Chapter 56
Enough is Enough
Lily's POV
Harry told Ron, Hermione and I about the horcruxes. He showed us the fake one that he and Dumbledore found. Someone had gotten to it before they did.
"If we find them, we find the real locket." I said.
"Which is why I'm not coming back next year. I'll let the three of you know where I am when I can." Harry said.
I turned him towards me and looked him in the eye.
"I'm going with you. You're the only family I have left. And I promised someone I would help you."
He arched his brow.
"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. You're my twin brother. We're stronger together than we are apart. And you know Ron and Hermione are coming with us. The four of us have been through a lot together. We can't split up now."
He hugged me tightly and I looked at the setting sun.
"I lost mum, I've lost my father, I won't lose my brother." I said.
"What about Malfoy?" Hermione asked.
I stepped back and looked at her.
"I haven't lost him. He's in hiding, and I will find him."
She took my hand and looked at my hand.
"He never would've killed Dumbledore."
"I know." I whispered.
She touched my ring and smiled a little more.
"He loves you. Just like Snape."
I looked into her eyes. Hermione had always been understanding towards me. With Draco as my boyfriend and Severus Snape as my father. I hugged her and a few tears rolled down my cheeks.
"It'll be alright." She said.
I nodded and Ron looked at me.
"We're still here for you, Lil."
I nodded and then left the tower. I walked through the halls, trying to remember the good memories I had here. I remembered the Yule Ball. It had been one of the most magical nights of my life. If I closed my eyes, it was as though I was back there, dancing with Draco. And then we'd found my dad busting open carriages to catch students in the act. I stopped when I found myself in my dad's personal potion room. The door was locked.
I heard a click and then opened the door. Everything was exactly where it should be. I stood in the middle of the room. I started mixing potions.
I had to stay with Harry. With Vernon and Petunia. I made sure they knew not to mess with me right off the bat.
"I'm not my brother. I will use magic if I have to."
They never bothered me. I kept to myself, trying to think of where my dad would've hid Draco. Each place was as unlikely as the next.
Things only got worse. Vernon and Petunia were leaving. It was for their own protection. Petunia wasn't all too fond of leaving.
"They'll torture you. If they think for one second that you know where I'm going."
"You think I don't know what they're capable of? You and Lily didn't just lose a mother that night at Godric's Hollow, you know. I lost a sister."
From what Harry had told me, they didn't give a damn about us, or our mother. Hearing her now, Harry was wrong. She came out into the hall and saw me at the stairs.
"Good luck." Was all I said.
She walked out and I took a deep breath. I'd had enough. Everything was falling apart and I had to be strong. It was time for me to accept that my father wasn't there to protect me anymore. It was time for me to leave my childhood behind and be an adult. I had a job to do, I couldn't afford to lose my nerve. The life of comfort and safety that my father created for me, was over. This was the time to fight. And I was going to fight hard. The Order would be arriving soon. I went up to Harry's room and closed the door. I took a deep breath and opened my trunk.
Harry's POV
I heard boots in the hallway. I walked over and there stood my sister. Combat boots, dark jeans, tank top and leather jacket. I noticed she was still wearing her phoenix bracelet. I sighed and then hugged her. She didn't say anything, she just held onto me.
"Things will get better." I told her.
She nodded but still wouldn't say anything. She stepped away and I put my hands on her shoulders.
"Have you packed?"
I nodded and gave her a smile.
"Lily… you don't know how much I wish I'd been wrong about Snape. All those things I said about him, I wish I could take it all back. And when you see Malfoy again… I won't get in your way anymore. I was wrong about him too, in a good way."
She smiled brightly and threw her arms around me.
"Thank you, Harry. You'll never know how much that means to me." She whispered.
I couldn't help but smile. Someone knocked on the door and Lily made me stay back. She looked through the mail slot and then smiled. She opened the door and in walked Ron and Hermione.
Lily's POV
Everyone walked in, including a shorter man I didn't know. He said he'd been coerced into being here. He seemed scared of Moody though.
"All righ' there Harry? Yeh look fit." Hagrid said.
"Yeah, he's ruddy gorgeous. What say we get undercover before someone murders him." Moody growled.
I smirked and shook my head. We all gathered in the sitting room.
"Kingsley, I thought you were looking after the Prime Minister." Harry said.
"You're more important."
I smiled and so did my brother.
Draco's POV
I had no idea where I was. Only that Snape sad I would be safe and that Lily would find me here. Of course, there was a portrait of an old woman screaming all the time and a creepy house elf. The same house elf I'd seen in Lily's closet a couple years ago. He wasn't a very pleasant fellow, but he was company at least.
I missed Lily so much. And my god, I missed sex! I missed having her naked in my arms. Hearing her moan my name in pleasure. How she would touch me with such love in her eyes. And then I remembered the night she told me she'd marry me. When I was reunited with her, I was going to love her like never before.
Lily's POV
Mad-Eye was dead. He was dead and my father had cut off George's ear! I knew he was only trying to convince the dark lord, but it still broke my heart. I sat outside on the porch, looking at the stars. I missed Draco. I missed the feel of his arms around me, the sound of his voice. And my god did I miss the sex! I sighed and a few tears rolled down my cheeks. I heard voices coming from the other side of the house and went to investigate. Harry was trying to leave. I narrowed my eyes and walked out.
"And just where do you think you're off to?" I asked.
Ron turned to look at me.
"I don't want anyone else to die for me."
I sighed in frustration.
"Do you really think I'm going to let you go alone? I've told you before, you're all I have left. We have to stick together."
"And we couldn't leave Hermone. Even with Lily, we wouldn't last two days without her." He slowly looked over his shoulder at the house. "Don't tell her I said that."
I smirked. I really did win the bet. Draco still needed to pay up. Rin and I eventually got him to come back inside. The wedding was tomorrow, and I looked at my ring. I wondered where my fiancé was, and if he was safe. Then my thoughts wandered to my father. I knew he would be safe, but I was still worried, and angry. He cut George's ear off for god's sake! It was completely unnecessary. I was going to give him a piece of my mind when all this was over.