Chapter 27
The Ball Announcement
Draco's POV
My jaw dropped when I saw the dragon. This was lunacy! I watched each champion battle their dragon. Then, Potter came out. I immediately looked at Lily. Lovegood was with her. Her eyes were wide with fear and worry. I wanted to be with her, too hold her. But there was a chance that would distract Potter and he needed to stay focused. It was a Hungarian Horntail. Of course he would get one of the worst ones.
"Accio Firebolt!"
I smirked.
"Smart move."
His broom came flying to him and he just managed to get away as the dragon blew fire at him. The chain holding the beast broke and it chased Potter towards the school, destroying the teacher's stand as it did. Of course I laughed at that. Everyone was looking at the castle, some even holding their breath. We heard the dragon roar and then there was a dead silence.
Lily's POV
It seemed as though we were waiting for hours. The Harry came flying back. Everyone cheered, myself being the loudest. At least I thought so. He flew forward and grabbed the egg.
"YES!" I screamed.
Luna was smiling and clapping. I hugged her tightly before going back to clapping.
There was a small party in the common room that night. The egg was passed around. Seamus kissed it before handing it to Harry, which I thought was weird.
"Go on Harry. What's the clue?" he asked.
"Who wants me to open it? You want me to open it?"
I smiled and shook my head. He opened it and an earsplitting noise came out.
"Close it! Close it!"
He closed it and I uncovered my ears.
"What the bloody hell was that?"
Ron was standing in the doorway.
"Alright folks, back to your knitting." Fred said.
I smiled, happy that they were making up.
I looked at Hermione and nodded.
"Oi, Lily."
Ron came up to me.
"You know your dad got hit in the head and cut by a piece of wood, right?"
My eyes widened and I ran out of the common room.
Harry's POV
Lily bolted before anyone could say or do anything.
"She really does love him. Hey, he got her a Firebolt."
I shook my head.
"No, that has nothing to do with it. He loves her unconditionally. He takes care of her and protects her."
"Still hard to see Snape as a parent figure."
I nodded in agreement.
Lily's POV
I ran down to the dungeons as fast as I could. I threw the door open and dad jumped a nit. The was a cut on his forehead. I walked forward.
"Daddy are you alright? Ron told me what happened?"
"Of course I'm alright. You don't to worry about me."
I smiled softly.
"You're my father, I'll always worry about your wellbeing."
He smirked.
"I heard about what happened with Rita Skeeter."
I smiled proudly.
"I proudly admit what I did."
"Normally I would scold you, but I will let this one guy. That woman truly is a nuisance."
I laughed a bit.
"A weasel stole her quill. I guess the animal kingdom is annoyed by her too."
He chuckled with a smirk.
"Yes, the 'animal' kingdom."
I was very careful not give any sort of reaction.
"I'm just glad the dragon didn't hit you with its claws or something. This tournament is insanity! Why are they allowing this?"
He sighed and shook his head.
"I don't know, but I agree with you."
"I still think Moody has something to do with this."
He let out a frustrated sigh.
"What? You know as well as I do that he's a complete nutter. Please daddy, I need you to trust me on this one."
"I always trust you Lily. But Alastor Moody is an auror, what would he have to gain from hurting your brother?"
"I don't know. But I just have this feeling."
He took my hands.
"Lily, I know telling you to stop worrying won't work. Try to think of something else and let me deal with this. Think about the Yule Ball."
"Yule Ball?"
He smiled a bit.
"It's a dance and a tradition of the tournament."
I smiled, excited by the news.
"And I'm sure that Draco will ask you to go with him. And I will be watching."
I laughed a little. I hugged my father tightly.
"Please don't let Harry be left alone with Moody. Please."
"I'll ty, that's all I can promise."
"That's good enough for me. I love you daddy."
"And I you. Now get back to your dormitory. It's late and you to go to sleep."
I nodded.
"Good night daddy."
"Sleep well."
I smiled and went back to Gryffindor tower.
Draco's POV
A few days later, Snape had us all gathered in a large room.
"Now, with the Triwizard Tournament comes the Yule Ball. A dance."
My eyes widened and everyone started to whisper. Snape looked directly at me.
"How many of you know how to dance?"
A few girls raised their hands.
"As I thought. I've brought someone who will help me show you. Lillian?"
I smiled when Lily came out.
"Now I need a boy up here."
I jumped up before anyone else could.
"I thought it might be you, Mr. Malfoy. Keep your hands where I can see them. Lillian you know what to do."
