from my wand. It was a dragon! I heard my dad calling my name but I had to keep focused. Soon, I saw a patronus in the shape of a stag. I didn't know who it was, but I wasn't complaining. When the Dementors had gone, I let it go. I turned and ran to my dad.

"Daddy did he hurt you?!"

He put his arms around me and held me tightly.

"No, I'm alright. How did you do that?" He asked.

I stepped back.

"I did what you taught me. Thought of something that made me happy. It was Christmas. You were happy and so was I."

I could see the happiness in his eyes, but I could see the incredible anger too.

"You're angry." I whispered.

"No, I'm furious! But you're safe, and as I said before, that's all that matters to me."

I nodded and hugged him again.

"A dragon. I'm not surprised. You're compassion and love for those around you are incredibly strong and eternal. Just like a dragon. And the way you conquered your fear of werewolves-"

"It wasn't the werewolf I was afraid of, dad. It was losing you. When I saw Lupin swing at you… I was so scared."

Tears came to my eyes and he held me.

"I'm here."

I looked at Harry. He'd fallen unconscious. Then I remembered Pettigrew.

"Daddy you have to listen to me. Black is innocent. It was Peter Pettigrew. He's the one responsible for mum and James' death. He's an Animagus. He cut off his own finger and then turned into a rat. Please daddy, you must believe me."

His dark eyes slowly went to Black. There was so much hate and anger in them.


"Go to the hospital wing. Wait for me there, do you understand?"

I just nodded. The tone in his voice told me not to argue. I went back to the castle and to the hospital wing.