Chapter 23

The Cup Crisis

Dad wouldn't even let me go to the Quidditch cup that summer. He'd really put his foot down this time. I guess I'd really scared him bad this time.

I was sitting in my room on the floor when dad knocked on the door.

"Lily? There's been an accident."

I jumped up.

"I have to leave, I'll be right back."

"Wait! Daddy no! Let me go with you."

"Absolutely not! I'll be back later tonight. Everything will be fine."

I hugged him tightly.

"Please be careful."

He held me tight before he left. I had no idea what happened, but if I my father was getting involved it had to be bad. I picked up Gypsy and held her close to me. I went downstairs and sat down in my favorite chair. Gypsy stayed with me, she must have been able to sense I was upset. I sat there for four hours. Dad didn't come back until one in the morning. I jumped up and hugged him.

"It's alright. I'm here." He said.

"What happened?"

He sighed and then sat me down. He told me everything.

"But what were they doing there? And… oh my god! Harry was there! Dad he was there!"

"Shhh! He's fine. He's safe with Weasley and Miss Granger."

I slowly nodded, relieved by the news.

"Why were they there?"

"I don't know."

"I'm worried."

"About what?"

I looked at him.

"Whenever something like this happens, something bad happens to my brother."

"Yes… there does seem to be a pattern there."

I shook my head with a sigh.

"It's late, you should be asleep."

He stood up and then looked at me again.


I stood up and walked to the stairs.



"You'll always tell me the truth, right?"

"Where did that come from?"

I shrugged.

"I don't know."

"You know I'm always honest with you. I never have and never will lie to you Lillian."

I nodded with a little smile.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what made me ask you that. Goodnight daddy. I love you."

"And I you. Sleep well and don't worry."

I nodded and went to bed.

Draco's POV

I wasn't going to lie to myself, I'd been scared. Anyone would be, if death eaters just came out of nowhere. And at the Quidditch World up! I was glad Lily was grounded at that point. She wasn't there to see it all. I got on the train and found an empty compartment. Half way to Hogwarts was when Lily found me. I smiled and she rushed into my arms.

"I was with Harry. I needed to know what happened at the Cup. Are you alright? I know you were there too."

"I'm fine."

She just kept her arms around me, I wasn't complaining though. We sat down and she looked into my eyes.

"You know, I've always loved your eyes." I told her.

She smiled.

"I have my mother's eyes." She said.

I smiled and brushed her hair over her ear. I felt her hand on my chest and I leaned forward. I kissed her soft lips and closed my eyes.

Lily's POV

Draco's lips were like silk. I fisted my hand in his shirt and kissed a little harder. He held me a little tighter and I smiled. He leaned back and smiled at me.

"We probably won't be able to do that at Hogwarts. You know, with your dad around."

I smiled.

"You forget, I slip into your pocket and we can go anywhere we please."

He smirked.


I kissed him again and someone banged on the door. We jumped apart and there stood Pansy Parkinson. I rolled my eyes. She was crying and glaring at me.

"I am NOT in the mood to deal with her." I said.

Draco waved his wand and the shades went down. I smiled in approval.

"Is that better?" he asked.

I smirked.

"That's better."


I laughed before he kissed me again. About five minutes later, the compartment door swung open. This time it was my brother.

"Get off my sister!"

He pushed Draco off me.

"Harry stop!"

I got in between them and soon Ron was pulling him away.

"Come on, mate! It's not worth it." He said.

He pushed Ron off and glared at Draco.

"I don't ever want to see you on my sister like that again! If I catch you, I'll tell Snape!"

That made my heart stop. Draco's face went pale.

"I thought so. So keep your hands off her." Harry warned.

Harry left and Ron looked at me.

"Look, you're one of my best friends, Lil. I can't make you stay away from him. But just think about how Harry feels. We hate Malfoy, especially him. He might be good to you, but he's a real prat to us. You're Harry's sister, his only sister."

"Ron, it wasn't like I'd planned for him to see it. The shades were closed for a reason."

"And he's a git." Draco whispered.

I turned and smacked his arm. I turned back to Ron.

"Listen, please just tell Harry he won't see anything like that again. I'd say it myself but he probably doesn't want to see me right now."

"Yeah, alright."

He left and I sighed.

"I'm going to kill Pansy. Well not kill, but I'm at least gonna punch her in the face."

"Can I watch?"

I looked at Draco with a smile.

"You'll have a front row seat."


I laughed and he pulled me down.


"Hm. Kiss me?"

I smiled.

"Wish granted."

He smiled as I kissed him.

Harry's POV

I was furious! I hated that guy and he was snogging my sister! I stared out the window, trying to think of something else. Ron told me what she said, but I didn't care. I was gonna tell Snape. Malfoy was no good for her and if this was the only way for her to see it, then so be it. As soon as we got to the castle, I found him before the feast.

"You need to tell Lily to stay away from Malfoy. He's no good for her and you're the only one she'll listen to." I snapped.

"My daughter is perfectly capable of making her own decisions, Mr. Potter. You would do well to remember that." He said coldly.

I narrowed my eyes a bit.

"So you're 'daughter' can snog her boyfriend at fourteen years old?"

The anger in his eyes was exactly what I was looking for.

"What did you say?" he asked slowly.

Lily was going to hate me. But I was doing this for her own good.

Lily's POV

My father cornered me before I could get into the great hall. The look on his face scared me.

"Mr. Malfoy! Come here, now!"

I flinched and Draco hurried over. Draco looked absolutely terrified.

"I've been told that you've been showing my daughter quite a bit of affection." Dad growled.

Harry I'm gonna kill you!

"Dad it wasn't just him. I was kissing him too."


I shut my mouth and looked down.

"Now, unfortunately for me, I cannot follow you around all day and night. But I'm warning you now, if I EVER see you showing Lily that sort of 'affection', you will feel my wrath. Do you understand, Mr. Malfoy?"

Draco quickly nodded.

"Yes, sir. Of course."

"Good. Now, you leave. Lily you stay."

Draco smiled at me a bit before practically running into the hall. My dad crossed his arms and I bit my lip.

"Lillian Rose Snape, you're fourteen years old. I know that I can't stop you from doing certain things. And I trust you're smart enough not to make any foolish decisions. But I meant what I said. I'm not trying to sound unreasonable. I was your age once too."

I smirked. It was a little difficult to think of my dad as a teenager. I nodded and he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Just because I can't see it, doesn't mean I won't know. I know you too well."

I smiled a bit and nodded again.

"Go on then."

I went into the great hall and smacked Harry upside the head. That was all. I sat down between him and Ron.