She nodded and placed my hand on her. She smiled at me.
"Alright, follow my lead. At least until you get the hang of it."
"I suppose now is a good time to ask if you'd attend the ball with me, Miss Snape."
She smiled and laughed a bit.
"I would be delighted, Mr. Malfoy."
I smiled and music started to play. I followed Lily and soon, she was following me. I smiled, proud of myself.
"Everyone stand and find a partner. No, Parkinson you will not interrupt Mr. Malfoy."
Lily smirked and kept dancing.
Lily's POV
After I'd shown the Slytherin's how to dance I went down to lunch. A boy named Nigel, brought a large parcel to Ron.
"Parcel for you Mr. Weasley."
"Ah, thank you Nigel."
Nigel stood there, staring at Harry.
"Later Nigel, later."
He left and we all looked at Ron.
"I told him I'd get him Harry's autograph."
I held back my laugh and Harry just smirked.
"Oh look mum sent me something."
He pulled out a hideous looking robe.
"Mum sent me a dress?"
"Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?"
I reached in and pulled one out.
"Ginny these must be for you."
Ginny took one look at it and shook her head.
"I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly."
Hermione and I were laughing.
"They're not for Ginny, they're for you!" Hermione said.
"Dress robes." I said.
"Dress robes? For what?"
"The Yule Ball." I told him.
He looked so confused and so did Harry.
Harry's POV
The second she mentioned the word 'ball' I knew who she would be going with. It made my blood boil. McGonagall had us all gather in a large room. Filch was there and trying to fix a music horn.
"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception. On Christmas eve night, we and our guests gather in the great hall for well manner frivolity. As representatives of the host school I expect you all to put your best foot forward. And I mean this literally as the Yule Ball is first and foremost… a dance."
Most of the boys groaned, but the girls seemed rather excited.
"Silence. The house of Godrick Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons."
I smirked and looked at Fred and George. They were trying to say it faster,
"Now to dance is to let the body breathe. Inside every girl a secret swan slumbers longing to burst forth and take flight."
I saw Ron whisper something to Seamus and I rolled my eyes.
"Inside every boy a lordly lion prepared to prance. Mr. Weasley? Will you join me please?"
I slowly smiled and Ron stood up.
"Now, place your right hand on my waist."
"My waist."
Harry and I looked at each other. He wiggled his brows and I coughed to hide my laughter.
"Everybody come together. Boys on your feet."
I smirked and walked up to Harry.
"Might have a dance? Dear brother."
He smirked and stood up. He was a pretty fast learner when it came to dancing.
"You and I should go to the ball. You know? Legendary Potter twins? Even if you call yourself Snape."
I smiled a bit.
"Draco already asked me to go with him, Harry."
"Dad asked me to help him teach the Slytherins how to dance."
I could see the anger in his eyes. I sighed.
"Harry please don't start."
"You know I hate the guy."
"Yea I know. But I don't. So please, for my sake, try and be civil."
He gave me a frustrated look.
"With dad gone, it's my job to look out for you. How many times do I have to tell you he's no good?"
I narrowed my eyes slightly.
"I have a dad. And while I'm grateful that you're looking out for me, you're starting to get on my nerves. I can take care of myself, or do you not remember the 'dueling club'?"
Harry's POV
That was an amusing memory.
"Let's have a volunteer pair. Potter! Weasely!"
"Weasley's wand causes devastation with the simplest spells. We'll be sending Potter to the hospital wing in a matchbox. Might make my own suggestion? My daughter, perhaps."
Snape looked at Lily and pulled her up.
"Might not be fair now." Lockhart said.
Snape raised his brows.
"This is Harry Potter!"
Snape smirked and put his hands on Lily's shoulders.
"I assure you that my child is more than capable of handling Mr. Potter. Lily."
Lily smiled and took a step forward.
"Good luck, Potter." Lockhart said.
"Thank you, sir."
Snape whispered something to Lily and she nodded. She walked forward and we faced each other.
"Try and take it easy." She teased.
I laughed a bit and we bowed. We walked back and when I turned her wand was raised.
"One, two, three!"
I flew backwards but quickly got up. I fired back at her.
Once more I was knocked backwards, but that was a useful spell. She looked at me and I nodded quickly. She fired a spell and I used the Protego spell. She fell back and Snape quickly helped her up. She smiled and nodded. Of course, that was the only hit I got on her.
She really had shown me a thing or two.
"Just be careful." I said.
She smiled and hugged me tightly.