Chapter 36


He kept kissing me for another five minutes. Then he pulled himself from me and we got dressed.

"You know, they say the first time isn't great, but that was fantastic."

He smirked and I laughed.

"Proud of yourself are you?"


I shook my head and hugged him.

"Do you want to sleep in my common room?" he asked.

"Hm… I don't really want to be a weasel when I sleep in your bed. Not anymore."

I felt his lips on my neck and I smiled.

"Alright then my little weasel. Back to bed with you. Before I deduct house points."

I laughed a little and kissed him again.

"I love you." I said against his lips.

He grabbed me and kissed me harder.

"I love you too."

I reluctantly pulled away and winked before turning back into a weasel.

Draco's POV

I opened the door and she left. I fixed my hair before continuing my rounds.

We had defense against the dark arts the next day. I sat down next to Lily and she smiled at me. Pavarti Patil enchanted an origami bird to fly around. I tried to get it and so did Finnigan. Lily blew on it to make it go higher. It suddenly burst into flames and floated down onto Pavarti's desk. Everyone turned. There stood Umbridge, still dressed in way too much pink.

"Good morning children."

She slowly walked forward while the chalk wrote on the board.

"Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations. More commonly known as OWL's." she said.

Her voice was terrible! Lily took my hand under the table and I held onto her.

"Study hard and you will be rewarded. Fail to do so and the consequences could be severe."

She waved her wand and the books passed themselves out to us.

"Your previous instruction on this subject has been disturbingly uneven. But you'll be pleased to know, from now on you'll be following a carefully structured, Ministry approved course."

Lily was flipping through the book and Granger raised her hand.


"There's nothing in here about using defensive spells." She said.

This wasn't going to be good.

Lily's POV

"Using spells? Well, I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom."

I leaned forward and Ron spoke my mind.

"We're not gonna use magic?"

"You'll be learning about defensive spells in a secure, risk-free way."

"What use it that? If we're attacked it won't be risk free." Harry said.

"Students will raise their hands when they talk in my class."

I narrowed my eyes.

"It is the view of the Ministry, that a theoretical knowledge will be sufficient to get you through your examinations. Which, after all, is what school is all about."

"Well how is theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there?" Harry asked.

"There's nothing out there, dear boy. Who do you imagine would want to harm children such as yourselves?"

My eyes widened. I knew what was coming.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe, Lord Voldemort?"

The entire class was dead silent. Draco took my hand.

"Now let me make this quite plain. You have been told that a certain dark wizard is once more at large. This is a lie."

"It's not a lie! I saw him! I fought him!"

"Detention, Mr. Potter!"

"So, according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord?" Harry said.

I tried to stand up but Draco kept me down.

"Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident."

"It was murder! Voldemot killed him!"


I jumped a bit.

"Enough. See me later, Mr. Potter. My office."

That annoying smile returned to her face and I narrowed my eyes. I was going to run her out of this castle no matter what it took. No one talks to my brother like that and gets away with it. After class, Draco pulled me aside.

"Don't you dare try anything stupid. I swear to god I will chain you to a wall. I mean it, Lily. I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you."

"You love her?!"

I sighed and we both looked at Pansy.

"Go away." He said.

She started to cry and then she glared at me. I knew she would probably try something later.

"Do you really think I'm going to forget about what she did?"

"No. But don't do anything stupid."

I smirked and grabbed his tie, then pulled his lips to mine.

"Get the hell off my sister!"

We quickly separated.

"Lily can I please speak with you?"

I sighed and nodded. Draco kissed me and Harry yanked me away.

"You know I hate it when you do that." He hissed.

"Hey I don't complain about the way you look at Cho. You seriously need to man up and ask her out."

His face turned red and I smiled a bit.

"Thought so. Now I have a bone to pick with you."

We stopped in the hall.

"You're not an idiot, Harry. You know Fudge has it in for you and yet you're still pushing at Umbridge. Let me handle her."

"You're not doing it alone."

"You can't do what I can. I'm smaller."

He grabbed my arms and looked me in the eye.

"Don't. Do. Anything."

I smirked.

"Sorry. I can't do that."

I hugged him quickly before leaving. It was time to call on a favor from Peeves.

Harry's POV

I walked into Umbridge's office. Even the walls were pink! There were plates with cats on them adorning the walls.

"Good evening, Mr. Potter. Sit."

I sat down and she stood up.

"You're going to be doing some lines for me today."

I started to take out my quill but she stopped me.

"No not with your quill. You're going to be using a special one of mine."

I put the quill back and that's when I saw her. Lily had snuck into my bag.

"Is there a problem Mr. Potter?"

"No." I said quickly.

She arched her brow and looked into my bag.

"I'm sorry, professor. She keeps getting out of her cage."

"No matter."

She reached in and grabbed her.

Please don't bite! Please don't bite!

She struggled but she didn't bite. Umbridge conjured up a cage and put her inside.

"There. You may have her back after detention."

"You're sure she won't get out? I don't want her to get hurt."

"She'll be perfectly fine."

I nodded and she gave me the quill.

"Now I want you to write 'I must not tell lies'."

"How many times?"

"Well let's just say as long as it takes for it to sink in."

I started writing. After a while my hand started to hurt a bit. Then, in my own handwriting, the line appeared on my own hand. The ink was my own blood! Umbridge looked at me. Lily was scratching and trying to get out of the cage.



"That's right. Because deep down you know you deserve to be punished."

I just stared at her. She gave Lily back to me and then let me go. When I was far enough away, I set Lily down so she could turn back. She immediately looked at my hand.

"Come with me."

"It's fine."

She rounded on me and I actually got a bit scared.

"You are coming with me so I can fix this."

I slowly nodded and she brought me down to the dungeons. She looked around before unlocking a door.

"Dad won't care if I'm in here. That bitch put me in a cage! I'm going to get her for this!" she hissed.

I sighed and she sat me down.