Chapter 25

The Champions

Thursday was coming faster and faster. I was sitting in the Great Hall with Luna, looking at the Quibbler. Fred and George came in and I smirked.

"Watch and learn Luna."

She smiled softly and looked over. People started to cheer.

"Thank you, thank you. Well lads, we've done it." Said George.

"Cooked it up just this morning." Fred added.

"It's not going to work." Hermione said.

Fred and George sat down next to her.

"Oh really? Why's that Granger?"

She pointed to the circle around the goblet.

"You see this? This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself." She said.


"SO, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly be fooled by something as pathetically dimwitted as an aging potion."

"That's why it's so brilliant."

"Because he's so pathetically dimwitted."

They both stood up and faced each other.

"Ready Fred?"

"Ready George."

"Bottoms up."

They drank their silly potions and then jumped over the age line. They put their names in and I just waited. Sure enough, they were both knocked backwards and were sporting white beards. Everyone started laughing and they started fighting. The door opened and Krum came in with Kakroff. He put his name in, then he looked at Hermione. I saw him smile at her. I saw the blush on her cheeks and she looked at me. I raised my brows with a smile. Her cheeks became redder and I chuckled.

Draco's POV

Saw the idiot Weasley twins try their potion. When I heard Lily's laugh I smiled. She was sitting next to her friend, Lovegood. She was a bit loony, but she was a good friend to Lily. Lily looked at me and smiled. It was the kind of smile she only gave to me. Lovegood whispered something to her and then left. She smiled a little as she walked past me. I walked inside and sat down next to Lily.

Harry's POV

My plan for Snape to separate them hadn't worked. He sat down next to my sister she moved her hair behind her ear. I clenched my fists and she laughed at something he said. I saw him take her hand and someone put their hand on my shoulder. Malfoy gave her his ring and I tried to go forward.

"Harry, don't!" Ron said.

"That's my sister!" I hissed.

She got up and left the hall with him. I shoved Ron off and went after them. When I turned the corner, Lily was gone. It was only Malfoy.

Lily's POV

I knew Harry was going to follow us. I looked around and then quickly went weasel. Draco picked me up and put me in his pocket.

"Where's Lily?" came Harry's voice.

"I'm her boyfriend, Potter. Not he keeper."

"I told you to stay away from my sister."

"Yeah, and I didn't listen. So you went running to Lily's dad? Really, Potter?"

Draco staggered back. Harry must have hit him.

"What's going on here!?"

Moody had come to join the party.

"Potter decked me in the face!" Draco said.

"I didn't see anything."

Draco's hand wrapped around me, I knew he was trying to keep me from jumping out of his pocket.

"On your way, Malfoy." Moody barked.

I started to struggle and Draco quickly walked away.

"Are you mad, Lily?" he hissed.

He took me out of his pocket and put me on his shoulder.

"If anyone finds out they could arrest you."

I rubbed my head against his cheek. He sighed and rounded the corner. He set me down and I turned back. There was a bruise forming on his cheekbone. I sighed and reached out. I touched it gently, but he still winced.

"Sorry. I'm sorry for everything."

He took my hand and smiled at me.

"It's worth it. You're worth anything and everything."

I smirked.

"Are you trying to get somewhere?" I asked.

He laughed a bit.


I shook my head and then kissed his cheek.

When Thursday came, everyone gathered in the great hall. I sat down next to Harry, Ron and Hermione. Draco winked at me from across the hall and I smiled.

"Sit down please. And now the moment you've all been waiting for, the champion selection!"

Dumbledore walked up and the blue flame turned red. A piece of paper flew out and he caught it.

"The Durmstrang champion is… Viktor Krum!"

The Durmstrang lads cheered and Krum walked forward proudly. The next name flew out.

"The champion from Beauxbatons… Fleur Delacour!"

I clapped along with everyone else. She looked like a little princess, but you can't judge a book by its cover. Finally, the Hogwarts champion was announced.

"Cedrc Diggory!"

I clapped along with everyone else. He was smart, he had a good chance. There was just one problem, the cup was still glowing red. Another name came forth and Dumbledore looked at it with confusion.

"Harry Potter…"

My eyes widened and I looked at my brother.

"Harry Potter!" Dumbledore shouted.

He slowly stood up and started walking forward.


I got up and ran towards him, but dad caught me.

"Let me go!"

"You need to calm down." He said.

Harry and the rest of the teachers went into the trophy room. The students left the hall. All except for Ron, Hermione and Draco. I pushed my dad back and looked at him.

"This isn't possible!"


"NO! Harry can't do this! Please dad you've got to stop them."

"Lily there's nothing I can do. You heard Dumbledore, once you're chosen you can't go back."

I shook my head and looked towards the door.

"Who would put his name in that cup?"

"I don't know. But when I find out, I'll put an end to this. I'm sorry Lily."

I looked at dad again.

"It was Moody."

"Lillian, no."

"Well why not? You know as well as I do that he's a demented bastard."

"Watch your tongue, young lady." He warned.

"But it's the truth, daddy!"

"She might have a point professor." Draco said.

Dad narrowed his eyes at him and he shut his mouth.

"She has a point though." Ron whispered.

"Excuse me?" Dad asked.

Ron shook his head.

"I forbid you to go snooping around Moody." He told me.

I scowled.

"I'm not a child!"

"You're MY child! And as long as I'm alive and breathing you will do what I say. I'm only looking out for you. Now I want you to return to your common room and stay there."

Tears came to my eyes.

"Yes, sir."

He sighed and I stormed past him.


I ignored him.

Draco's POV

"Lillian wait!"

She didn't come back. I ran after her and caught her by the arm.

"He's only doing what he thinks is best."

"For me. Not for Harry. I know Moody had something to do with this, and I'm going to prove it. One way or another. Please say you'll help me."

"Lily that's dangerous!"

She looked into my eyes, pleading. I sighed and pulled her into my arms.
