Chapter 31
The Final Task
Lily's POV
Harry had really crossed the line this time. Even if what he said was true…
I smiled at Luna as she waved. The third task was the day after tomorrow. Something was wrong, I just couldn't prove anything. Moody was constantly around my brother. I knew I had to do things myself this time. No one could help me. Not dad, not Draco… not anyone.
On the day of the task I made one last trip to Moody's office. I made sure Moody was out of his office before turning into a weasel. I crept into his office and looked around. I nearly had a heart attack when a large trunk screamed and thrashed about. I slowly moved towards it and inspected the lock. There was no possible way for me to open it without my wand and I couldn't risk turning back. I circled around the trunk trying to find another way to open it. However, I was only allowing myself thirty minutes to be in here. When my time was up I had no choice but to leave. On my way out I smelled something funny. My father was a potions master, so I knew a certain potion when I smelt it. But for some reason, I couldn't remember what this one was. It was a horrid smell! I couldn't linger so I left, but I was wracking my brain, trying to find out what it was.
Draco's POV
I felt something climb up my pantleg and then into the pocket of my jacket. I smirked when I felt the warm fur. It was Lily. I took her out and put her on my shoulder.
"Sneaky." I said.
She nuzzled my cheek and I chuckled.
"Hey! What're you doing with my weasel!?"
I rolled my eyes.
"She doesn't belong to anyone, Potter."
"I got her in Diagon Alley."
"No you didn't. I know where she came from. I know who she belongs to."
I looked into his eyes.
"I know who the weasel is. And she told me what you said about her father." I snapped.
He glared at me.
"She needed to know the truth."
"Is that right? Don't you think that maybe her father should have been the one to tell her?"
"He's not her father!"
"Yes he is! And I don't even have to have this conversation with you. Professor Snape is her father. He may not share the same blood as her, but he's her father."
Potter took a step closer.
"A death eater could never be a father!" he hissed.
The two of us stood there, glaring at each other.
"How about you tell Snape that to his face?"
"Course I could."
I smirked.
"Shouldn't you be getting ready for the final task, Mr. Potter?"
Potter's face paled a bit and I walked away with Lily.
Harry's POV
Malfoy walked away with Lily and I was left with an unhappy Snape.
"I suggest you make your way to the final task."
He gave me a warning look and then swept away.
Lily's POV
Draco went down to the stands but hid in a corner so I could change back.
"There's a chest in Moody's office. It screams and shakes. I think there's something or someone in there."
He slowly looked over at Moody. He put his arm around my shoulders and leaned in.
"We cannot go after him on our own. We have to tell your dad or Dumbledore."
"Dad won't listen. If he won't listen what makes you think Dumbledore will?"
He sighed and looked at Moody again.
"I need to go with Harry. I'm small enough to stay in his pocket the entire time."
"No! Absolutely not! Have you gone mad?"
I looked at Harry and then the cannon fired. He and Cedric started to walk in. I tried to run forward but Draco held me back. Harry looked at me before the hedge hid him from view. I slowly closed my eyes. Draco pulled me to him and kept his arms around me. I opened one eye and looked at Moody again. He took a swig from his flask and shuddered. Then I remember the map. I stepped back and looked at Draco.
"The map! The Marauder's map!" I hissed.
I didn't have time to explain. I crouched down and quickly turned into a weasel.
I weaved between people and ran as fast as I could back to the castle.
Draco's POV
I had no idea where she was going or why. Fleur was the first one back, which wasn't surprising. She always looked way too delicate for this tournament. Krum was next but there was still no sign of Potter or Diggory. Nearly an hour had past when Lily finally came back. I held my hand out to her and she took it.
"Where's Harry?" she asked.
"He's not back yet."
"I couldn't find the bloody map. But I remembered that smell. It's Polyjuice potion!
That's not Alastor Moody."
My eyes widened and I looked at Moody. If anyone knew potions it was Lily.
"Alright, we have to tell your dad. Let's go."
We started to move but then people started cheering. Potter was back… but something was wrong with Diggory.
"Oh my god!"
Lily's hand flew to her mouth.
"Lily don't look." I said.
I had her face away. I saw Fudge come running back.
"Keep everyone in their seats. A boy has just been killed."
