Chapter 62
An Unfortunate Turn
Lily's POV
Harry knocked on the wall and I looked at him angrily.
"Lily I'm sorry. I should know by now that no matter what you'll always love him. I never thought I'd say this, but Malfoy's right. He's… he's your father."
I slowly looked at my brother in shock.
"He raised you and he does love you. Which is why it makes no sense why he'd do this."
He sat down next to me and took my hand.
"Dad always said that everything he did was to protect me. To make sure I lived a good life." I said softly.
He squeezed my hand and I looked at him.
"So, breaking into the Ministry of Magic?"
"I think we've done crazier things in our lives. Our first year at Hogwarts comes to mind. And it's not like we've never gotten into the Ministry before."
"True, but there was no one there last time." I said.
"We'll figure it out. We always do. And I'm gonna enjoy seeing Malfoy as a ferret again."
"Hey, he's doing it to help."
"Yeah, yeah I know. And I am grateful. Especially because he makes you happy. After what happened with Snape and everything, he's still here for you." He said.
Draco knocked on the door.
"I'm gonna leave you two alone. Just don't do anything indecent in my house."
I smirked and Harry kissed my cheek.
"Everything'll work out."
"I hope so." I said.
He left and Draco looked at me.
"Any news from him?"
Draco was the only one who knew I was still in contact with my dad. I shook my head and he sat down next to me.
"I'm sure he's fine.
I leaned into him and he put his arms around me.
"I still think this plan is insane. I mean, breaking into the Ministry of Magic? Couldn't we just corner her when she goes home or something?"
"I'm just going along with what my brother says. And what if her entire house is pink? I'd rather die than see that."
He laughed and I wrapped my arms around him. He held me in his strong arms and I closed my eyes.
Draco's POV
I wanted to take her mind off everything, even if it was just for a minute.
"Do you remember the Yule Ball?"
She smiled and nodded.
"And dad walking around outside busting students in carriages."
I laughed.
"That will forever be a fond memory. Along with the one where he walked in and completely told off Moody, er… well it wasn't Moody but you know what I mean."
She nodded and took a deep breath.
"I have to show you something."
She started digging through her bag and pulled out a few pieces of paper.
"Dad wrote this to me and left where he knew I would find it. He did what he did to protect me."
I read the letter and then took Draco's hand.
"It sounds like he knows what he's doing. I mean, he beat the crap out of Lockhart."
I laughed and nodded. Someone knocked on the door frantically. Ron came in with a smile on his face.
"I found a camera! I might not be the one turning you into a ferret, but I'm sure as hell taking a picture you donk!"
He ran off and Draco sighed.
"I can talk to him."
"No, I have an idea."
I arched my brow and he smiled.
Snape's POV
A very small owl found me with a little envelope. I barely had time to get the envelope before it flew off. Inside was a picture of two weasels. I knew one had to be my daughter, but as I looked at the other one, I saw it was a ferret. The letters DM and LS were on the back. If Draco agreed to be turned into a ferret…
"She's doing something extremely stupid."
I sighed and closed my eyes.
"Of all the thing she had to get from Potter, it had to be his troublemaking gene!"
Now I was even more worried than before.
Draco's POV
We got the locket, but everything had gone wrong after that. We could no longer return to Potter's house and Weasely went and got his arm splinched. It was so bad even I felt sorry for him. Granger knew what to do and this left Lily and Potter to pitch the tent. I had to wait to be turned back into myself. I looked at Weasley.
"He's not… not going to…"
"Of course not!" Granger snapped.
I bit my lip and looked down. I heard Lily casting spells and Granger soon joined her. Potter finished with the tent and I stood there not knowing what to do. Blood didn't bother me, but I could see the muscle tissue in his arm.
"You're… you're gonna be okay Weasley."
Hermione looked at me gratefully.
"What can I do?" I asked.
"Get the bandages from my bag."
I nodded.
Lily's POV
As I helped my brother pitch the tent, I saw Draco doing everything he could to help Ron. I smiled and tapped Harry's shoulder. I nodded towards the others and he looked over.
"I told you, he's a good person. He has a good heart."
I swore I saw a small smile on his face. Once we had the tent up, we got Ron inside and laid him on a cot. I turned to Draco and took him in my arms.
"I'll take the first watch then."
Draco kissed my forehead and then walked outside. I looked at Harry.
"You need to get used to him. Because I'm going to marry him one day."
He looked like he was gonna be sick. I smirked and shook my head before going out to be with Draco.