Chapter 46


Draco's POV

Umbridge had been taken by a herd of centaurs, which I found hysterical. I knew that Snape was probably going out of his mind. I actually wanted to check on him, he meant so much to Lily. I went down to the dungeons and found his office door open.


He wasn't there. I heard something in the classroom down the hall. I opened the door and saw Snape just mixing potions. I smirked, Lily did the same thing.


"What is it Mr. Malfoy?"

I didn't really know what to say.

"What do you want?"


He sighed and kept working.

"She does that too."

"Yes. She says she needs to keep her hands busy or she'll do something stupid. Which is why she is always able to get into my office or classroom. I'd rather she create something destructive than do something destructive."

I smiled a bit.

"Well, she did figure out how to fight veriteserum. She knows her potions."

"Of course she does."

"And her dark arts."

His hands stopped for a second.

"Yes, she does."

"That's why I know she'll be alright sir."

I swore I saw a small smile on his face! I left him to his work after that. Distracting Snape from his work for too long was a death wish. He came running out of the room about two minutes later. He ran past me and I knew Lily was back. I followed behind him to the entrance hall. The second she saw him she ran into his arms and cried. It broke my heart. It was probably best for me to leave her with her dad.

Lily's POV

I'd seen Sirius die. Mine and Harry's godfather. Any chance Harry had of a normal family had been destroyed. I held onto my father as though someone would take him away from me.

"Shhh-hhh! It's alright, I'm here now. Shhh!"

I couldn't stop crying.

"I'm sorry, Potter."

I looked over at Harry. He nodded to my dad.

"Come on then, Lily."

Dad took me away and sat me down in the corridor. He knelt down in front of me and looked at the cut on my cheek.

"I never should've let you go. I should have kept you here with me, where it's safe." He said quietly.

I didn't say anything. There was nothing for me to say. I'd never once seen someone die… not since I was a baby… with my mother. Tears came to my eyes again and I looked down.

"He's dead. He died! Right in front of me!" I said.

I started to shake and dad gently grabbed my arms.

"Lily it's alright! You're safe now! Look at me."

I looked into my father's eyes.

"You're safe."

"But for how long?" I whispered.

"As long as I live and breathe you will be safe. I won't let anyone touch you." He said.

I just hugged him. I knew there was only so much my father could do to protect me.

"I want to go home."

"I know and we will very soon."

I wanted to go home now but I knew I had to wait.

Draco's POV

Lily stayed close to her father. I didn't want her to be away from him. I'd heard what happened at the Ministry and I knew she needed to be with her family. I would wait for her to come for me.

On our last night at Hogwarts, I heard something scratching at the door. I immediately knew it was Lily and opened the door. I picked her up and took her back to bed with me. She curled up on my chest and I smiled.

"I love you." I whispered.

I knew she would tell me she loved me if she could.

Lily's POV

I walked with Draco to the train. I held his hand tightly and Harry looked over at us. I gave him a pleading look and he actually smiled a bit and nodded. It was a pretty silent ride. Draco held me but didn't ask me anything. When we arrived at the station I looked at him.

"Thank you."

He smiled and pulled me to his chest.

"I love you."

"And I love you." I said.

"I'll come see you as often as I can." He promised.

I nodded and then stepped back. He brushed my hair over my ear and then kissed me. I heard my dad calling me and we separated. My hand slid from his as I walked away. Dad took me home and I just went up to my room.

Snape's POV

Throughout the summer, Lily would wake up screaming in the middle of the night. Seeing Black die in front of her had taken a bigger tole than I first thought. I blamed myself for letting her leave the castle in the first place. I ran into her room and gently woke her up. As always, she threw her arms around me and cried. It broke my heart seeing my precious little girl this way. Her nightmares were worse. She didn't just see Black die, horrible images of other people dying now plagued her. She'd seen her friends die, her mother and Draco. But this night was different. This time she'd seen me die.

"I-It was the dark lord! And a giant snake!" she cried.


"I'm right here, Lily. I'm not going anywhere."

She kept crying and I knew it was best to just let her. I did my very best to calm her, then I did something I'd never done before. I started humming. It was a song her mother used to sing. She slowly calmed down and then looked at me.

"I've heard that song before."

I nodded.

"Your mother used to sing that song."

She smiled a bit.

"I think I remember it…"

White grows the lily, red grows the rose

Here lies my laddie, look how he grows

I couldn't help but smile.

"That's it. I haven't heard it in years. You have your mother's voice."

She smiled a little more.

"Please don't ever leave me, daddy."

"Oh, Lily."

I pulled her back into my arms and closed my eyes.

"I promise." I whispered.

I continued to hum until she fell back to sleep. I took one last look at her before I closed the door.

"I love you, Lily. Sleep well." I whispered.

Gypsy jumped onto her bed and curled up at her feet. I smiled a bit and then closed the door.