Snape looked shocked and horrified. Potter was crying and then Diggory's dad was
shouting and crying. Practically everyone was crying. I saw Moody grab Potter.
Lily's POV
I saw Moody take my brother away and I glared at him.
"Not this time!"
I found my dad and grabbed his hand.
"Professor, you need to come now! NOW!"
"NOW! Harry's in trouble."
I pulled on him and he finally followed me.
"Lillian! Slow down!"
McGonagall and Dumbledore soon joined us.
"Hurry!" I said.
I went straight to Moody's office and slammed myself against the door. I took out my wand and blasted it off its hinges. Moody looked at me, but his face looked like it was melting.
"Lily get down!"
I dove out of the way and Dumbledore threw Moody into a chair. Harry helped me up and I kept him behind me.
"I knew you would be trouble for me. Always nosing around where you shouldn't. Just like your death eater father!" Moody growled.
I glared at him and stepped forward. Harry grabbed my arm and held me back.
"My father isn't a death eater! And you're not Moody!"
Dad went over and poured something down Moody's throat. He stepped back and stood in front of me protectively. He looked over his shoulder at me.
"I should have listened to you. I'm sorry, Lily."
"Is he in this room!?" Dumbledore snarled.
I looked up and the false Moody looked at a chest.
"Harry, Lily get away from there!"
Dad pulled me away and then cast a spell at the trunk. It unlocked itself and we all slowly walked forward. Inside we found the real Moody.
"Are you alright, Alastor?"
"I'm sorry Albus."
I looked at my dad.
"He's been using Polyjuice potion. I was in here before and I could smell it."
Dad sniffed the flask and nodded.
"Polyjuice potion."
"Now we know who's been stealing from your stores, Severus."
For some reason, dad looked at Harry. I heard strange noises and looked back at the chair. It was a rather disturbing sight. Towards the end it looked like he might be having a fit or something. Harry leaned down so he could see the man's face. He launched at him and I kicked him. Dad grabbed me and pulled me back to him.
"Barty Crouch Jr." Dumbledore said.
My eyes widened, knowing he'd killed his own father.
"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." He said.
He pulled up his sleeve and I saw it. The dark mark. I knew my father probably had the same thing. I knew there was a chance he would never be rid of it.
"Your arm Harry."
They pulled him forward and I now saw a long cut.
"You know what this means don't you? He's back."
I looked at my father, hoping he could see my fear. He nodded and McGonagall took Harry away with Dumbledore. I looked at my father again.
"He'll get you. You'll pay!"
I looked at Crouch. I glared at him.
"I'm not afraid of the dark lord."
He laughed and dad pushed his wand into his cheek.
"Maybe not, but your father is."
I pointed my wand at him.
"No he's not. But you should be afraid. You're going back to Azkaban!"
"And I'll be welcomed back like a hero!"
"You really are demented!"
We started shouting at each other and dad didn't even say anything. When the ministry officials came, dad pulled me away. The second we all got to the entrance hall, a dementor swooped in. It lowered it's hood and I screamed.
"Lily don't watch!"
Dad turned my face away and I tried to focus on his heartbeat. I closed my eyes and tried to think of something other than the dementor's face.
"Come on." Dad said gently.
He led me away and sat me down in the great hall.
"Wait here."
"No! NO please don't leave me. Please daddy."
He slowly nodded and sat down next to me.
"I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you. You tried to tell me all year. Maybe if I'd listened then none of this would have happened."
I threw my arms around him and fought back tears.
"Shhh! It's alright, it's over now."
"No it's not."
I sat back and he looked at me.
"It's not over. He's back and its only going to get worse. You know that as well as I could."
He pulled me back into his arms.
"Listen to me very carefully, Lily. You have nothing to be afraid. I won't let anything or anyone hurt you. You're safe."
"But what about everyone else? What about Harry?"
He sighed.
"You're just like your mother. Always concerned about the wellbeing of others. You have her loving heart. To be honest I don't know what's going to happen next. Things always get worse before they get better. But I promise you'll be alright." He said.
I closed my eyes and held onto my father. I was scared. I was scared because I didn't know what would happen next. And I was scared for my friends and my brother. I was scared for Draco. But especially for my father. He was once a death eater. Now that the dark lord had returned he might view my father as a traitor.
"I'm scared."
"I know." He whispered.